Video: Why They Fear the Tea Party – Southern Avenger

Whether its Republican politicians accusing them of being “extremists” or the NAACP calling them “racists,” the establishment is afraid of the Tea Party movement–and for good reason. Continue reading

Video: David Icke – Humanity’s Last Chance – The Sleeper Must Awaken! Alex Jones Tv

Alex welcomes back to the show writer, public speaker, and former well-known BBC television sports presenter David Icke. David has authored several books, including: Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More and Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion. Continue reading

Video: The Politics of Fear – From the War on Terrorism to Tyranny – Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Boiling Frogs Post presents an exclusive interview with Colonel Larry Wilkerson on the tyrannical presidency and politics of fear, Israel’s interests versus US interests and the question of loyalties, and more: Continue reading

Gerald Celente Says This Is Among His Most Important Trends Ever

(SilverBearCafe) – The world’s top trend forecaster, Gerald Celente, who has been publishing the Trends Journal since 1991, says his Spring 2010 report is one of the most important Trends he’s ever published:

“Of all the Trends Journals® I have published since 1991, this issue stands apart. Were I to rank it, I would say it is among the most important. The United States is on a path that, if not diverted, will lead the world into the first “Great War” of the 21st century. Continue reading

ClimateGate: What Will Television Do With All Their Scare-Programming?

(BigHollywood) – A funny thing happened on the way to a global conspiracy. Reality killed it. Funny how that happens. Continue reading

Video: Use Cash And Enjoy Privacy? You’re A Terrorist

(PaulWatson) – A new government commercial currently running on one of Britain’s most popular radio stations is selling one thing – fear – by encouraging Londoners to report their neighbors as terrorists if they use cash, enjoy their privacy, or even close their curtains. Continue reading

MSM: Warmists overwhelmed by fear, panic and deranged hatred as their ’science’ collapses

(LondonTelegraph) – A sharp-eyed viewer has noticed that when I was debating George Monbiot on TV yesterday and I mentioned that his cherished “peer-reviewed science” had been discredited by Climategate he bared his teeth like a cornered cur. Says my body language expert John Lish:

“It was a quite aggressive and defensive gesture which was noticeable when he was attempting to dismiss you (talking about peer review). A definite body-language sign of being rattled.  He’s definitely uncomfortable about what’s occurring and others will have spotted that as well.”

Continue reading

Video: Nuclear Iran – Fueled by fear?

(RussiaToday) – The United States is not giving up its request for tougher sanctions on Iran, after Iran has kept up their enrichment of uranium program. Is it simply fear about nuclear weapons that is fueling this fight or is there more to it? William Weddin says the United States has sought to undermine democracy in Iran and has pushed it to be a military dictatorship ever since the Iranian revolution. Continue reading

The Surveillance Society: Trading Freedom For The Illusion Of Safety

Governments, regardless of their political structure or historical background, have always striven to not only control information, but also to gather it from the people by covert means. Often, this secretive observation of the citizenry escalates into a completely open and full-fledged surveillance state. Continue reading

MSM: After this awful fiasco over swine flu, we should never believe the State scare machine again

(DailyMail) – So the Government, as the Daily Mail has revealed, is trying to get rid of £1billion-worth of unwanted swine flu vaccine – because the deadly epidemic they were promising us all last year never materialised. Continue reading

Video: Drug firms made ‘false H1N1 claims’

(AlJazeera) – The severity of the H1N1 outbreak was deliberately exaggerated by pharmaceutical companies that stood to make billions of dollars from a worldwide scare, a leading European health expert has claimed. Continue reading

Do Americans Want Freedom?

