Pentagon officials won’t confirm Bush propaganda program ended

(RawStory) – The covert Bush administration program that used retired military analysts to generate favorable wartime news coverage may not have been terminated, Raw Story has found. Continue reading

Continuing Criminal Enterprise

We are now faced with enough information to make a rational determination as it pertains to our collective reality. Elements within our Government are in partnership with a Criminal Cabal that is operating a Continuing Criminal Enterprise against the American People and the People of the World. Continue reading

Video: What Israel Knocks Down, The Palestinians Raise Up Again

I had just left home this morning when I saw a series of police vehicles turning into my road. I have recently moved to Sheikh Jarrah, a neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem where Israel pursues a policy of evicting Palestinians from their homes. I’d been thinking that I was late for work – in fact I was bang on time for a story. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Geithner – Fed Reserve As Lender Last Resort Contributes to Moral Hazard

(CSPAN) – Oct 29, 2009 – On Thursday, Congressman Paul questioned Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at a House Financial Services Committee meeting on financial regulations. Continue reading

NSA Supercenters to Store Americans’ Private Data Permanently

The National Security Agency is building huge new storage facilities to store the unconstitutionally gained data on the American people’s telephone calls and Internet traffic permanently, including new buildings in suburban Salt Lake City, Utah, and San Antonio, Texas. Continue reading

Film: Year Zero – The Silent Death of Cambodia

John Pilger vividly reveals the brutality and murderous political ambitions of the Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge totalitarian regime which bought genocide and despair to the people of Cambodia while neighboring countries, including Australia, shamefully ignored the immense human suffering and unspeakable crimes that bloodied this once beautiful country.. Continue reading

The Holocaust In Cambodia And Its Aftermath Is Remembered

John Pilger recalls the stricken society he found in Cambodia in 1979 which he described in his epic dispatches and documentary, Year Zero: the Silent Death of CambodiaYear Zero: the Silent Death of Cambodia He reminds us that the Pol Pot horror emerged from the bombing ordered by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, and that Cambodia was again “punished” when its liberators came from the wrong side of the cold war and the Thatcher government send special forces to train the Khmer Rouge in exile Continue reading

Celente: Uniqueness Is Key in Avoiding Economic Hardship

World-renowned Trends Research Institute founder Gerald Celente predicted that the greatest economic depression yet will hit the world by the end of 2012. The slump may be inevitable, but there are ways to prepare for it. Continue reading

Video: Fightstar’s “A City On Fire”

Fightstar is pleased to announce the release of their latest single “A City On Fire”. Not only is this the band’s most politically charged song to date, the video itself is both extremely powerful and relevant to the modern society that engulfs our senses with every breath we take. Continue reading

MSM: New York Gov declares a state emergency to deal with the swine flu

(NYDaily) – Gov. Paterson has declared a state emergency to deal with the swine flu.
The declaration allows health care professionals including pharmacists, dentists and midwives to administer vaccinations for the H1N1 virus so long as they receive proper training. Continue reading

More Government Propaganda: The Flu May Cause E-Commerce Site Outages

We’ve heard of viruses threatening computer networks, but the actual flu? As if retailers needed another reason to worry about this year’s holiday season, a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is predicting that the flu could cause major slowdowns and possibly outages with E-Commerce sites due to—we couldn’t make this up—increased bandwidth demand caused by a lot of people staying at home in bed. Specifically, the report is worried about flu-victim telecommuting workers and sneezing children playing online video games sharply increasing bandwidth demands. Continue reading

MSM: Democracy is dead … lobbyists rule America

(TheWallStreetJournal) September 1 2009 – And here’s why: Ask any neuroeconomist, behavioral-finance quant, investment psychologist or other practitioner of the mysterious “science of irrationality” and they’ll tell you that Americans have two self-sabotaging mental biases that killed democracy from within: “Denial” and “Magical Thinking” make us easy targets. Our brains are being manipulated by clandestine forces beyond our control. We can’t see them or resist. Continue reading

20 Sobering Statistics/Reasons As To Why We Must End the Wars and Save More of Our Soldier Children and Middle Eastern Citizens From Suffering And Dying

[this is a re-post from 9-14-09] The only war the United States seems to be winning is the one on EMPATHY. Time to reverse that one, and end the two in the Middle East. Obama, eager to win some influence on health care reform with the Republican neocons, has begun to get approval from them for the escalation of the war in Afghanistan and the non-withdrawal withdrawal in Iraq. Continue reading

Video: Bolton – Iran will never give up nukes

(RussiaToday) – As Iran weighs its response to the latest offer from the international community over its nuclear program, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN John Bolton says that diplomacy has failed and it’s time to look at other options – including a pre-emptive strike by Israel. Continue reading

US Chamber Shuts off and Websites of Hundreds of Other Activist Groups

Hundreds of activist organizations had their internet service turned off last night after the US Chamber of Commerce strong-armed an upstream provider, Hurricane Electric, to pull the plug on The Yes Men and May First / People Link, a 400-member-strong organization with a strong commitment to protecting free speech. Continue reading

Stealth Inflation – Campaign for Liberty

Over the past two years, the federal government and the Federal Reserve have dispersed trillions of public dollars, run up enormous deficits, and kept interest rates at zero. In just about any economic textbook, this combination of policies would be described as the perfect recipe for inflation. Yet, with the exception of the usual increases in health care and education, prices by and large are not rising. Many have concluded that our economic leadership has simply outsmarted the textbooks. Continue reading

America’s Drug Crisis – Brought To You By The CIA

Next time you see a junkie sprawled at the curb in the downtown of your nearest city, or read about someone who died of a heroin overdose, just imagine a big yellow sign posted next to him or her saying: “Your Federal Tax Dollars at Work.” Continue reading

Lawyer: CIA kept detainees alive to keep torturing them

According to human rights lawyer John Sifton, the CIA tortured some of its detainees in the War on Terror so severely that it had to take measures to keep them alive so they could continue being tortured. Continue reading

Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz

President Obama and his top health officials are engaging in a major public relations effort to divert attention away from whether its swine flu vaccine is effective and safe – to whether there is enough of it to go around. And the media, as always, is cooperating fully. This echoes the way media debate was manipulated during the Vietnam and Iraq Wars. Instead of debating whether we should even be fighting those wars, the media debated only whether we were using the correct military strategy. Continue reading

Video: Wake up, America! We’re on the brink of a financial meltdown

I.O.U.S.A. boldly examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States and its citizens. Burdened with an ever-expanding government and military, increased international competition, overextended entitlement programs, and debts to foreign countries that are becoming impossible to honor, America must mend its spendthrift ways or face an economic disaster of epic proportions. Continue reading

US-Israeli Missile Defense War Game Signals Israeli Attack on Iran

(PaulCraigRoberts) – There’s no word in the Western press, but Al Jazeera reports that the US and Israel are conducting tests of the high altitude missile defense system that the US has provided to Israel. Continue reading