
The spraying of powdered materials throughout the skies of the world is happening on a daily basis everywhere. This has been going on with increasing frequency since the so-called “Election” of the Bush crime family to leadership positions in America.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Your Life As A Human Test Subject

What Happens In Vegas ….

Spring Valley and Valley View, Las Vegas
June 1, 2008 (approximately 1pm)

You wake up dead tired. You feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. Sleep becomes sporadic, if at all. When sound sleep occurs, the restoration of energy is minimal causing you to meticulously save your energy like a miser hoards gold. If you force yourself into activities beyond the scope of your normal daily chores, you pay a heavy price. A possible consequence is being bedridden for days. You have trouble concentrating. Short-term memory losses make you feel like you’re trapped in a brain fog. You have unexplained muscle aches and joint pains like a never-ending flu. Your spouse and family don’t understand this new metamorphic change in you, going from active and bubbly to sick and decrepit in the prime of your life almost overnight. Your social life has disintegrated and once close friends are slowly drifting away because the monotonous explanation that you’re too tired to see a movie or go out to dinner has waned thin. Your taking an abundance of sick time and your boss is starting to question your sanity. Nobody understands. Nobody believes. Nobody offers help. Well, almost nobody…

Your Life As A Human Test Subject

You Are Now Electro-Sensitive. The spraying of powdered materials throughout the skies of the world is happening on a daily basis everywhere. This has been going on with increasing frequency since the so-called “Election” of the Bush crime family to leadership positions in America. Hardly a day goes by now where jets do not lay down chemical trails in grids and canopies. This is support for technology being used against the population of the world. Its main goal is control of food and water through weather modification, but the vast vast expense of this program, as well as the classified technology of corporations such as Time Domain Corporation, suggest even greater goals are being obtained in conjunction with the attempt to lock down food and water. Monsanto Corporation is also deeply involved in this illegal take-over, and many others. Electro-sensitivity of the soil itself will only allow GM crops to crow eventually. Get it? I knew you would. Ionization of these sprayed particles also causes many forms of radiation to rain down upon the as yet unsuspecting populace of the world, as well as lensing programs to dehydrate land and dry up water sources. The first lie of the NWO animals is that a shield is needed because the atmosphere has been depleted — it is too bad that THEY themselves can now deplete the atmosphere at any time and thus CREATE THAT NEED…

Most people discover the reality of chemtrails by initially reading about it on the Internet and then going outside and looking up into the sky. They are shocked to realize that what they had been reading about (and studying photographs of) is also taking place right over their heads. What some people had dismissed as mere “jet plane exhaust” (because there are now scores of internet propaganda web sites trying to convince you that ‘everything is well’ and ‘there’s nothing to be alarmed about’ and that unaccountable ‘jet plane exhaust’ plumes are magically being converted into horizon-to-horizon overcasts of “cirrus clouds”!) are dismayed to realize that chemtrails are indeed the toxin-laden aerosols that have been described here and at other web sites since 1998 and they are not being sprayed for any benign or national security reason as the disinformation peddlers would have you believe.

Nothing brings home the comprehension of the New World Order depopulation agenda than the realization that you and your family are also on the “useless eaters” (Henry Kissinger) elimination list.

I experienced that wake-up call in February of 1998. I had taken my 35 mm camera with me to the monthly meeting of the Orange County Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers and after the meeting, I had stopped off at a supermarket. After getting out of the car, I photographed for the very first time, the strange looking “contrails” that William Thomas had been describing on the Art Bell radio program a couple of weeks earlier. Thomas had dubbed them “chemtrails” on the Bell show to distinguish them from genuine (and rarely seen) short-lived ice crystal trailings properly identified as contrails. “Holy Cow”, I thought to myself, .”We’re being sprayed right here in southern California!” (Thomas lived near Vancouver, British Columbia). Although I had a number of articles about the NWO and their dark Machiavellian agendas posted at my web site, I was now witnessing (and breathing in) the stark reality of those depopulation plans. The NWO was no longer just words on the printed page.

Chemtrail spraying seems to be heaviest and most constant over North America and most countries of western Europe. Some countries in Asia are being sprayed (Japan and Korea), but the greatest exception to any chemtrail activity whatsover is China. The Chinese are being spared completely because China is being groomed by the NWO to replace the United States as the leading nation of the world, both economically and militarily.

