Big Brother: Obama Demands Access to Internet Records, in Secret, and Without Court Review – Tom Burghardt

(AntifascistCalling) – The Obama administration is seeking authority from Congress that would compel internet service providers (ISPs) to turn over records of an individual’s internet activity for use in secretive FBI probes.

In another instance where Americans are urged to trust their political minders, The Washington Post reported last month that “the administration wants to add just four words–‘electronic communication transactional records’–to a list of items that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge’s approval.”

Under cover of coughing-up information deemed relevant to espionage or terrorism investigations, proposed changes to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) would greatly expand the volume of private records that can be seized through National Security Letters (NSLs). Continue reading

MSM: White House proposal would ease FBI access to records of Internet activity

(WashingtonPost) – The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual’s Internet activity without a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or intelligence investigation.

The administration wants to add just four words — “electronic communication transactional records” — to a list of items that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge’s approval. Government lawyers say this category of information includes the addresses to which an Internet user sends e-mail; the times and dates e-mail was sent and received; and possibly a user’s browser history. It does not include, the lawyers hasten to point out, the “content” of e-mail or other Internet communication. Continue reading

False Flag Cyber Attack Could Takedown The Internet

(SteveWatson) –  An increasing clamour to restrict and control the internet on behalf of the government, the Pentagon, the intelligence community and their private corporate arms, could result in a staged cyber attack being used as justification.

Over recent months we have seen a great increase in media coverage of inflated fears over a possible “electronic Pearl Harbor” event, with reports claiming that the U.S. could be “felled within 15 minutes”.

Vastly over-hyped (and in some cases completely asinine) claims that the power grids and other key infrastructure such as rail networks and water sources are wired up to the public internet have permeated such coverage. Continue reading

New Footage from Ground Zero Obtained by FOIA

(NorCalTruth) – Earlier this year 9/11 blogger, along with other websites, ran the story of a Freedom of Information Act request that ended up releasing 3,160 electronic records relating to the World Trade Center collapse investigation. It was a small story as there seemed to be very little information on who requested the FOIA, nor had people sifted through the entire release yet. Continue reading

Could we see the rise of a new electronic totalitarianism?

See Also: (Consumerist) – Video: Big Brother Is Watching You — And He Has Ice Cream!Video Link Here

Also: (RawStory) – Apple now collecting, sharing precise location of iPhone usersRead More Here

(io9) – Totalitarianism towered over the 20th century — a leader-focused, oppressive form of rule in which the individual was crushed. Now it seems to have receded as an ideal. But will it be back? We asked the expert, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Brzezinski is best known for having been the National Security Advisor in the Carter Administration, and for helping to dismantle the Ford Administration’s policy of detente towards the Soviet Union. But in the 1950s, he was one of the main scholars developing the theory of totalitarianism, and helping to spread the idea that both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union represented examples of this type of system. He’s currently Robert E. Osgood Professor of American foreign policy at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies and a scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. should prepare for a cyber attack that will ruin the country in just 15 MINUTES, expert warns

(DailyMail) – The U.S. should prepare for a cyber attack that could cause destruction on the scale of 9/11 in less than 15 minutes, a leading anti-terrorism expert has warned.

Richard Clarke, a former adviser to both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, suggests that the lack of security in place against such an attack could lead to an ‘electronic Pearl Harbor’. Continue reading

Health News

(HeraldScotland) – Scientists make cancer cells vanish

Scottish scientists have made cancer tumours vanish within 10 days by sending DNA to seek and destroy the cells. Read More Here

(DailyCaller) – Raw Milk Crackdown – Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Doctors sterilise Uzbek women by stealth

WHEN her baby died soon after delivery, Gulbahor Zavidova, 28, a poor farmer’s wife, longed to be pregnant again. After months of trying she and her husband visited a doctor who told her she could never have another child because she had been sterilised. Read More Here

(CNSNews) – Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One Month

A new national poll shows support for repealing President Obama’s health care reform law has not abated in the month since its passage, and actually ticked up.
“Support for repeal of the recently-passed national health care plan remains strong as most voters believe the law will increase the cost of care, hurt quality and push the federal budget deficit even higher,” said the new release from the polling firm Rasmussen Reports. Read More Here

