Dead doctors still making millions from Medicare billing

(NaturalNews) – Medicare issued as much as $92 million in payments between 2000 and 2007 for medical procedures or devices ordered under the names of doctors who had already died, according to a 2008 Senate committee report.

Prescriptions written in the names of deceased doctors are only one of the fraudulent techniques that plague the U.S. health care system, which has become a favorite target for organized crime.
“There are so many schemes involved,” said John Gillies, a special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). “Take any aspect of the healthcare industry and there’s a fraud going on in there right now.” Continue reading

MSM: Carbon traders charged in fraud case

(Reuters) – Three Britons and a Dutchman have been charged by Belgian authorities with money laundering in an investigation into fraudulent trading in carbon emissions permits, Belgian prosecutors said on Monday. Continue reading

‘U.S. Taxpayers Spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars on a Fraudulent Election’

(AntiWar) – Speaking again on the subject of the August election in Afghanistan, former UN Deputy Mission Chief Peter Galbraith declared today that “U.S. taxpayers spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a fraudulent election,” insisting that “everybody kept sending money” but little effort was made to ensure accountability. Continue reading

The World Needs A Breather From The US. – And they’ll get it sooner than many think

(Mike Whitney) – We’re making this way too complicated. It’s simple really.

The Fed has only one tool at its disposal; to create more money. Typically, the way the Fed adds to the money supply is by lowering interest rates. When the Fed lowers rates below the rate of inflation; they’re basically selling dollars for under a buck. That’s a good deal, so, naturally, speculators jump on it and trigger a credit expansion. What follows is a frenzy of market activity that ends in a housing, credit, tech or equity bubble. Eventually, the bubble bursts and the economy goes into a tailspin. Then, after a period of digging-out, the process resumes again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s always the same. Continue reading

New York Medicaid Fraud May Reach Into Billions

It was created 40 years ago to provide health care for the poorest New Yorkers, offering a lifeline to those who could not afford to have a baby or a heart attack. But in the decades since, New York State’s Medicaid program has also become a $44.5 billion target for the unscrupulous and the opportunistic. Continue reading

White House Reform Chief Was On Boards of Health Companies With Suspect Practices

Before taking her job as the White House health reform director, Nancy-Ann DeParle earned more than $6 million serving on the boards of major health care corporations, some of which were accused of fraud, mismanagement and regulatory violations during her tenure, the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University reports on Continue reading

“Solution” to the Financial Crisis: Game Theory Exposes PPIP As Fraudulent

Game theory tells us that a risk neutral gambler would pay $50 dollars for a coin flip that paid $0 for Heads and $100 for Tails. Game theorists would call $50 the value of the bet.

Suppose someone is willing to fund your gambling problem, and lend you $80 at zero interest. Better still, if you lose the bet you don’t have to pay him back. Under that scenario, the same gambler would pay $90 for the bet, giving him an even chance of winning or losing $10. Continue reading

The Two Trillion Dollar Black Hole

Purge your mind for a moment about everything you’ve heard and read in the last decade about investing on Wall Street and think about the following business model:

 Until Congress holds serious investigations and hearings, the U.S. taxpayer may be funding little more than Ponzi schemes while companies that provide real products and services, legitimate jobs and contributions to the economy are left to fail. 

You take your hard earned retirement savings to a Wall Street firm and they tell you that as long as you “stay invested for the long haul” you can expect double digit annual returns.  You never really know what your money is invested in because it’s pooled with other investors and comes with incomprehensible but legal looking prospectuses.  The heads of these Wall Street firms have been taking massive payouts for themselves, ranging from $160 million to $1 billion per CEO over a number of years.  As long as new money keeps flooding in from newfangled accounts called 401(k)s, Roth IRAs, 529 plans for education savings, and hedge funds (each carrying ever greater restrictions for withdrawing your money and ever greater opacity) everything appears fine on the surface.  And then, suddenly, you learn that many of these Wall Street firms don’t have any assets that anybody wants to buy.  Because these firms are both managing your money as well as having their own shares constitute a large percentage of your pooled investments, your funds begin to plummet as confidence drains from the scheme. Continue reading

Can Congress Bail Out of the Bailout?

We are now entering the financial End Time.

Bailout “Plan A” (buy the junk mortgages) has failed, “Plan B” (buy ersatz stocks in the banks to recapitalize them without wiping out current mismanagers) is fizzling, and the debts still can’t be paid.

That is the reality Wall Street avoids confronting.
Continue reading

Video: How The Elite Control Politics – Alex Jones

This is a very simple animated version of Alex Jones’s talk on the fraudulent left-right 2-party paradigm that we are all locked into. In the original version, Alex uses pen and paper to sketch out the 2-party paradigm. Continue reading

Kucinich to Introduce 60 Impeachment Articles if Stymied in House

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Dennis Kucinich, the Ohio Congressman and former 2008 Democrat presidential candidate, said if the House fails to act on his articles of impeachment, or if the articles are sabotaged in committee, he will come back with 60 articles. Continue reading