On the brighter side, you should know that methods have been discovered to help neutralize chemtrails and return the sky to a normal blue with real clouds taking the place of the chemtrail soup and overcast which a host of disinformation peddlers are trying to convince you are just ordinary, “cirrus” clouds that “are formed from persistent contrails” (current disinformation spiel from government climatological web sites).

This “rescue” effort of neutralizing and transmuting the toxic elements in chemtrails was initiated in early 2002 with the introduction of a device called the “chembuster” which will transmute the atmospheric orgone energy envelope from one polarity (‘DOR’) which allow chemtrails to persist, to another orgone polarity (‘OR’) which will cause chemtrails to disperse. The proliferation of chembusters around the country led to another dramatic development in early 2004: legions of huge air elemental beings called “Sylphs” by ancient Greeks made their presence known by assuming cloud shapes that often look like wispy winged angels or animal forms who set about “cleaning up” the skies of chemtrail toxins by engulfing and transmuting chemtrail toxins into non-toxic substances.

If you want to hasten the demise of the chemtrail spraying program, please take the time to read about orgone generators, chembusters, and the use of your mind-with focused intent – to rid the sky of these poisons.

Chemtrails – Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a jet contrail and a chemtrail?

According to the U.S. Air Force, jet contrails form above 33,000 feet when hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses ice crystals into pencil-thin vapor trails that quickly vanish like the wake behind a boat.

Chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of Xs, tick-tack-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mare s tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a “fake cirrus-type cloud” that persists for hours.
In August 2000, chemtrail watchers began to report “more normal” appearing or nearly invisible jet sprays. However, these reports go on to include cloud formations dripping the feathers and mare s tails just as the chemtrails do. It s our belief that the operation has adjusted the chemtrail mix as word about the phenomenon is spreading and as more and more people are looking up. Observant chemtrail watchers continue to see the “fake cirrus-type clouds” on top of and surrounding real cumulus clouds.
Who is doing the spraying?

Witnesses have documented and photographed military KC-135s and KC-10s and white, unmarked jets. Airport personnel and pilots have also confirmed specific commercial airliners to be leaving the long lasting chemtrails.

What’s in the chemtrails, and why are they spraying us?

We wish we knew. There are only a few planes in the world that have the equipment to analyze the spray mix and can get to the CT altitudes, clearance must be obtained to fly into the trails and money must be raised for the $22,000 per day plane rental fee.

There may be several programs working at the same time. Possibilities include atmospheric and weather modification and biowarfare. Many theorize that it s part of a clandestine operation to implement the New World Order (NWO) by eliminating society’s “useless eaters” and the infirm and/or to reduce the population to a support level for the “elite”. Originally, it was thought to be mass inoculation for possible biowarfare attack; this theory has been ruled out with the increase of sicknesses and illnesses in the CT paths.
Edward Teller’s (inventor of the hydrogen bomb) proposal to reduce global warming to the U.S. involves spraying minute aluminum particles to deflect the sun s harmful ultraviolet rays but still allow the Earth s heat to rise through them. This seems to be supported by rainwater tests after heavy spraying in Espanola, Canada which contained 7 times the allowable limit of aluminum. In this instance, the areas with the least ultraviolet protection, as in the Southwest, would be the heaviest sprayed. Most often, this does not seem to be the case.
Generally, spraying increases as clouds build. Chemtrails may be the reason that over half the world and over half the U.S. have been experiencing drought for the past 2 years. Witnesses have reported watching chemtrails fall through cumulus clouds, leaving the real clouds “skinny” and within a few minutes totally gone. Typically, storm clouds build and mix with the chem ingredients, resulting in a grey, uniform “mucky” sky which doesn t rain. The real clouds disappear, leaving behind the chem formations which were on top of the storm system.

Another possibility is barium salt mixtures. The Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) shows pilots what nearby radar systems can and cannot see under different terrain and atmospheric conditions. It was tested and perfected after aerosol barium titanate salt mixture was released from military aircraft, forming chemical trails in the atmosphere across America. Barium salts were also used in Libya, Panama and Desert Storm where they were sprayed and exploded overhead to make the people extremely sick and weak. It s a radioactive material that accelerates and magnifies the effects of other mix ingredients by altering the chemical structure of the other agents. A spectrum analysis reveals only the barium compounds and hides the “bad stuff” by placing a shell around it. After time, it releases the other agent. Think of it as a time release death pill.

