Suggestion for Prepandemic Vaccine Ignites Debate

(TopNews) – An influenza specialist who previously led the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) flu program and now works for Novartis, has recommended that developing a prepandemic vaccination to get a grip on the next flu endemic, a thought that other experts are welcoming with concern or cynicism.

Dr. Klaus Stohr, ex-Director of the WHO’s Global Influenza Programme, suggests developing a vaccine including a “cocktail” of flu strains considered apt to cause the next epidemic, together with an adjuvant (immune-system stimulant). He proposes the plan in an opinion article released yesterday online by Nature. Continue reading

How Big Pharma Profits From Fear

With Big Pharma raking in billions off swine flu fears, the last thing they need is a government handout.
Yet Uncle Sam is busy playing Daddy Warbucks with YOUR lunch money, helping Swiss drugmaker Novartis open a new vaccine plant in North Carolina. You’ve generously contributed around $700 million to help Novartis build their shiny new drug factory — $220 million three years ago, and $486 million this year. Continue reading

A Review of Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines’ Ingredients

(DrMercola) – I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I’m not anti-vaccines, but rather pro vaccine-safety. That means, I strongly believe that we should only inject substances into our bodies, and especially into the bodies of infants and the unborn, that have been rigorously studied and proven safe both short-term and long-term. Continue reading

MSM: Companies reap the swine flu windfall

(Reuters) – Healthcare companies are reaping the benefits of a global swine flu pandemic, brightening what might otherwise have been a dismal third quarter and bringing new focus on the market for vaccines. Continue reading

People Who Get a Seasonal Flu Shot Are Twice as Likely to Catch Swine Flu

(Mercola) – As-yet-unpublished Canadian data raises concerns about whether it’s a good idea to get a seasonal flu shot. Continue reading

Video: HHS Secretary Pushes H1N1 Vaccine, Says Americans Must Take The Shot

Sebelius cannot deflect worries over nasal flu mist containing live H1N1 virus Continue reading

H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Insert Admits It Causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Vasculitis, Paralysis, Anaphylactic Shock And Death

The package insert for the Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine manufactured by Novartis has been leaked on the Internet. According to that package insert, the vaccine (based on an earlier vaccine product known as Fluvirin) is known to cause a whole host of very nasty side effects such as guillain-barre syndrome, vasculitis, anaphylactic shock and even death. Continue reading

Audio: David Icke – Swine Flu, Mass Vaccinations & G20

(RedIceRadio) – David Icke joins us to talk about the Swine Flu, Mass Vaccinations, the Corruption in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Nanochips in Vaccines, the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh and much more. Continue reading

Supermarkets’ Bloody Vaccination Campaign Advances “Health Care Reform” by Lethal Injections

(Dr.Horowitz) – Wondering why food stores and pharmacies have replaced doctors offices and clinics as vaccination stations? Ask Steve Burd, the wizard behind Obama’s Health Care Reform plan. Continue reading

Flu Shots and the New Adjuvants – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Many new vaccines feature recombinant DNA. One piece of a deadly germ is inserted or spliced into other organisms, creating bio-engineered microbial molecules. To prompt the body to create antibodies to these recombinants, scientists have created deadly oil-based vaccine additives called adjuvants Continue reading

MSM: Four Swine Flu Vaccines Cleared for U.S. Sales, Sebelius Says

(Bloomberg) – The first vaccines for swine flu have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a top health official said. Continue reading

Spermicide, Cleaners, and Cosmetics along with Thimerosal and Squalene Found in Experimental H1N1 Vaccine

See for yourself the study presented at the end of article. Please spread the word and make this go viral… no pun intended. Kindly reference and link to VacTRUTH! Continue reading

French government document details forced mass vaccination plans from September 28th

The document dated August 21st and signed by the French Health Minister Rosaylne Batchelot-Narquin and the French Minister of Interior, Minister of the Interior, Overseas Territories Brice Hortefeux is addressed to the heads of each of France’s defense zones, the regional prefects in charge of police and the gendamerie, the prefects of departments and the heads of regional health authorities for hospitalization. Continue reading

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

(A. True Ott, PhD, ND) – Novartis Patent Detailed And Mass Murder Charged Continue reading

Million TIMES More Squalene In H1N1 Vax Than Caused GWI !!

