MSM: The facial recognition software that will put a name to every photograph in the internet

(MailOnline) – A software company is developing revolutionary software which provides the ability to identify people from photographs posted on the internet. has produced technology that can identify individuals on social networking sites and online galleries by comparing their image against a known picture of them.

It means detailed profiles of individuals can be built up purely from online photographs and critics have said it could lead to exploitation by employers. Read More Here

Bilderberg Exposed: Search Terms Take 1, 2 & 3 In Google Trends

(PaulWatson) – Three keyword search terms related to our earlier article about exposing the Bilderberg Group have hit the number 1, 2 and 3 positions in Google Trends, ensuring the subject of Bilderberg will now get out to millions more people.

Three different search terms that all relate to our earlier article – Two Films That Blew Bilderberg Wide Open – “Bilderberg films,” Bilderberg wide open,” and “two films” occupy the top three positions on Google Trends’ Hot Searches (USA) for August 20th.

Two of the terms have hit “volcanic status while the other one is “on fire” – this translates as massive traffic to our Bilderberg article and many people who would never have come into contact with this information educating themselves about the march towards global government and the secret power wielded by the Bilderberg Group. Continue reading

Google Plans To Kill Web In Internet Takeover Agenda

(PaulWatson) – The net-neutrality ending deal with Verizon is just the beginning of Google’s plans to kill the open and free Internet as part of their takeover agenda to completely control the world wide web and force independent media websites, radio and TV shows out of existence for good.

Google’s agreement with Verizon to speed certain Internet content to users opens the door to the complete sterilization of the world wide web as a force for political change. Under Google’s takeover plan, the Internet will closely resemble cable TV, independent voices will be silenced and the entire Internet will be bought up by transnational media giants. Continue reading

Google Yanks “Kill The Web” Article That Warned Of Internet Takeover

(PaulWatson) – Having at first appeared as normal, our earlier article about Google’s plan to kill the web has been completely de-listed from Google News. This is completely unprecedented and underscores how keen Google is to prevent people from finding out that it is a CIA-NSA front that is preparing to completely end the Internet as we know it with the Verizon net-neutrality killing deal.

The article, entitled Google Plans To Kill Web In Internet Takeover Agenda, originally appeared on Google News but was pulled shortly after.

A subsequent blurb promoting Alex Jones’ video presentation on the issue made it through to Google News but could also be yanked at any time.

In the face of this censorship, it’s more important than ever that people get the word out about Google’s plan to kill the web and replace it with a sterile clone of cable TV that will ensure all independent voices on the Internet are silenced forever.

Get our original article – at
and get it out to people. – Source: Infowars

Internet Kill Switch Bill Moves Closer To Senate Vote

See Also: (TheInquirer) – AT&T claims net neutrality is oppressiveRead More Here

(PaulWatson) – Democratic Cybersecurity caucus leader threatens “cyber-9/11″ if legislation not quickly passed Continue reading

MSM: FBI’s racist shock jock Hal Turner convicted of threatening judges

(AFP) – A US Internet radio host was convicted Friday of threatening to assault and kill three judges who upheld a ban on handguns in Chicago, the US Justice Department said.

Hal Turner, 47, was arrested in June 2009 for an Internet posting that said of the three federal judges who had upheld Chicago’s handgun ban, “Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges deserve to be killed.” Continue reading

Every Click You Make

(MotherJones) – Last week the Wall Street Journal ran a terrific series of stories called “What They Know.” The general subject was personal privacy—or the lack of it—in the digital world, and the first article in the series explained how websites routinely track your movements on the web and collect a genuinely astonishing amount of personal information about you in the process. The Journal examined 50 sites using a test computer and discovered that these sites collectively installed a total of 3,180 tracking files—an average of 63 tracking files per site:

The state of the art is growing increasingly intrusive, the Journal found. Some tracking files can record a person’s keystrokes online and then transmit the text to a data-gathering company that analyzes it for content, tone and clues to a person’s social connections. Other tracking files can re-spawn trackers that a person may have deleted.

….Some of the tracking files identified by the Journal were so detailed that they verged on being anonymous in name only. They enabled data-gathering companies to build personal profiles that could include age, gender, race, zip code, income, marital status and health concerns, along with recent purchases and favorite TV shows and movies.

