Nine Myths about Socialism in the US – Bill Quigley

So divorced from reality is the American political conversation, it becomes necessary to defend the good name of socialism by explaining that no such thing exists in the U.S. In fact, the United States government does less for its citizens than most of the rest of the world’s developed industrial nations.

“More of the rich stay rich and more of the poor stay poor here in the US.”

Glenn Beck and other far right multi-millionaires are claiming that the US is hot on the path towards socialism. Part of their claim is that the US is much more generous and supportive of our working and poor people than other countries. People may wish it was so, but it is not.

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Health Care Tyranny

Health care spending accounts for approximately 17% of GDP in the USA. Until last week about 50 cents of every health care dollar was being spent by the government with the remaining 50 cents so being spent in the private sector. Until last week about 11% of the healthcare industry was controlled by government monopoly in the form of Medicare, Medicaid, Indian Health Care, Veterans Health Care, and other entities (all failing with trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities). The 6% remaining in the private sector is subject to heavy government intervention (i.e. largely a political capitalism, not free market capitalism). With the passage of Obamacare the remaining 6% of the health care industry will soon fall under the complete control of the federal government. Experience and the laws of economics tell us that a government monopoly on health care means costs will spiral out of control, taxes will skyrocket, innovation will be curtailed, the brightest minds will flee the health care industry, shortages, waiting lines, and unnecessary mortality will result. Welcome to the tyranny of socialized medicine. Continue reading

Video: Work Sucks!

(Left-Libertarian) – When I originally wrote this essay, I included Fordism as other aspect of the dehumanizing of labor. It was too long so I cut it but you can still see the remnants. Continue reading

Campaign for Liberty Headlines

Losing the Bill of Rights

Last month, President Obama announced that Khalid Sheik Mohammed would be transferred to New York, where he would stand trial in U.S. district court for his purported role as principal architect of the 9/11 attacks. At the same time, Obama announced that other terrorist suspects would continue to be tried for terrorism in the Pentagon’s military-commissions system, which was established after 9/11. Read More Here

A Hell of a Decade – Peter Schiff

In its recent look back on the first ten years of the century, Time Magazine proclaimed the period to be “the decade from hell.” The editors made their case based on what they saw as the signature events of the last ten years, notably the ravages of terrorism, failed wars, and a global financial crisis. Taken together, these factors produced an era that Time is convinced will be remembered as one of the low points in our history. Read More Here

Libertarianism in Ancient China

The three main schools of political thought: the Legalists, the Taoists, and the Confucians, were established from the sixth to the fourth centuries BC. Roughly, the Legalists, the latest of the three broad schools, simply believed in maximal power to the state, and advised rulers how to increase that power. The Taoists were the world’s first libertarians, who believed in virtually no interference by the state in economy or society, and the Confucians were middle-of-the-roaders on this critical issue. Read More Here

Corporatism and Socialism in America

Principled advocacy of the free market requires an understanding of the differences between genuine free enterprise and “state capitalism.” Although the Left frequently exaggerates and overemphasizes the evils of corporate America, proponents of the free market often find themselves in the awkward position of defending the status quo of state capitalism, which is in fact a common adversary of the free marketer and the anti-corporate leftist, even if the latter misdiagnoses the problem and proposes the wrong solutions. Read More Here

Wealth Care – Mumia Abu-Jamal

As Congress wrestles over the parameters of a health care bill, amidst maddened catcalls of ‘death panels’ and ‘socialism!’, I am reminded of the experience of John Black, an old trade unionist, revolutionary activist and journalist. Continue reading

The Climate Change Propaganda Machine

(C4L) – In the last several weeks we have learned several new facts about climate change research. First, climate scientists’ motives are biased. Second, scientists actively discussed how to achieve political ends through their research. Third, and more disturbingly, the public has learned of discarded data, attempts to keep opposing views silent, and total political adherence to an ideology. Yet, without thinking twice, the main stream media and President Obama have shrugged off the controversy and continued boldly with their partisan agenda. It is clear the science behind climate change is biased and disputed, leaving the propaganda machine as the only fact that remains. Continue reading