(C4L) – Are Americans willing to trade their freedoms for a false sense of security?
This is the crucial question that must be answered before a successful struggle for liberty can be fought and won. If it is shown that the majority of Americans will readily trade their freedoms for a fake carnal security then the cause has already been lost. Continue reading

Video: Using 9/11, And Inflating Terrorism And “Al-Qaeda” To Incite Fear

(911Blogger) – Terrorism is real. It can be scary. However, I think we need to look at what causes terrorism. Like wars of aggression against 3 countries for instance… Terrorism is real. Unfortunately, we are the greatest purveyors of it. Continue reading

Given Everything That’s Happened, Shouldn’t We At Least ASK?

Given that Cheney is apparently at least partly responsible for creating the terror problem in Yemen

And that one of the most highly decorated soldiers of all time says that “war is a racket” …

Given that FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, Keith Olbermann and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials “were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power” … Continue reading

Video: Retired U.S. General Promises An Airliner Will Be Downed Within 100 Days

(SteveWatson) – A retired U.S. General has called for strip searches of all muslim men at airports and “threat-based” profiling, declaring that “in the next 30-100 days,” there is “very high probability a US airliner will come down.” Continue reading

Americans want to be Slaves

Are Americans willing to trade their freedoms for a false sense of security?

This is the crucial question that must be answered before a successful struggle for liberty can be fought and won. If it is shown that the majority of Americans will readily trade their freedoms for a fake carnal security then the cause has already been lost. Continue reading

Who Are The Real Terrorists?

No matter how many times you see it, the capacity for people to believe what they want to believe, rather than what is actually true, is astounding — and those who want to depict Islam as the ultimate evil seem to grant themselves special license to live that way:
From Jeffrey Weiss, Politics Daily, today: “And we’re still left with a terrible problem for a free and multicultural society: Even though 99.999 percent of Muslims abhor attacks on innocent civilians on moral and theological grounds, 100 percent of attempted terrorist attacks on the U.S. (and, with the exception of the Basques in Spain, terrorists attacks on all Western nations) since the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing have been committed by people claiming to act in the name of Islam.” Continue reading

MSM: Garlic prices soar in China amid flu fears

(USAToday) – Wrapped up in earmuffs and a heavy jacket to fight the Beijing winter, Liu Zhan shows little sign of soaring wealth. Until he removes his gloves — and reveals a large gold ring. At the Chinese capital’s biggest vegetable wholesale market, other traders call him “Millionaire Liu.” Continue reading

Video: Dr. Len Horowitz – Mass Mind Control

While the rest of the world was out shopping and being happy mindless consumers, We Are Change Colorado and Dr. Len Horowitz and his team held a Vaccine awareness and protest rally at Denver Capital. While we were waiting for others to arrive Dr. Horowitz decided to let a little insight into what he feels about the Cosmos. Very Very interesting conversation for sure! Continue reading

Who Will Stand Up Against the Coming Global Climate Tyranny?

This week, President Obama and the leaders of the world are to meet to determine the fate of humanity. This meeting, to be held in Copenhagen, has as its’ mission to bind the nations of the world under a climatocracy, or rather a climate regulatory scheme devised and operated by bureaucrats and elitists. The members of this climatocracy will profit while the rest of humanity will sink into darkness. There will be nowhere to hide; no oasis to be found in the desert. Indeed, after the discussions have concluded will our freedoms also be concluded? Will humanity be plunged into a global tyranny governed by a state of climate fear or will we be able to stop them before it is too late? There have never been greater stakes for the freedom of mankind. Continue reading

MSM: Gun sales shoot up amid America’s fear of rising crime and terrorism

(Times) – Smith & Wesson, the famed American gunmaker once owned by Tomkins, the British conglomerate, expects to nearly double its annual sales in the next three to five years as demand for its firearms soars in the recession. It is not alone. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. health worker vaccine fears mirror public doubt

(Reuters) – Hospital and other healthcare workers are at the front of the line to get the new swine flu vaccine, but many are resisting and even fighting vaccination requirements. Continue reading

Video: Fox Attacks Iran

(August 21, 2007) – This video shows the evidence of how they are repeating the same distortions and fear mongering they did before the Iraq war. Continue reading