Dr. Laibow’s presentation on squalene during the second hour of your program last night, 8-24, was impressive. In looking for some verification of the ‘million-times more squalene’ than was in ‘Vaccine A’ that caused the catastrophic Gulf War I Illness (which ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of troops and killed thousands of others -ed), I came across this article… Continue reading

Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shock warning about its safety. Continue reading

Video: Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV – Harmful Side-Effects of The Swine Flu Vaccine!

Alex welcomes back to the show Dr. Russell Blaylock, nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. Blaylock argues that aspartame, MSG, and other excitotoxins promote the growth of cancer. Continue reading

Pandemic Vaccination – Why You Should Be Concerned

(Dr. A. True Ott) – As the summer of 2009 winds down, the debate over “pandemic” vaccinations in the nation’s “public” schools is beginning to ramp up. Continue reading

Corporate Media in U.S. Ignores Report N1H1 Vaccine Link to Guillain-Barré Syndrome

A Google News search this morning returns no mention of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome link to the experimental H1N1 vaccine in the U.S. media. Continue reading

Novartis Vaccine Consists of Cancerous Cells from Animals Warns German Health Expert

The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shock warning about its safety. Continue reading

Using New Laws for Swine Flu May Create a Perfect Storm

1. The US government is using laws designed for dealing with a very deadly pandemic or bioterrorism to bring in a mass vaccination program for swine flu, specifically the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2006. Continue reading

Swine Flu Vaccines Contain LIVE H1N1 VIRUS!

It’s not a typo, the main ingredient in the GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis vaccines contain a LIVE VIRUS, an attenuated virus meaning it’s a weakened form of the swine flu virus. Attenuated vaccines can be deadly and cause virus shedding, when a person is injected with an attenuated live virus the organism moves through the human body possibly infecting the host and then exiting through the feces, mucous membranes and saliva glands of the inoculated person. Continue reading

The Worldwide H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic.

The WHO plans to vaccinate more than half the World’s population Continue reading

New Evidence: That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others. Continue reading

Evidence Of The ACTUAL ORIGINS Of The 2009 “Pandemic Influenza” With A Glimpse Into Its Esoteric Symbolism

In March of 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) announced an outbreak of “Swine Flu” in Mexico and in Southern California. Within a few months, the “outbreak” increased in scope resulting in the WHO issuing a “Level 6 – PANDEMIC” alert. Continue reading

The Truth About the Flu Shot – Dr. Tenpenny

What’s in the regular flu shot?

  • Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses
  • Gelatin: known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin
  • Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis
  • Formaldehyde: known carcinogen
  • Triton X100: a strong detergent
  • Sucrose: table sugar
  • Resin: known to cause allergic reactions
  • Gentamycin: an antibiotic
  • Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose flu shot vials

Continue reading

It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred Countries

(NaturalNews) – Executives from Baxter, Novartis, Glaxo-Smith Kline, and Sanofi Pasteur have seats at the advisory group that on July 13th recommended mandatory H1N1 vaccination of everyone in all 194 countries that belong to the World Health Organization (WHO), according to a report just issued by journalist Jane Burgermeister. Continue reading

Health Officials Admit Fast Tracked H1N1 Vaccines Will Not Be Tested for Safety

The media is reporting on the governments preparation for a massive vaccination campaign this fall for the hyped up H1N1 hybrid flu virus. Continue reading

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 vaccine

(Reuters) – The U.S. government has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine for a possible autumn vaccination campaign, a U.S. federal official said Thursday. Continue reading

WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda

(JaneBurgermeister) – The WHO has refused to release the Minutes of a key meeting of an advisory vaccine group – packed with executives from Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi – that recommended compulsory vaccinations in the USA, Europe and other countries against the artificial H1N1 “swine flu” virus this autumn. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. to spend another $1 billion on flu vaccine

(Reuters) – The United States will spend another $1 billion on ingredients for an H1N1 vaccine, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said on Sunday. Continue reading

Latest – Journalist Files BioTerrorism Charges Against WHO

Jeff Rense – Here is more on the story plus a document… Fwd: Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder Continue reading

Injunction against forced vaccinations

Folks the “swine flu” is a George Soros – sponsored lab creation that was released by the same companies now reportedly making “vaccines” – this frankenvirus, replicating more than 3x faster than any virus in history meanwhile making bad copies of itself, contains at least 5% of unknown genetic material in ALL EIGHT gene pairs – not possible in nature. Continue reading

Sarkozy’s Secret Plan for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination

The French Government is developing secret plans to impose mandatory vaccination of the entire French population, allegedly against possible Swine Flu disease according to reports leaked in a French newspaper. The plan is without precedent and even defies recommended public health advice. Continue reading