SB 2433: Global Poverty Act – ALREADY PASSED by House

S.2433 Would Put US Under UN Mandate 11-29-8SENATE BILL S. 2433 THE GLOBAL POVERTY ACT – Includes global taxation and world-wide socialism

According to David Bossie, President of the group ‘Citizens United for American Sovereignty’, based out of Merrifield Virginia, website:

The above- mentioned Senate Bill (S. 2433) is a piece of legislation in the works that all Americans need to know about and know now!

This bill, sponsored by none other than Sen. Barack Obama, with the backing of Joe Biden on the Foreign Relations Committee, and liberal democrats in Congress, is nothing short of a massive giveaway of American wealth around the world, and a betrayal of the public trust, because, if passed, this bill would give over many aspects of our sovereignty to the United Nations.

The noble sounding name of this bill, ‘The Global Poverty Act’ is actually a Global Tax, payable to the United Nations, that will be required of all American taxpayers. If passed in the Senate, the House has already passed it, this bill would require the U.S. to increase our foreign aid by $65 BILLION per year, or $845 BILLION over the next 13 years! That’s on top of the billions of dollars in foreign aid we already pay out!

In addition to the economic burdens this potential law would place on our precarious economy, the bill, if passed in the Senate, would also endanger our constitutionally protected rights and freedoms by obligating us to meet certain United Nations mandates.

According to Senator Obama, we should establish these United Nations’ goals as benchmarks for U.S. spending. What are they?

The creation of a U.N. International Criminal Court having the power to try and convict American citizens and soldiers without any protection from the U.S. Constitution.

A standing United Nations Army forcing U.S. soldiers to serve under U.N. command.

A Gun Ban on all small arms and light weapons –which would repeal our Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The ratification of the ‘ Kyoto ‘ global warming treaty and numerous other anti-American measures.

Recently, the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations (where Sen. Joe Biden sits) approved this plan by a voice vote without any discussion! Why all the secrecy? If Senators Obama and Biden are so proud of this legislation, then why don’t they bring it out into the light of day and let the American people have a look at it instead of hiding it behind closed doors and sneaking it through Congress for late night votes.

It may be only a matter of time before this dangerous legislation reaches a floor vote in the full body of the Senate.

Please write or call, email your representatives, the White House, the media, or anyone you think will listen, and express your opinions regarding this Global Tax giveaway and betrayal of the American people at a time when our nation and our people are already heavily burdened with the threats to our freedoms and economic prosperity.

Please send this email to as many folks out there in your networks as you can.

Click for Full Text!


7 thoughts on “SB 2433: Global Poverty Act – ALREADY PASSED by House

  1. i read through this entire bill, and there is nothing in it about gun confiscation or united nations armies. Theres nothing about those in there at all. You are however right, that this sounds like a tax on united nations countries to contribute to third world countries.

  2. Hi Mike,

    You are right – this bill contains no mention of firearms or UN Armies. What the paragraph says is: “According to Senator Obama, we should establish these United Nations’ goals as benchmarks for U.S. spending.”

    In other words, Obama believes the revenues from UN taxation on US citizens should be spent in a means that furthers those goals (gun confiscation, more UN military power).

  3. where is any evidence that obama said anything about un armies or gun confiscation? I’m not trying to go against you, just trying to get the facts. I dont doubt it either, but again would like to see some proof besides someones word.

  4. Hi Mike,
    I can’t confirm or deny anything Obama said. The posters in the original thread posed similar questions. Regardless, the UN is an organization whose goal is and survival depends on a disarmed planet. I did a quick search on “united nations firearm confiscation” and found this powerpoint presentation, done in 2007 in Nairobi:

    This screenshot explains the plans of the UN pretty well…

    Take a legal gun, require the people to mark them with serial numbers, license the guns, “trace” the owners of the guns, and steal
    the guns back later.

    Of course, armed UN forces are necessary in order to confiscate guns and control populations, such as in Nairobi and Uganda. There can be no UN gun control without a standing army, and the fact that Obama is the sponsor of this UN tax leslation to fund their “programs” replaces any need for him to disclose his plans to steal everyone’s right to self defense.

  5. thanks for replying back to me. In a way this reminds me of JFK’s plan to disarm the whole united states and turn over the armed forces to the UN. Strange how that guy almost does that, and then later starts talking about secret societies and getting rid of the fed and cia.

    Heres an article about jfk’s plan, although even this drafted UN measure has nothing to do with personal firearms.

    I’m sure there are alot of people like me who if people came to my house trying to take away guns for no other reason than disarming the nation, they are going to have to kill me first. I know they will have no problem doing that, but that will be the reality of things for alot of people i would think. Especially as personal firearms become more important for safety in the coming years.

  6. Mike I respect your views in much of what you write but I disagree with you on the kill me first part. It be more intelligent if all having the same views to unite and began influensing globally their repsective governments by utilizing the full power of the media used here to express your opinion but in a bit deferent way. The global way and not the standard american way meaning no offense by it. When we try to warn our frio4ends over there of what it be coming down on them they rediculu most of us telling us we did not know what we are talking about and that if this or that ever happened in america the peopel will rise up and start a revolution.
    Well all we seen watchng form the infrmed outside in all we seen is various groups directly controlled and finaced by the system creating logos and anti logos for everythign on the net and most of them making a killing while they present them selves as crusaders for the freedoma nd the american way calling them selves patriots and accusing every one else is not all the while creating brasinless followers who think that this speakers represent them and will save them.
    It is time instead of worry what Obama is doing which is very obvious as it was very obvious what every and each of the elected officals was doing thou none of you recognize the fact that all of them was are and will follow the orders of their masters who put them there as a front.
    Many of us often wonder why is the charade of elections in america and I am not talking of bush fraud or anything on this lines but the way your system is the vote never matters really. The fact of the matter is simple who ever has the most backing in money always win and the voting system there is base on the simple fact that all voters can vote for one conditate and the group that decides elect the one who got no votes. Think about it and then think if you want to worry about what Obama does or what actually intelligent people as your self begin to do for them selves. And take it form someone who been in the front lines since birth.
    Unite people and if you dont know how is easy to show you how.

  7. By the way if it comes to killing my ffrioend make sure you have enough skills in that area to secure that the ones get killed is not you and love ones but the agressors against your liberty and rights.

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