A Letter to the 9/11 Community from David Ray Griffin

Dear Friends and Colleagues:
I am writing in support of the international campaign, headed up by Elias Davidsson (who long lived in Iceland but now lives in Hamburg, Germany), calling for a new trial for Mounir El Motassadeq, who has been convicted of assisting the 9/11 attacks.

I have known Elias Davidsson for several years and know him to be an extremely careful researcher into the 9/11 attacks and also to be a passionate advocate for justice.

When I was in Hamburg last fall, I went with Elias to see Mounir’s lawyer. He seems to be a good man and a capable lawyer, who will represent Mounir well if he gets the opportunity.

I agreed to be on the committee for Mounir along with Elias and a few others, including Annie Machon and Barrie Zwicker.

Incidentally, Mounir did indeed know Mohamed Atta. But in response to the question of whether the Mohamed Atta he knew in Hamburg was the same as the Mohamed Atta whose picture is in The 9/11 Commission Report, he said that they looked very different.

In any case, I would urge all members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to go to the website (http://www.justiceformounir.org) and read the full petition. If you then decide to support it, click the “Sign the Petition” button right under the photograph of Mounir, then fill in the blanks at the bottom.

Our best chance of getting an investigation of 9/11 is probably through the court system, perhaps especially the court system of another country. The Mounir case may present a unique opportunity to get the falsity of the official story exposed.

Below is an abbreviated form of the facts about the Mounir case written by Elias Davidsson.

David Griffin

Justice for the victims of 9/11
Justice for Mounir El Motassadeq

Mounir El Motassadeq is an indirect victim of 9/11. He was sentenced by a German court to 15 years imprisonment for helping his friends, three of the alleged pilots of 9/11, to “plan the attacks”. There is, however, no good evidence to support the charge that Mounir is guilty of a crime. The court did not present any evidence that his friends actually boarded the aircraft that crashed on 9/11 or that they planned the attacks. The court based its conclusions on an oral statement by an FBI official, who was no witness of any parts of the acts. His statement was pure hearsay. Mounir consistently denies all accusations of wrongdoing and expresses his dismay at such miscarriage of justice in a “democratic country”.

An international campaign has been launched to demand the reopening of his trial in the hope that the court would admit the absence of evidence regarding the participation of his friends (Mohamed Atta & Co) in the mass murder of 9/11. Effectively, there exists no documentary evidence that they boarded any of the 9/11 aircraft and no one saw them board the aircraft. The website of the campaign is http://www.justiceformounir.org. The campaigners urge all 9/11 truthers to sign the petition for Mounir, as a unique opportunity for a breakthrough in 9/11 truth efforts. No other action, worldwide, presents currently such an opportunity for demonstrating that the 9/11 official account is a monumental deception. Only a massive international effort will convince the judicial authorities in Germany to reopen the case.

Mounir el Motassadeq | truth and justice

Source: 911blogger.com

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