Video: Jesse Ventura on Howard Stern

Howard has Jesse Ventura back on the show and he lets rip his views on the vietnam war, the gulf of tonkin false flag event, the PNAC documents, the new pearl harbor and 9/11…

Cont. For Pt 2
Howard has Jesse Ventura back on the show and he lets rip his views on the vietnam war, the gulf of tonkin false flag event, the PNAC documents, the new pearl harbor and 9/11……
Jesse Ventura to Join the Ron Paul Revolution

July 31, 2008

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura will appear at Ron Paul’s Rally for the Republic it was announced on the Alex Jones Show today. Jesse Benton, Ron Paul’s Communication Director, came on the show to provide details about the event, to be held between August 31 and September 2, 2008.

Jesse Ventura helped the 9/11 truth movement immeasurably when he came out on the Alex Jones Show and revealed his belief that the attacks were an inside job. Ventura said he was convinced the collapse of the WTC and specifically Building 7 were controlled demolitions not dissimilar to the demolition of Las Vegas hotels. Ventura has experience with explosives from Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training and this experience led him to believe the towers were brought down by demolition.

More recently, Ventura appeared on Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes and said America is on the verge of falling to corporate fascism (see the video here).

Ventura will appear with other notables, including Aimee Allen, Barry Goldwater Jr., Grover Norquist, Tucker Carlson, and others.

Additional information about the event and ticket sales can he found at the Rally for the Republic website.

Video: Alex Jones Tv “The Global Elite Are Making Their Move”

Part 2:

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