Video: Vaccine created illnesses – Dr. Garth Nicholson

Can vaccines cause chronic illnesses?
Dr. Garth Nicholson, microbiologist and director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine, says yes.

The government doesn’t require vaccine makers to test for certain biological contaminants and pharmaceutical companies certainly don’t volunteer.

Because the vast majority of physicians are unaware of this common source of chronic illness they don’t test for it or have protocols to treat it. I imagine most doctors, after taking their fees, tell patients suffering from these illnesses that it’s “all in their heads.”

One thought on “Video: Vaccine created illnesses – Dr. Garth Nicholson

  1. Not mentioned anywhere here is the roll stress plays in any kind of illness, whether chronic or acute. As more and more people intuitively begin to understand that we are passengers in a vehicle (civilization) that is going faster and more recklessly on a certain crash course with the natural order of things, the more stress we all have, and the sicker we get, both physically and mentally. If this stressor were absent, I believe there would be many, many spontaneous cures.

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