Video: Warning – This Common Food Causes Devastating Offspring Defects in New Research Study

(DrMercola) – In this interview, Jeffrey Smith, author of the bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, discusses the latest GMO research findings coming out of Russia, which adds fuel to previous concerns about long-term sterility and other highly bizarre physiological side effects. Continue reading

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

(A. True Ott, PhD, ND) – Novartis Patent Detailed And Mass Murder Charged Continue reading

War? Israeli ambassador to US: Obama’s end-of-the-year deadline to Iran has been moved up to September

1) Israeli ambassador to US: Obama’s end-of-the-year deadline to Iran has been moved up to September (16 August 2009)
2) Israeli ambassador to US: Iranian nuke could wipe off Israel in seconds (4 July 2009)
3) Israeli army to train overseas for Iran strike operation (5 July 2009) Continue reading

MSM: Amazon sued over Kindle deletion of Orwell books

(Google) – A high school student is suing Inc. for deleting an e-book he purchased for the Kindle reader, saying his electronic notes were bollixed, too. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Iran nuke could wipe Israel off map in seconds’

(Haaretz) – Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, on Friday warned that an Iranian atomic bomb could “wipe Israel off the map in a matter of seconds,” and that the Iranians could “accomplish in a matter of seconds what they denied Hitler did, and kill 6 million Jews, literally.” Continue reading

MSM: GE’s Immelt Accepts Responsibility as Shares Fall

“The interaction between government and business will change forever. In a reset economy, the government will be a regulator; and also an industry policy champion, a financier, and a key partner. Continue reading

MSM: Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary

In a first-year pharmacology class at Harvard Medical School, Matt Zerden grew wary as the professor promoted the benefits of cholesterol drugs and seemed to belittle a student who asked about side effects. Continue reading