Video: Thousands Protest Obamacare Around the Country on Saturday

On Saturday, thousands of Americans opposed to Obamacare demonstrated outside the offices of Congress critters around the country. “The organizers who brought the Tax Day Tea Party to cities around the nation this spring recruited thousands of protesters Saturday afternoon to anti-health care reform rallies staged in front of at least 100 Congressional district offices,” the Washington Post reports.

Dubbed the National Recess Rally, the nationwide event was organized to counter stage-managed pro-Obamacare events. “People just want government to stay out of their health care,” Eric Odom, executive director of American Liberty Alliance, a Libertarian organization, told the Post. “It was very little about the cost and more about government intrusion.”

According to Fox News, the American Liberty Alliance, FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity worked with The Sam Adams Alliance to organize the events.

“Obviously the idea behind this was to have a unified day for those concerned about government-controlled health care to talk outside their representatives’ offices,” Paul Miller, spokesman for The Sam Adams Alliance, a Chicago-based political organization, told Fox.

Remarkably, the corporate media gave the event a modest amount of coverage, albeit often with a typical pro-Obama spin. The Mercury News, for instance, ran the following headline on an article covering the event: “White anger fueling health care debate.”

As increasing number of Americans protest the government take-over of health care, race-baiting and sensationalistic and biased headlines, news articles, and corporate media television coverage will no longer work.


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