Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child with Chemotherapy

Against the wishes of both the parents and the 13-year-old patient in question, a Minnesota judge has ruled that Daniel Hauser must undergo conventional chemotherapy treatments, which are characterized by the mass-poisoning of the patient with toxic chemicals.

For opting to explore alternative and natural remedies rather than chemotherapy for their son, the parents were accused of medical neglect and now face having their son taken away from them by Child Protective Services (CPS). They may also face prison time if they refuse to follow the judge’s orders.

Daniel was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a health condition that is widely known by alternative cancer practitioners to be reversible (curable), especially in younger patients. Conventional medical doctors have told the courts that unless Daniel is subjected to toxic chemotherapy treatments, he has a 95% chance of dying.

That statistics is an outright lie. It is one of the many deceptive statistics put forth by the cancer industry in order to scare patients into submitting to extremely toxic protocols that cause far more harm than good.

Cancer patients cured by chemotherapy? Zero

There is not a single cancer patient that has ever been cured by chemotherapy. Zero. They don’t exist. Not a single documented case in the history of western medicine.

And why is that? Because conventional medicine operates from the false belief that there is no cure for cancer! Thus, anyone offering a cure (or assisting in the body’s own natural reversal of the disease) is immediately dismissed as a quack. Meanwhile, the real quackery is found in the pushing of toxic chemotherapy chemicals that are injected into the bodies of patients and called “treatment” when they should really be called “torture.” (Nancy Pelosi, by the way, was never briefed on the fact that chemotherapy is torture…)

What’s most disturbing in all of this, of course, is that the state is now forcing parents to poison their own children, requiring they hand over money to Big Pharma and conventional cancer treatment centers. The concept of freedom of choice has been stolen away from parents. The idea of protecting your children from toxic chemicals has been not just nullified, but made illegal!

Furthermore, the whole universe of natural cancer cures that really work has been sidelined by this Minnesota judge who is, no doubt, completely ignorant on cancer and human physiology. All these were utterly ignored: Vitamin D (, selenium, oxygen therapy, medicinal mushrooms, microalgae, Amazon rainforest herbs, Chinese Medicine herbs, high-dose vitamin C, raw foods juicing, wild foods extracts, superfood powders, raw cacao, broccoli sprouts and a thousand other things that we know help the body reverse various cancers.

All these things were apparently thrown out of the courtroom and almost certainly disparaged by drug-pushing doctors who claim that only their own chemicals can treat this disease.


2 thoughts on “Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child with Chemotherapy

  1. When are we all gonna wake up?

    I personally know someone who went through this 15 years ago. He had to run away from home to escape the courts and the chemo.

    He’s fine today (thank God). He has to closely monitor his health and everything…but he’s fine.

    He told me of this kid a few days ago. Now I see his story here.

    I was only awakened a couple of months ago. I fell for the lie hook, line & sinker. Obama this. Bush that. Limbaugh this. Rosie that….and on and on and on…

    What woke my ass up was Sweet Misery. Every American needs to watch it asap.

    Our ‘leaders’ have played all of us for fools for too long.

    I pray to God that the Tree of Liberty isn’t refreshed. Unfortunately, the picture is coming more into focus. We will all have to make a decision soon.

    p.s. dprogram rocks!!! Don’t stop what you’re doing. Thanks!

  2. Thank you so much. A brother of mine passed away 7 years ago from cancer. He was using chemotherapy at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland. It was horrible to look at. I don’t understand why people delight in killing people but God will avenge their murders.

    As for me, I rather die than agree to suicide (chemo). I take mega doses of vitamin C regularly just as a supplement. We found out about it a few years ago in our church. Thank God for his truths.

    May God help that family!

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