The Triumph of Socialism – Lew Rockwell

(C4L) – Do you think ideas don’t matter, that what people believe about themselves and their world has no real consequence? If so, the following will not bug you in the slightest. Continue reading

US Economy: More Unemployment. Slowdown in the Pace of Job Losses

(BobChapman) – The number of Americans filing first- time claims for unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest since January, a sign the labor market is deteriorating more slowly as the economy emerges from the recession. Continue reading

Stop Begging Obama to Be Obama and Get Mad

The right-wing accusations against Barack Obama are true. He is a socialist, although he practices socialism for corporations. He is squandering the country’s future with deficits that can never be repaid. He has retained and even bolstered our surveillance state to spy on Americans. He is forcing us to buy into a health care system that will enrich corporations and expand the abuse of our for-profit medical care. He will not stanch unemployment. He will not end our wars. He will not rebuild the nation. He is a tool of the corporate state. Continue reading

See amazing collection of homemade signs, images from 9/12 protest

As taxpayers stormed Washington, D.C., Saturday, they carried a host of creative handmade signs condemning government spending, soaring deficits, increased taxes, a high unemployment rate, Congress, czars, President Obama’s health-care plan and his eligibility status.

The following are just a few memorable photos and signs from the event: Continue reading

We Can’t Break Up the Giant Banks, Can We? Yes We Can!

In response, defenders of the too-big-to-fails make one or more of the following arguments:
(1) The government does not have the authority to break up the big boys
(2) To break up the banks, the government would have to nationalize them, which would be socialism

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Questioning the Police State, Not Just the Tactics

The torture debate focuses on the wrong issues, serving only to obscure the bigger picture. The real life issue is not that our elected government has used police state tactics on prisoners, but that our elected leaders believe that the United States has some sort of moral authority to define its own set of standards, freeing American spies and soldiers to operate outside of the laws that bind the rest of the human race. The torture debate has merely exposed the terror that our government utilizes everyday, to have its way with the world. Continue reading

Block Obama’s Abject Surrender to Insurance and Drug Companies

(Ralph Nader) – Never much of a fighter against abusive corporate power, Barack Obama is making it increasingly clear that right from his start as President, he wanted health insurance reform that received the approval of the giant drug and health insurance industries. Continue reading

Hitler was a Godsend for Israel – Henry Makow

The vast majority of German Jews “vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within.” They were Germans. Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. “Nowhere was the opposition of Jews [to Zionism] so widespread, principled, and fierce as in Germany,” a Zionist historian wrote. (168) Continue reading

Viral Success Of Obama Joker Posters Panics Authorities

The Obama Joker posters are still spreading virally across the country and the world as the authorities panic at the power of the grass roots to reach the masses almost in an instant, flying in the face of an establishment media which is controlled by a handful of powerful corporations. Continue reading

The World Needs A Breather From The US. – And they’ll get it sooner than many think

(Mike Whitney) – We’re making this way too complicated. It’s simple really.

The Fed has only one tool at its disposal; to create more money. Typically, the way the Fed adds to the money supply is by lowering interest rates. When the Fed lowers rates below the rate of inflation; they’re basically selling dollars for under a buck. That’s a good deal, so, naturally, speculators jump on it and trigger a credit expansion. What follows is a frenzy of market activity that ends in a housing, credit, tech or equity bubble. Eventually, the bubble bursts and the economy goes into a tailspin. Then, after a period of digging-out, the process resumes again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s always the same. Continue reading

Obama as Joker Explained

Michael Shaw, over at Huffington Post, does not seem to understand the Obama-as-Joker poster. “Regarding the image specifically, I’m interested in your read, particularly Obama in chalky white face. Besides the allusion to the President as a psychopath and more insidiously, a man behind a mask, does the chalk exploit race by suggesting the man is playing at being white? Continue reading

Video: Obamas Soylent Green Health Care

(Fox) – Cavuto interviews Curatola Continue reading

“Let It Come!” – Chuck Baldwin

During Patrick Henry’s famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech, he said the following: Continue reading

Headed to National Socialism

Beware of leaders who come to power in troubled times, and then use foreign threats and economic crises to bolster their own power. Continue reading

Where Is The Revolution?

