Video: Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 Discussing 9/11 Demolition

Richard, from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, calling for a more Thorough investigation into the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings.

5 thoughts on “Video: Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 Discussing 9/11 Demolition

  1. Great video…sure wished gage would of brought up the fact that osama bin laden has never been pinned to the 9/11 scandel nor has he ever admitted to it..the FBI has him on the most wanted list for other autrocities but no evidence to support he was responsible for 9/11. lol the reporters were getting a little twitchy towards the end weren’t they?

  2. What a fantastic interview.

    This was an example of our “free press” doing its job.

    Now all we need to do is have this exact same interview repeated on the nightly news. Brian Williams, Katie Curic, or Charlie Gibson should be conducting an interview with Richard Gage tomorrow on the nightly news.

  3. Great Day! An actual, real-live interview, where the interviewer asks questions and the interviewee gets to answer them without vituperative interruption! A Stone-Age news technique revived from the boneyard of oblivion. What a shocking blast from the past.

  4. What am I seeing? This is not real. A true life investigative story on 911. What is the MSM coming to.

  5. Go to and you can see a full show by Richard on the collapse of the three NYC bldgs. He has promised to be on our show in the coming weeks.
    Next week we will have on the originators of These are ballot initiative people. They are trying to get the investigation of the 9/11 incident on the ballot for this November.

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