Honduras Today – We Are All Palestinians!

Yesterday, my Associate and dear friend Carlos Latuff stated that this Blog is ‘mostly about the Middle East’. That is very true, for the simple fact that I live here. The Palestinian cause, in particular, is very close to my heart as they are my people. As Carlos himself stated, “WE ARE ALL PALESTINIANS”. His series of cartoons dealing with that can be seen HERE.

BUT…. this Blog deals with International Issues as well, especially those issues where Justice and Democracy are threatened. The Human Race is one…. we are all brothers and none of us will be free until we are all free. Nothing says that better than the following video featuring Peter, Paul and the late Mary Travers. The words are by Tom Glazer and the music is by J.S.Bach.
Here are the lyrics…
Because all men are brothers wherever men may be
One union shall unite us forever proud and free
No tyrant shall defeat us, no nation strike us down
All men who toil shall greet us the whole wide world around.
My brothers are all others forever hand in hand
Where chimes the bell of freedom there is my native land
My brother’s fears are my fears yellow white or brown
My brother’s tears are my tears the whole wide world around.

Let every voice be thunder, let every heart beat strong
Until all tyrants perish our work shall not be done
Let not our memories fail us the lost year shall be found
Let slavery’s chains be broken the whole wide world around.

Here are some photos showing the brutality against the Resistance in Honduras…..

Is the following what awaits the people of Honduras? The world must SAY NO NOW!

He claimed he was Chile’s saviour but devised one of the worst concentration camp regimes since Hitler’s ‘Grand Plan.’ As Chile comes to terms with General Pinochet’s death, we offer you the definitive film on his crimes.

Under Pinochet’s regime, over a quarter of a million people were detained in prisons like the Chacabuco desert camp. These are the only images to have emerged from his camps and reveal the true horror of his regime. “They must stay here until they realise they are on the wrong path,” states the guard at Chacabuco Concentration camp. Nearby prisoners suspected of being Communists are forced to march and sing military songs. One of the victims filmed at the camp was Patricia Letelier. Now, she lives in exile in Scotland and recalls what happened to her at Chacabuco. “I heard shouting and screaming and knew what was waiting for me. Shortly afterwards my own torture began.”

Powerful images show men kneeling with their hands in the air, being kicked and beaten with the butts of soldiers’ guns. Others show men being marched into the stadium stripped naked with blankets over their heads.

Source: Desert Peace

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