(TasmanTimes) – Australian problems with government healthcare

Recently it has been announced that the Australian federal government would like to use 30% of the states GST to finance healthcare. Of what we see in the media, the whole process looks a bit dictatorial. There has been a lot of talk between Chairman Rudd and the Premiers, but not much consideration for other federal and state MP’s and the Australian people. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Big Brother to track your medication compliance with electronic transmitters in pills – Mike Adams

Now that the U.S. government has achieved its monopoly over health care, new technologies are in the works that will allow the government to remotely monitor and track whether ordinary citizens are complying with taking medications prescribed by conventional doctors. One new technology described at the U.S. Senate Committee on Aging allows “pills to be electronically outfitted with transmitters” which would track the patient’s compliance with medications and broadcast that information back to government health care enforcers who check for “compliance and efficacy.” Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Vitamin D reduces diabetes risk by 43 percent – is there anything this vitamin can’t do?

A team from Warwick Medical School in the U.K. has found that people who maintain healthy vitamin D levels are 43 percent less likely to get heart disease or diabetes. After evaluating 28 different studies conducted on nearly 100,000 people, researchers concluded that people who eat oily fish two or three times a week and five servings of fruits and vegetables a day are able to achieve healthy levels of vitamin D. Read More Here

(TopNews) – Despite Detrimental Side Effects of Adderall, FDA Advises Not to Stop Giving the Drug to Patients

According to the medication guide for Adderall XR, the medicine has detrimental side effects. These include heart related troubles such as sudden death in patients, who have heart problems or heart defects. It can also result in heart attacks and strokes in adults, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Read More Here

(CNN) – Killer fungus seen in Pacific Northwest

A rare but life-threatening tropical fungus that causes lung infections in both people and animals has been seen in the Pacific Northwest and could spread, researchers are reporting. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Omega 3s may help cut colon cancer risk

People who eat plenty of fish oil and other omega-3 fatty acids could cut their risk of colon cancer, new research hints. Read More Here

MSM: Japanese scientists develop thought-controlled machines

(Telegraph) – Japan is developing a new generation of consumer electronics devices that can read a user’s mind and respond to their wishes automatically. Continue reading

Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010 – Tom Burghardt

(AntiFascistCalling) – A truism perhaps, but before resorting to brute force and open repression to halt the “barbarians at the gates,” that would be us, the masters of declining empires (and the chattering classes who polish their boots) regale us with tales of “democracy on the march,” “hope” and other banalities before the mailed fist comes crashing down. Continue reading

MSM: Spy chips hidden in 2.5 MILLION dustbins – 60pc rise in electronic bugs as council snoopers plan pay-as-you-throw tax

(UKDailyMail) – The growing threat of a stealth tax on the rubbish we throw away was exposed by startling figures yesterday. Continue reading

Audio: The Boiling Frogs Presents Mark Klein

Mark Klein provides us with his personal account of the illegal spying apparatus installed at AT&T by the National Security Agency and his battle as a whistleblower to bring it to light. He talks about the difficulties in getting a reluctant media to report the story, the incredible betrayal by the L.A. Times, his role as a witness in a lawsuit brought against AT&T by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the alarming state of our civil liberties today, the need for vigilant activism, and more.

Interview with Mark Klein [68:12m]: Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download (539)

Source: Boiling Frogs – Sibel Edmonds

Video: Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service

Here is the mp3 of the 2nd appearance on Kevin Barret’s show where I explained in detail the rest of the story of the art students. Continue reading

Spying on Americans: The Bipartisan National Security State

The bipartisan consensus that encourages unaccountable secret state agencies to illegally spy on the American people under color of a limitless, and highly profitable, “war on terror” was dealt a (minor) blow October 13. Continue reading

Obama Recommends Congress ‘Renew’ Patriot Act Domestic ‘Surveillance Methods’

The Washington Post reports the Justice Department “recommended that Congress move swiftly with legislation that would protect the government’s ability to collect a variety of business and credit card records and to monitor terrorism suspects with roving wiretaps” set to expire 31 December 09. Continue reading

