Video: Swine Flu’s vaccine’s devastating ingredient – Squalene

(GlobalResearch) – Dr. Laibow explains how about 25% of troops deployed to the Gulf War were injected with Vaccine A, which led to Gulf War syndrome – a lethal attack on the immune system on the body. The ingredient of Vaccine A that triggered this syndrome is called squalene. According to Dr. Laibow, the amount of squalene present in the swine flu vaccine is over 1,000,000 times that of Vaccine A. If you receive this vaccine she states the consequences would be: swollen and immobile joints, plummeting energy level, headaches, unsoothable rashes , fevers, weakness, gastrointestinal problems (vomit, diarrhea, cramps), memory loss, loss of intelligence, and dementia. In short, swine flu vaccine will cause an invasion of the body by its own immune system.

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