What do the governments say about Chemtrails?

No governmental agency of any country will confirm that spraying activity is occurring. Most often requests are ignored. The U.S. Air Force has explained that they routinely dump fuel over populated areas to reduce weight prior to landings. More recently, the Environmental Protection Agency states that it may be pesticide spraying. Generally, officials explain it away as increased commercial jet traffic. However, this does not explain why areas with no commercial flight paths overhead are also seeing these long lasting plumes. Some citizens have been told by government “to keep it quiet”.

Why would our government authorize such a program when they live here too? Money talks and corporate dollars influence our legislators and officials. In 1997, the year of disasters, insurance companies paid $92 billion in weather disaster-related claims. Teller stated that his weather modification program would cost only $1 billion per year. Research into a NWO takeover reveals a heavily funded and incredibly powerful elite group of individuals that most are afraid or unwillingly to go up against. We also know that informed citizens can take precautions to offset the effects of CT spraying by limiting time outdoors on spray days and by building their immune systems with vitamins, herbs, Colloidal Silver and other therapies.
Why do you think the cirrus clouds in the sky aren’t real?

Cirrus clouds are high altitude clouds, formed above 20,000 feet and consist of ice crystals. They precede a storm or are in the jet stream. Cumulus clouds are formed in lower altitudes, 6,500 to 20,000 feet. These 2 cloud formations are seen together at the lower altitudes of 9,000 to 15,000 feet in extreme drought conditions. This goes against the laws of nature. Also significant is the “white ground haze” that can be seen from horizon to horizon with clear blue sky overhead.

How long has this spraying been occurring?

Cloud books confirm that tests have been conducted since the 1960s. Old photographs show sporadic CTs dating to the early 1970s with the activity steadily increasing throughout the 1980s. Since 1998, citizens throughout the world have documented spray patterns on a nearly daily basis, with an average of 1 “clear” day per week. We have all become accustomed to these changes as they have been introduced bit by bit and have presumed them to be normal. Younger generations have never seen normal weather and clouds.

Do they spray us here?

They have been spraying most areas intensely in the U.S., Canada, Europe and England since 1998, including areas with no commercial flight paths overhead. Recently, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Croatia have reported chemtrail spraying.

Why should we be so concerned about Chemtrails?

A “flu-like” epidemic is on the rise which the Centers for Disease Control says may be due to some “unknown pathogen”. From their May 6, 2000 Influenza Summary Update, 11 out of every 100 newly dead people have died from this “Influenza-Like Illness”, but 99% of sick patients have tested negative for the flu. The most prevalent symptoms reported by witnesses in the wake of these white plumes are: Persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, extreme fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, splitting headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control and nervous tics. The elderly, young and those weakened by disease or in poor physical condition are the first to feel the CT effects.

Chemtrails in Disney Movie, “Cars”

I was watching this film with my nephew and almost fell off the couch. About 43 minutes into the movie, a race takes place between two cars in the desert. In the sky you can clearly see chemtrails slashing through the sky with normal clouds around them.

I took some screenshots for you to check out. The brainwashing is starting pretty early these days.Take care, Dan B”

6 thoughts on “Chemtrails

  1. Coast to Coast Radio will be airing a show on chemtrails hosted by Will Thomas this Monday June 16 11 pm pacific time. There is more to the story than you think> In Grace, Ann

  2. Excellent info, many thanks for the article! I noticed that your orgone busters link had been removed by myspace. Any chance of getting another info page up on orgone?


  3. They are spraying this stuff all day in most every country?
    I notice family members getting sick they sound like they have been at a concert sccreaming all day long but none has dome any thing like that, it is just the nasty crap they spray us with every day.
    at $20,000 dollars per plane per day, I am sure We are paying for this by the price gouging at the pumps and by new added taxes in the name of “global warming” which is another lie.

    I even heard they were spraying chemicals in middle eastern countries! (they call it testing the engines over there to fool ppl)!?

