Video: Bayer knowingly sold contaminated medicine – MSNBC

This is the level of protection you can inspect from the FDA, the Congress, and the White House.

5 thoughts on “Video: Bayer knowingly sold contaminated medicine – MSNBC

  1. wow if nothing gets done about this after all the dust clears how can anyone trust anything the FDA supports? Fluoride anyone?

  2. Who are these people working for “Bayer”?
    Do their children know what their parents are helping to destroy Humanity for a profit?
    Everyone that gets paid via “Bayer” should be contacted and informed of the kind of people that they,the workers,are helping.
    Let the workers know that they are helping “Bayer” kill innocent children,and ailing adults
    ,and if they will continue,now that they know they play a part in this mass murder?…Will the “Paycheck” win?
    If the “Paycheck” wins that will prove beyond and doubt that America is a Devilish Place,and we should go ahead and help Obama,and Congress,in their efforts to destroy our country….let them have the country.Who would want such a people,other than the Devil himself.
    Bring these people out..lets see who they are;Including the hourly workers…ALL OF THEM!!

  3. If these devils can do this to France, Japan, Spain etc.then only God knows what these devils sent to Islamic and third world countries.Watch it the Brand is BAYER

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