How the American “free press” toed the government line on Georgia

between August 11 and 12, a sharp change occurred in the way the US media presented the war. The initial response to the war gave way to what can only be described as a tidal wave of anti-Russian propaganda. Now there was only one side to the story. What had happened? Continue reading

Three in four don’t trust television

Research by consultancy Deloitte shows that over a third of the public do not trust television, with a further third expressing no view either way, while only two per cent “strongly agree” that they trust British TV. Continue reading

The Great Consumer Crash of 2009

I hate to tell you, but the storm has reached your location and it is a Category 5 hurricane. The levees are leaking. Ignore it at your own peril. The 6,000 sq ft McMansion buying, BMW leasing, $5 Starbucks latte drinking, granite countertop upgrading, home equity borrowing days are coming to an end. The American consumer will not go without a fight. For the last seven years the American consumer has carried the weight of the world on its shoulders. This has been a heavy burden, but when you take steroids it doesn’t seem so heavy. The steroid of choice for the American consumer has been debt. Continue reading