Martial Law Alert Over Swine Flu

Fact check:
— no Swine Flu threat exists;
— reported H1N1 infections and deaths are uncorroborated;
— WHO predicting a global pandemic affecting “as many as two billion people….over the next two years” is falsified hype.
— vaccines don’t always protect against diseases they’re designed to prevent and often cause them; Continue reading

Swine Flu: Biggest Scam of 2009 Begins

The plague of modern society is preparing for the event that will quite possibly be the most dangerous thing to happen to humanity since the last great outbreak: the release of the Swine Flu vaccination. That’s right, not the flu, the “prevention.” Continue reading

Whether Secession or Nullification, We All Want Freedom and Independence

There’s a controversy brewing in Texas. It is a controversy over secession or what some are calling nullification. Some see only secession as the end to government intrusion in our lives while others more hopefully believe that the union should remain intact and that the tenth amendment can be used to force the federal government to revert back to its rightful role. Both are probably right, but for different reasons. Continue reading

The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign – Part IV

(Natural News) – This is part four of an article series by Evelyn Pringle. Find previous parts here: Part One (…), Part Two (…) and Part Three (…). What follows is the full text of part four: Continue reading

Swine Flu Fearmongering a Mass Psy-op?

Here at Red Dirt Report headquarters, we have been closely monitoring this swine flu (H1N1) situation, called a Level 6 “pandemic” by the questionable World Health Organization. Continue reading

Weaponizing Psychology – Treating People Like Dogs

Nearly all of the Pentagon’s counter-insurgency warfare doctrine has been based on distortions of the pirated theories of former president of the American Psychological Association, Prof. Martin Seligman.  Now we learn that post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) treatments for war veterans have been developed from his work as well. Continue reading

Dr. Leviathan – Campaign for Liberty

Want a picture of state-managed care? Look at Canada. Continue reading

Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shock warning about its safety. Continue reading

We Have the Moral High Ground – Cindy Sheehan

“Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love…” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1958
“There comes a time when silence is betrayal…” Dr. King, 1967

I remember back in the good ol’ days of 2005 and 2006 when being against the wars was not only politically correct, but it was very popular. I remember receiving dozens of awards, uncountable accolades and even was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Continue reading

Falling In Love

“Build it and they will come” ­ is the phrase behind most of our dreams, but we have failed to fall in love with life so we built our fantasies on the ever-shifting sands of inauthentic lives. We should not be surprised then, that everything is crumbling now, or that there are almost no answers anywhere because we put our faith in all the wrong places, and especially in the wrong people. Continue reading

Video: Fkn Newz – Economy Too Weak To XXXX Peasants

WARNING: Explicit Content
FKN Newz live at Edinburgh Festival – August 16th, 2009 Continue reading

Novartis Vaccine Consists of Cancerous Cells from Animals Warns German Health Expert

The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shock warning about its safety. Continue reading

MSM: Fear for Obama’s Safety Grows as Hate Groups Thrive on Racial Backlash

(ABC) – Experts who track hate groups across the U.S. are growing increasingly concerned over violent rhetoric targeted at President Obama, especially as the debate over health care intensifies and a pattern of threats emerges. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast – Flu Pandemic

(July 30, 2009) – 1st Hour: Forced Vaccinations – NORTHCOM – FEMA Continue reading

Predictive Programming: TV Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines and Mass Graves For Pandemic Flu

The massive preparation of government for what they say is an imminent pandemic this fall, triggered my memory of images of riots, quarantines, and mass graves that appeared in a made-for-TV movie about a pandemic flu outbreak. My analysis of the film will contain detailed descriptions of the movie Continue reading

Vaccination Myths and Truths

No one should voluntarily or otherwise take any vaccine, let alone one as untested and dangerous as for H1N1. But make no mistake. The dominant global media are readying a high intensity fear-mongering campaign to convince the unwary to jeopardize their health and well-being by doing it. Just say NO!! Continue reading