A full list of the sites they examined is here. The most intrusive were and, which installed over 200 tracking files each. The least intrusive were and Continue reading

Why Cops Love the iPhone

(Infowars) – When Steve Jobs first announced the iPhone in January of 2007, the tech world was abuzz about what this single device could mean to the future of mobile communication. He told the crowd at Macworld that Apple was coming out with a communications device, internet browser and a media player. What police are discovering is that the iPhone is also a great tool for tracking and prosecuting their owners. It turns out that the iPhone stores a lot more information than you may think.

The Chicago Sun-Times published an article expanding on how police are using iPhones in their investigations. Continue reading

FCC Using Cybersecurity To Regulate Internet

(FierceGovernmentit) – Yet another federal agency envisions a possible broader role for itself in securing private sector Internet infrastructure. The Federal Communications Commission issued on August 9 a notice (.pdf) soliciting public comment on an anticipated FCC plan to address vulnerabilities to core Internet protocols, as well as cybersecurity threats to all end users.

“Cybersecurity is a vital topic for the Commission because end user lack of trust in online experiences will quell demand for broadband services,” the notice states. The National Broadband Plan calls for the FCC to issue a Cybersecurity Roadmap. A plan, the FCC says in the notice, should be completed by November 2010. Continue reading

Video: ‘Fascism coming to a computer near you’ – Wayne Madsen

(RussiaToday) – Google’s South Korean headquarters have been raided because of allegations that the internet giant stole private information from the nation’s citizens. Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt, a member of the Bilderberg group, has called for a new internet that will have a slow lane for porn and shopping but the value added content is only for those who can pay. Wayne Madsen adds that the Obama administration wants to shut the internet down to those who cannot pay for it or don’t have enough political influence. Continue reading

MSM: Your mobile phone may be bugging you, hackers warn

(IND) – A British internet security company has demonstrated how to turn the Palm Pre into a secret bugging device, ideal for corporate espionage, and issued a warning that many other popular smartphones are also vulnerable to hackers.

In-house hackers at Basingstoke-based MWR InfoSecurity have created a bug hidden in an electronic business card, or vcard, which enabled them to use the Pre to record conversations and send the audio file back to them, whenever it is connected to a WiFi or 3G network – all without the user being aware anything at all is happening. Read More Here

Video: Alex Jones – Big brother is watching you

(RussiaToday) – Verizon and Google have announced that they hope to regulate the internet by controlling access and the speed of the internet to different websites. In other privacy news, Air France has announced that they will install cameras into every seat to watch their passengers; civil rights activists are crying foul saying it invades people’s privacy too much. Continue reading

MSM: Google and Verizon DID do a deal for new internet ‘first class’ superhighway

(UKDailyMail) – Technology giants Google and Verizon have today paved the way for a future ‘two-tier’ internet in which companies can pay extra to make sure their services get through.

In a joint statement the two firms called for a new, premium connection which would let internet service providers, such as Virgin, charge more for certain services over faster, higher-quality lines.

But critics have accused Google and Verizon of plotting to carve up the internet to suit big, established firms like themselves. Continue reading

Cybersecurity Lie Exposed: Power Plants Are Not Connected To The Internet

(PaulWatson) – Primary justification behind internet takeover bill that would hand Obama power to shut down world wide web is completely fraudulent Continue reading

Who poses the real threat to the Internet?

(CampaignForLiberty) – A new opinion piece on argues that it’s the government, not the companies providing internet access, that is the real danger to free speech and the internet:

We should be skeptical of any claims that net neutrality regulation is consistent with the First Amendment, let alone required by it. As First Amendment attorney Robert Corn-Revere has noted (“The First Amendment, the Internet & Net Neutrality: Be Careful What You Wish For”), “It should not be forgotten that the federal government’s initial impulse [in the mid-1990s] was to censor the internet and to subject it to a far lower level of First Amendment protection.”

The real “Big Brother” threat here is a government with the power to completely foreclose all speech under threat of fine or imprisonment — a power the private sector lacks even if you buy into the silly notion that it is out to bottle up speech or speakers…. Read More Here

See Also:

(HuffingtonPost) – Google-Verizon Deal: The End of The Internet as We Know It

For years, Internet advocates have warned of the doomsday scenario that will play out on Monday: Google and Verizon will announce a deal that the New York Times reports “could allow Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content’s creators are willing to pay for the privilege.”