Corporate Control over the Electronic Ballot Booth

The recent announcement of the pending merger of Election Systems & Software (ES&S) of Omaha, Nebraska with Diebold/Premier has raised warning flags that a monopoly in vote counting will be the inevitable result. See the maps attached here for the coverage of the new ES&S. Continue reading

DHS: Expect your computer to be seized without suspicion

In what was presented to the public this week as a clarification of its privacy policy, the US Dept. of Homeland Security published a paper referring to new guidelines for its immigration and customs agents regarding how they may conduct border searches of travelers’ computers and electronic media. Continue reading

Health Care Bill Would Allow Feds To Snoop in Your Checkbook

Half of Congress is in recess, but debate continues over President Obama’s health care program concerning privacy. Continue reading

Obama seeks to institutionalize indefinite detention

Press reports have revealed that the Obama administration is considering the creation of a prison and court complex on US soil to process and hold current and future terrorist suspects. It would include a facility to indefinitely detain people held without trial or any other constitutionally mandated due process rights. Continue reading

MSM: Amazon sued over Kindle deletion of Orwell books

(Google) – A high school student is suing Inc. for deleting an e-book he purchased for the Kindle reader, saying his electronic notes were bollixed, too. Continue reading

Video: Blitz of “Cyber Attacks” as Rockefeller Bill Approaches

A determined propaganda blitz is well underway as the government sets the stage for the passage of Cybersecurity Act of 2009, introduced in the Senate earlier this year. If passed, it will allow Obama to shut down the internet and private networks. Continue reading

High-Tech Brigade Heads to Afghanistan, Loaded With Gadgets

The soldiers of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division are shipping out to Afghanistan this month — equipped with a controversial array of infantryman gadgets: electronic maps, GPS beacons, wearable computers, and digital radios. The troops are wondering just how useful the eight-pound, $48,000-per-soldier “Land Warrior” gizmo collection will really be, and whether the benefit will really be worth the extra weight. Continue reading

MSM: America accused of spying on millions of emails

(Guardian) – American intelligence agencies have been accused of spying on the emails of millions of Americans, including those of former president Bill Clinton. Continue reading

Network-centric Warfare – Dominating entire societies Worldwide through ubiquitous surveillance

What Pentagon theorists describe as a “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) leverages information technology to facilitate (so they allege) command decision-making processes and mission effectiveness, i.e. the waging of aggressive wars of conquest. Continue reading

Britain leads world in police state survey

A recent survey from internet security consultancy, Cryptohippie, suggests that the UK is setting the pace in at least one area – though being classified as the West’s most repressive regime when it comes to electronic surveillance might not be a title that this government is entirely happy to wear. Continue reading

Democracy Going Dark: The Electronic Police State

The FBI’s Multi-Billion “High-Tech Surveillance” Program

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s budget request for Fiscal Year 2010 reveals that America’s political police intend to greatly expand their high-tech surveillance capabilities.

Continue reading

Saudi files for ‘killer’ tracking chip patent

A Saudi Arabian inventor has filed for a patent on a potentially lethal science fiction-style human tracking microchip, the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) told The Local on Friday. Continue reading

MSM: China has developed its own operating system for cyber war with U.S.

A leading cyber security specialist said last week that China has developed its own ultra-secure operating system for a strategic edge in its cyber warfare with U.S. computer systems. Continue reading

Police State Study Ranks U.S. As 6th Worst In The World

A study designed to rank countries in terms of how aggressively they monitor their populations electronically, has placed the US as 6th and the UK as 5th on a global index. Continue reading

Federal Authority Over the Internet? The Cybersecurity Act of 2009

There’s a new bill working its way through Congress that is cause for some alarm: the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 ( PDF summary here), introduced by Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME). The bill as it exists now risks giving the federal government unprecedented power over the Internet without necessarily improving security in the ways that matter most. It should be opposed or radically amended. Continue reading

MSM: Canadians find vast computer spy network

Canadian researchers have uncovered a vast electronic spying operation that infiltrated computers and stole documents from government and private offices around the world, including those of the Dalai Lama, The New York Times reported on Saturday. Continue reading

One Thriving Sector: The Business Of War

Across the nation, companies are lopping off hundreds of thousands of jobs, retailers are shuttering stores, and automakers are tottering on the edge of bankruptcy. Continue reading