Video: Why We know Less Than Ever About The World (Ted Talks)

Eye-opening stats and graphs. Alisa Miller, head of Public Radio International, talks about why — though we want to know more about the world than ever — the US media is actually showing less. Eye-opening stats and graphs.

One thought on “Video: Why We know Less Than Ever About The World (Ted Talks)

  1. I’m sorry but the excuses given here are crap. Anyone following the real news knows exactly why we don’t see anything of importance these days. Read the PROTOCOLS which explains how news events would be handled in later years. It states that “they” meaning the Jews would begin reporting stories of little relevance and importance in order to distract the masses. And of course, anything to do with Jewry or their involvement is kept under lock and key and will not reported, period, unless it’s anti-semitic.

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