The deal marks the beginning of the end of the Internet as you know it. Since its beginnings, the Net was a level playing field that allowed all content to move at the same speed, whether it’s ABC News or your uncle’s video blog. That’s all about to change, and the result couldn’t be more bleak for the future of the Internet, for television, radio and independent voices. Continue reading

Video: Project Vigilant – Shadowy Spy Group Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds – Alex Jones Tv

An organization that tracks 250 million IP addresses a day has been developing portfolios on Internet users and handing the information to U.S. federal agencies as the latest incarnation of the supposedly defunct Total Information Awareness spy program is revealed. Continue reading

MSM: White House proposal would ease FBI access to records of Internet activity

(WashingtonPost) – The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual’s Internet activity without a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or intelligence investigation.

The administration wants to add just four words — “electronic communication transactional records” — to a list of items that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge’s approval. Government lawyers say this category of information includes the addresses to which an Internet user sends e-mail; the times and dates e-mail was sent and received; and possibly a user’s browser history. It does not include, the lawyers hasten to point out, the “content” of e-mail or other Internet communication. Continue reading

Seven People Have Been Entrusted With The Keys To The Internet

(Gizmodo) – These smart cards are the actual keys to the Internet. There are seven of them and they hold the power to restarting the world wide web “in the event of a catastrophic event.”

The basic idea is that in the event of an Internet catastrophe, the DNSSEC (domain name system security) could be damaged or compromised and we’d be left without a way to verify if a URL is pointing to the correct website. That’s when the holders of these smart cards would be called into action:

A minimum of five of the seven keyholders – one each from Britain, the U.S., Burkina Faso, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, China, and the Czech Republic – would have to converge at a U.S. base with their keys to restart the system and connect everything once again.

A minimum of five people is needed because each of the smart cards contains only a fraction of the recovery key necessary to set things right again. This means that no single person will hold all the power to resetting our little cyber world. [BBC via PopSci] – Source: BLN

Video: CNN Anchors Call For Crackdown on Bloggers

(CNN) – Anchors Kyra Phillips and John Roberts discussed the “mixed blessing of the internet,” and agreed that there should be a crackdown on anonymous bloggers who disparage others on the internet. Video Link Here

Google Saga Demonstrates That You Have Power

(SteveWatson) – Following our article yesterday detailing the threat of a false flag cyber attack as a pretext to restrict the free Internet, the term ‘false flag cyber attack’ was sent to the top of the Google Trends charts: Continue reading

Video: Obama Joins UN Effort to Dictate Acceptable Behavior on the Internet

(KurtNimmo) – The United States — along with the UK, China and Russia — have agreed to work together under the globalist umbrella of the United Nations to determine “norms of accepted behavior in cyberspace,” according to Computer Weekly. France, Germany, Estonia, Belarus, Brazil, India, Israel, Italy, Qatar, South Korea, and South Africa are also involved in the effort. Continue reading

False Flag Cyber Attack Could Takedown The Internet

(SteveWatson) –  An increasing clamour to restrict and control the internet on behalf of the government, the Pentagon, the intelligence community and their private corporate arms, could result in a staged cyber attack being used as justification.

Over recent months we have seen a great increase in media coverage of inflated fears over a possible “electronic Pearl Harbor” event, with reports claiming that the U.S. could be “felled within 15 minutes”.

Vastly over-hyped (and in some cases completely asinine) claims that the power grids and other key infrastructure such as rail networks and water sources are wired up to the public internet have permeated such coverage. Continue reading

Obama’s War on the Internet

(C4L) – The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel 1984. A recent trip to Europe has convinced me that the governments of the world have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. In Italy, Germany, and Britain the anonymous internet that most Americans are still familiar with is slowly being modified. If one goes into an internet café it is now legally required in most countries in the European Union to present a government issued form of identification. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones on RT – Government Cyber Invasion

See Also: (PaulWatson) – Facebook Deletes Official Alex Jones Page Over Gadsden Flag – Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Is the United States government or outside forces the real threat to cyber security? Alex Jones says that the government is trying to silence free speech in America by expanding their reach on the internet. He also says his own personal sites have been censored, even deleted. Continue reading