    So that blows all this mainstream media’s BS about violence and terrorism in middle east or Iran wanting to go nuke. it seems like one evil hand is running all these countries in the world and why not? when you have the control of money supply you have control of the power.
    otherwise how can take the skies over a country without that country’s government’s consent?

    we the people must wake up and stop watching their Tv and paying any attention to their media including but not limited to papers, magazines, movies, books from big publishers and specially the Tv because it is easily and readily available in almost all the homes across the nation.
    Every time you leave the television set on you (we) support these creatures.
    So i say we must boycott in a national level. Dont even watch sports. Get old tapes if you have to watch some thing like the 1920’s 30s and 40’s films. Then you can also find out how they started the brainwashing. Mostly glorifying wars and lying to the people to give their kids for their sake in the name of patriotism!
    The sad and stupid thing is that when I say some thing to others they act as if this is normal and do not feel any thing’s wrong?!
    (I think that goes back to the fact that idiots stick their heads in their TV and think they are safe with their ruling creatures.

  4. Hey Dude!

    I am with you in this fight! I am from Portugal! Also here it is happening!

    Probably you already know about this two documentaries, but just in case I have to tell you!

    Aerosol Crimes (AKA Chemtrails)


    Don’t Talk About the Weather

    search for them! both are public domain!

  5. They hide the Sun because the SUN is the SUN (SON) of GOD (Aten/Atun/Atom)RA.

    Only the Devil burns when exposed to the Divine Rays of the Sun of God.

    White people are melanin deficient. Melanin is what protects the melanin dominant peoples of this planet from the Sun God ATOM RA’s RAdiation poisoning in the form of UV exposure.

    Not so for white people. You do not have this protection. As a result, you undergo PHOTOLYSIS. Photolysis is a phenomena by which Amino acids and various essential vitamins decomposed by U.V. exposure. More importantly, Folic Acid decomposes very rapidly on U.V. exposure. As Folic Acid is a major requirement for sexual reproduction, exposure to U.V. will render white people STERILE.

    So, in addition to the skin cancers, birth defects, inability to synthesize ALL the earths vital minerals (a.k.a. vita-mins) due to the lack of the essential vitamin-D, white people are also suffering from a dramatic decline in fertility as their birth rates fall all across Europe. It has been argued in several circles that by 2012, the European population will officially be below replacement level globally. They’ll probably come out and say this publicly within the next two years or so…

    RA has scheduled white people to become EXTINCT by this deadline.

    The Plan?

    To combat this, so-called ‘smart’ white people have decided (in secret) to blanket regions of the world populated by white people with aerosols which act as a global sunscreen lotion.

    They say: “Let us Hide the inevitable coming of RA from the people, that we may reign for another thousand years.”

    Never mind that this tactic will also have serious medical implications when the atmosphere is saturated with this poison…

    or that the 99% melanin dominant peoples who populate this planet do not require such protection and will suffer greatly from this idiocy.

    WHITE PEOPLE ARE BECOMING EXTINCT, so let’s put the entire planet in jeopardy to protect them!!!

    This is the current sentiment.

    So, in addition to the aforementioned, other White peoples are trampling all over the planet culling off whole masses of non-white peoples, and rendering these cultures defenseless and malnourished. You should now understand why population control is the order of the day.

    I personally am praying for a Hotter Sun.

    Let The Divine Rays of the Sun of God, The Sun God RA awash this Earth to remove this Devil from our presence.

  6. Great article. You acctually took the words right out of my mouth when you first described seeing chemtrails. I live way out in the country near a town called Roossenekal in the east of South Africa and for the first 6 years since moving here we never once saw any aroplanes of any type. Then about 9 months ago we had the occational high flying plane (what I would call a Boing 747) always white in colour. But in the last 4 months planes of all types have been flying overhead. Imagine my suprise when on 14th August, 2010 I looked up and saw 2 chemtrails, one being made as I looked on. I quickly called my boyfriend to look,as I really didn’t expect to see any others. We then moved out in to a field with a clearer view and saw that there was another CT futher east. While looking on we had the oppertunity to witness another 4 CT being made. What was so interesting about the one was that the plne made a definite start to the CT and also made a defitite end just over head, which just proves that all the other theories that we are told can not be true. Luckly I just bought a new camara a got some fairly good pictures.
    I noted that a day later there were CT about 400km west of where I live, near Johannesburg, saw it on a local web site.
    Anyone else seen anything in Africa.

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