I no longer subscribe to either of the following perceptions of our government:
1. The popular impression that we are a democracy where the will of the majority determines public policy.
2. The originally intended conception of American government as a constitutional republic consisting of representatives of the people whose votes reflect the will of their constituents, balanced with an intelligent, complete, and benevolent pursuit of the general welfare. Continue reading

Diplomacy: The Art of Saying “Nice Doggie” Until You Find a Rock

Just when I thought that those in Congress responsible for the collapse of the housing market had diverted their attention to the destruction of other sectors of our free market economy (health care and energy), up pops Barney Frank and his trusty sidekick, Anthony Weiner. Turns out, they are once again pressuring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to relax recently tightened standards on loans for new condominiums. Continue reading

Canadian “Socialism”: What It Means for America

George Washington once advocated that “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” It seems that my fellow men, up over here, in the great North, also known as Quebec Canada fail to see the paradox in the latter statement. Continue reading

Obama’s plan to cut health care costs will be costly

Obama’s health care plan, described as “a government-run insurance program, modeled after Medicare,” is being promoted as a means to cut health care costs. However, Medicare costs have been rising $2,500 faster per patient than costs in the private sector. Continue reading

Government Grinds the Gears

If you knew that baseball teams with winning records tended to be more profitable for their owners than those with losing records — and if you learned that the Baltimore Orioles had just been purchased by the major league umpire’s union, would you expect the Orioles to win more or fewer games? Almost everyone implicitly understands why the umpires should not be allowed to own teams they referee. Continue reading

The Plan For Socialist World Government

While meaningless United Nations hand-wringing over the North Korean nuclear weapons program garnered the headlines, the world body is moving ahead with a global conference to lay the groundwork for world government financed by global taxes. Continue reading

Obama ‘Czars’ – A Zionist Shadow Government

Another Zionist jew is Obama’s latest ‘Czar’ appointment as America falls further under the total domination of one of the world’s tiniest minority groups. Continue reading

Fascialism: The New American System

“If classical liberalism (libertarianism) spells individualism, fascism spells government.”
~ Benito Mussolini, Fascism: Doctrines and Institutions, p. 10 Continue reading

Nobel Economist Stiglitz: Government’s Response is WORSE than Socialism

Some have called this “socialism with American characteristics”. But socialism is concerned about ordinary individuals. By contrast, the US has provided little help for the millions of its people who are losing their homes. Continue reading

Film: The Brotherhood of Darkness – Dr. Stanley Monteith

It is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events without the information contained in this video. What was the origin of the Council on Foreign Relations, and what is its relationship to Freemasonry, Theosophy, Socialism and Communism? This video is felt by many researchers to be the best single source of information on the movements working to create a New World Order. No researcher, or seeker for the truth should be without a copy of this highly acclaimed presentation. Continue reading

On Obama’s Chopping Block: It’s The Turn of General Motors

The greatest single attack on American workers since the Great Depression

The alarm bells should be ringing day and night about what’s being prepared at General Motors — the ripple effects could produce tidal waves. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Have we lost our mind? – 5/19/09

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Obama’s leap to socialism

President Obama showed his hand this week when The New York Times wrote that he is considering converting the stock the government owns in our country’s banks from preferred stock, which it now holds, to common stock. Continue reading

Putin Warns US About Socialism

Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin has said the US should take a lesson from the pages of Russian history and not exercise “excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state’s omnipotence”. Continue reading