Video: The Watson Report – The Real Agenda Behind Cybersecurity

In this special video report for Prison members, Paul Joseph Watson explains why the real agenda behind cybersecurity is political oppression and the death of free speech on the Internet, and how the entire globe is now implementing Chinese style censorship policies to change the nature of the world wide web as we know it forever. Continue reading

Lieberman’s Model For America: Purging The Internet of Dissent

(PaulWatson) – When Senator Joe Lieberman attempted to justify draconian legislation that would provide President Obama with a figurative kill switch to shut down parts of the Internet, he cited the Chinese system of Internet policing as model which America should move towards. Continue reading

Conficker, Cyber Emergency, and the Internet Kill Switch

(Cryptome) – Conficker is a computer worm which has been infecting PC’s on the Internet since November 2008. Worryingly, nothing is publicly known of its mission, because it has yet to do anything of great note. Conficker is building and maintaining a powerful network of enslaved computers, and machines infected with the worm can be made obey the whims of Conficker’s unknown commanders. Its advanced peer-to-peer networking design makes the program’s control network difficult for Internet providers to shut down. Today this strange worm constitutes a powerful overlay of control across an unknown vastness of Internet-connected computers. With the exception of distributing some small-time malware, however, it has been essentially dormant. Conficker is like an army, recruiting and training for two and a half years, with no history save for robbing the corner store. Continue reading

Academics, Politicians: Pending Global Treaty Threatens Free Internet, Fundamental Rights

(SteveWatson) – Over 90 academics, practitioners and public interest organizations from six continents have collectively warned that a secretive global treaty, currently being negotiated by governments of the world’s largest economies would see tight controls placed on the internet and would threaten other fundamental rights and freedoms.

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has received fleeting public attention, yet it has been quietly evolving for a number of years.

On it’s face ACTA is described as a countermeasure directed at the rise of counterfeit goods, medicines and pirated copyright protected material, including “piracy over the Internet”. Continue reading

Academics, Politicians: Pending Global Treaty Threatens Free Internet, Fundamental Rights

(SteveWatson) – Over 90 academics, practitioners and public interest organizations from six continents have collectively warned that a secretive global treaty, currently being negotiated by governments of the world’s largest economies would see tight controls placed on the internet and would threaten other fundamental rights and freedoms.

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has received fleeting public attention, yet it has been quietly evolving for a number of years.

On it’s face ACTA is described as a countermeasure directed at the rise of counterfeit goods, medicines and pirated copyright protected material, including “piracy over the Internet”.

If officially ratified, however, ACTA would mark the formation of a major new global legal infrastructure with relation to standards on intellectual property rights enforcement. Continue reading

Lieberman’s Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Bill Hits Roadblock

(FederalNewsRadio) – It appears that the effort to pass a cyber-security bill is going to get a bit more tough then expected.

Late last month, officials from Cisco, IBM and Oracle sent a letter to the main sponsors of the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, S. 3480 — Senators Joe Lieberman (DI-Conn.) Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Tom Carper (D-Del.). The letter raised concerns about some provisions of the bill:

While well intentioned, it ultimately puts U.S. critical infrastructure at increased risk by threatening the intellectual property of American companies that create the IT that operates the vast majority of U.S. government and private-sector critical networks and systems.  The unintended result may be a weakening of the domestic software and hardware industry to an extent that could, ironically, leave the U.S. more dependent upon foreign suppliers for their critical IT systems.

Continue reading

ISP filtering legislation on the way

(TheAustralian) – THE federal government hopes to introduce legislation to enable its controversial internet filter by the end of the year.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said the legislation would be this year “sooner rather than later”. Continue reading

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet

(PaulWatson) – Type the keywords “Internet censorship” into Google News and you will immediately understand to what degree the world wide web is under assault from attempts by governments globally to regulate and stifle free speech. From Australia to Belarus, from Turkey to Vietnam, from Pakistan to Egypt, from Afghanistan to Iran, huge chunks of the Internet are going dark as the Chinese model of Internet regulation is adopted worldwide.

But why should Americans concern themselves with countries halfway across the globe adopting Chinese-style net censorship? Because under Senator Joe Lieberman’s 197-page Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, the United States would formally mimic China’s “great firewall” of web censorship.

When Lieberman himself attempted to debunk claims that the bill provides Obama, and any following President for that matter, with a figurative ‘kill switch’ to disable certain parts of the Internet, he explained that the government was merely seeking to emulate powers over the Internet already enjoyed by the Communist Chinese.

