Perry: Obama’s health care plan is a disaster

(Statesman) – President Barack Obama’s signature on Congress’s disastrous health care plan was a disappointment to everyone who values limited government, bipartisanship and quality and affordable health care.

In forcing the bill through, congressional leaders from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down substituted their own desires and political goals for the good judgment and common sense of the people they represent. Indeed, the more the American people learned about the socialist proposals, the more they rejected them. Continue reading

Manufactured Controversy Backfires As Vast Majority Back Medina, Attack Glenn Beck

(PaulWatson) – The attack dog corporate media, in cahoots with loathsome phony neo-con crybaby Glenn Beck, are once again attempting to manufacture reality by smearing Debra Medina for expressing a view shared by the vast majority of Americans in an effort to purge her from the Texas gubernatorial race. Continue reading

Video: Neocon Guerrilla’s in the Midst – Glenn Beck’s Take-down of Debra Medina

Were it not clear before yesterday in the manner which Glenn Beck sandbagged and set a trap for surging Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina who was rising in the polls and closing in on establishment insiders Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, it should be clear now that Glenn Beck is an inside job, an establishment status quo shill masquerading and posing as a revolutionary. His job is to obfuscate the truth, to serve as an outlet for the supremely misguided and ill informed in America, a master manipulator, a minister of disinformation and propaganda telling authorized truths as a card carrying member of America’s propaganda matrix. Continue reading

Texan Medina questions any US role in 9/11 attacks

(WWLTV) – Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina says she has questions about whether the U.S. government was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones Tv – Alex Calls Upon All Gun Owners in Texas to Make A Stand!!

Alex calls upon all Texans to call for an end to Austin’s Police Dept’s harassment of law biding gun owners in Texas! Alex will be giving out phone numbers and people to call on this matter, so please make the most of this and stand up for your 2nd amendment right to own guns!! Continue reading

Hutchison’s Border Plan: Merge Homeland Security and Local Law Enforcement

(KWTX) – Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s plan for security along the Texas-Mexico border includes expanding state participation in Homeland Security programs that let local law enforcement officials enforce some federal immigration laws and that verify whether a person can legally work in the country. Continue reading

Secession movement spreads well beyond Texas

As head of the Texas Nationalist Movement, Daniel Miller of Nederland believes it’s time for the Lone Star State to sever its bond with the United States and return to the days when Texas was an independent republic. Continue reading

Martial Law Alert Over Swine Flu

Fact check:
— no Swine Flu threat exists;
— reported H1N1 infections and deaths are uncorroborated;
— WHO predicting a global pandemic affecting “as many as two billion people….over the next two years” is falsified hype.
— vaccines don’t always protect against diseases they’re designed to prevent and often cause them; Continue reading

Preparing for a riot – Area agencies receive crowd-control training

Like “Star Wars” stormtroopers, police officers and sheriff’s deputies wielding batons and face-shielded helmets on order march tightly bunched together up the steps to the bleachers at Round Rock ISD Athletic Complex Thursday. Continue reading

Gov. Perry: Federal Health Care Proposals to Cost Texans Tens of Billions of Dollars

Gov. Rick Perry today emphasized the importance of state developed health care reform rather than the costly, expansive, one-size-fits-all mandates being considered by the federal government. The governor spoke at a press conference announcing the results of a study about federal health care proposals conducted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). Continue reading

Perry raises possibility of states’ rights showdown with White House over healthcare

Gov. Rick Perry, raising the specter of a showdown with the Obama administration, suggested Thursday that he would consider invoking states’ rights protections under the 10th Amendment to resist the president’s healthcare plan, which he said would be “disastrous” for Texas. Continue reading

Kissinger Tells President Medvedev… ‘By September We’ll Have CONFISCATED ALL PRIVATELY OWNED GUNS…’ (Updated May 25, 2009)

Kremlin reports on the extraordinary meeting held today between President Medvedev and former United States Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger (under Nixon), James Baker (under Bush Sr.), Charles Shultz (under Regan), former United States Defense Secretary William Perry (under Clinton), and former US Senator and top defense expert Sam Nunn, are stating that the Americans are acknowledging for the first time their acceptance of a New Global Order… Continue reading

Inflation, Deflation and “Got You” Prices

Scott Patterson writes in the Wall Street Journal that we won’t get inflation until unemployment is down below 5%:

A rule of thumb is that inflation doesn’t become sticky until the unemployment rate dips below 5%… Continue reading

Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

Rick Perry set to push revamped agenda to sell freeways to foreign-owned private companies and convert them to toll roads Continue reading

MSM: 10th Amendment Movement Aims to Give Power Back to States

(Fox) – Fed up with Washington’s involvement in everything from land use to gun control to education spending, states across the country are fighting back against what they say is the federal government’s growing intrusion on their rights. Continue reading

Democratic Representative Kills Texas Sovereignty Resolution

State Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D-Houston) used a procedural motion to block HCR 50, the state sovereignty reaffirmation resolution, Tuesday evening. The move blocks a bipartisan effort to protect state and individual rights from federal government usurpation. Continue reading

MSM: Secession – the Ultimate States’ Right – Ron Paul

Last week the governor of Texas ignited a media firestorm for his remarks involving the idea of secession. He did not call for Texas to secede from the United States. He merely pointed out that the federal government was treading heavily on the sovereignty of the states and that this can not continue indefinitely without a breaking point. Continue reading

Ted Nugent: Tea stands for freedom

The Boston tea party was not simply symbolic. It was a physical manifestation of a real, honest-to-God human condition. Continue reading

Video: Rachel Maddow Compares Sovereignty Movement to Confederacy

Rachel Maddow, described as Keith Olbermann’s “political soul mate” and “a liberal in the purest, almost mineral sense of the word,” has characterized the states’ rights and sovereignty movement as a modern spin-off of the Confederacy, “except the states aren’t clinging to a slave-based economy.” She claims to be “weirded-out by the Civil War theme” of the Tea Party movement. Continue reading

The “End the Fed” Protests are the (Secret) Road to World Government

Two recent articles (my article and the JustGetUsThere article) in the past few days have discussed how the mass media is hijacking the patriot and Truth movements by (1) attempting to take over the debates about the issues that the patriot groups have been discussing for decades by suddenly, all-at-once blasting them into the mass media in a twisted, vacuous, and manipulated way, and Continue reading

Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas’ Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment

Gov. Rick Perry today joined state Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Continue reading