Firstly, despite Lieberman’s spin, the text of the bill clearly gives Obama the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight. Continue reading

Video: TSA To Block Websites With “Controversial Opinions”

(PaulWatson) – The Transportation Security Administration will block all websites that contain “controversial opinion” from its federal computers in the latest example of how Internet censorship is expanding in both the private and public sector as the federal government prepares to push through a power grab that will empower President Obama to shut down the world wide web with an emergency decree.

“The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is blocking certain websites from the federal agency’s computers, including halting access by staffers to any Internet pages that contain a “controversial opinion,” according to an internal email obtained by CBS News.”

The new rules came into force on July 1, and prevent TSA employees from accessing such content, though what is deemed “controversial opinion” is not explained. Undoubtedly, the ban list will include websites which specialize in criticism of the government and federal agencies. Continue reading

Rumored Google Social Network May Destroy Privacy

See Also: (LondonTelegraph) – Google’s Eric Schmidt: You can trust us with your data Read More Here

(Infowars) – Among tech journalists, one name stands out in regards to the question of who the most powerful corporation in the tech industry is. Google has a strong 85.78% market share on Internet search, making them the primary resource for web surfers looking for information about their topics of choice. This means that if your company drops off Google, it takes a serious hit especially if your business is heavily based on customers obtained and managed through your online presence.

Google’s Gmail system has between 113 and 176 million monthly users, depending on source, making them one of the top three email providers in the world.

According to a report from Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, Google is rumored to be set to launch a social network called “Google Me”. This would put Google in direct competition with Facebook, Myspace and other social networks. Google already collects users search patterns, email, travel, and in some cases private network activity. A social network would allow them to have direct access to their users daily thoughts and interactions. Several high-profile technology journalists have taken the stance that given Facebook’s ongoing privacy concerns, Google’s social network would be a welcome addition to the web.

Continue reading

Video: ‘News blackout’ to hit Italy

(PressTV) – Italian journalists say they will stage a “news blackout” to protest a proposed law that could hinder the media freedom in the European country.

Some 2,000 journalists filled Rome’s Piazza Navonna on Wednesday to protest the move, and pledged a news blackout on July 9 to protest the law, which is seen as a threat to the free flow of information, The Boston Globe reported.

Video Link Here -> Continue reading

A ‘Kill Switch’ for the State

(LewRockwell) – Two or more decades ago I wrote an article in which I suggested that, while the collapse of our civilization would ultimately prove beneficial to the productive purposes of society, the transition would, in the short-term, not be pretty to watch. The threat to the established order would be devastating, a challenge that would elicit the most violent and desperate efforts to defend the status quo. Wars, increased police powers, the enhanced regulation of and restrictions on alternative social systems, would become the norm. A society so constituted could well be symbolized as a faceless SWAT team member shoving his automatic rifle into the face of a cowering peaceful demonstrator. Continue reading

The Internet Must Remain Free – Chuck Baldwin

(ChuckBaldwinLive) – The Internet is abuzz with news that a US Senate committee has approved a bill that apparently gives the President authority to shut down the Internet. According to, “A US Senate committee has approved a wide-ranging cybersecurity bill that some critics have suggested would give the US president the authority to shut down parts of the Internet during a cyberattack.”

The report continues by saying, “The bill, introduced earlier this month [by Senators Joe Lieberman, I-Connecticut, Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Thomas Carper, D-Delaware], would establish a White House Office for Cyberspace Policy and a National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications, which would work with private US companies to create cybersecurity requirements for the electric grid, telecommunications networks and other critical infrastructure.” Continue reading

Video: The Government Wants To Own The Internet and Turn It Off At Will – Jack Cafferty

(CNNCaffertyFile) – US Senate committee has approved a bill that apparently gives the President authority to shut down the Internet. According to, “A US Senate committee has approved a wide-ranging cybersecurity bill that some critics have suggested would give the US president the authority to shut down parts of the Internet during a cyberattack.”

The report continues by saying, “The bill, introduced earlier this month [by Senators Joe Lieberman, I-Connecticut, Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Thomas Carper, D-Delaware], would establish a White House Office for Cyberspace Policy and a National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications, which would work with private US companies to create cybersecurity requirements for the electric grid, telecommunications networks and other critical infrastructure.” Continue reading