Was “The Greatest Con Job in the World” Revealed Today on MSM?

I just an email from someone in the 911 Truth Movement that still talks to me.

What is really amazing is that he has read all my articles on the Federal Reserve and discussed the subject with me extensively. He agrees with my position on the Fed and has considered my theory about a metaphysical struggle with the Earth.

He didn’t send me this email alert directly. Someone on his list sent it to me.

Subject: sharp MSNBC Report on the Federal Reserve

Amazing to see the truth about the Federal Reserve Con Game finally revealed in the main stream media (MSM)..and so brilliantly presented.  Enjoy!

“The Greatest Con Job in the World”

Was “The Greatest Con Job in the World” Revealed on MSM?
This is a major disInformation Video. But since I am closet optimist this means we have at least 3 more minutes to live.

Dylan Ratigan Discusses The Great Financial Con Job With Alan Grayson And Bill Fleckenstein

Submitted by Tyler Durden

Dylan Ratigan, joined by the inimitable Alan Grayson and Bill Fleckenstein, does one of the best comprehensive summations of the where we are, how we got here, and why those responsible for the upcoming US default are still doing exactly what they were doing, through the enabling of the Federal Reserve.

The logical question arises: when will someone finally do something about the situation the US is in right now? At this point pretty much everyone understands how the con works (and if you don’t, watch this clip). Why do we allow a handful of corrupt politicians and a select few of Fed members unaccountable to anyone, coupled with a small group of Wall Street CEO, to determine the fate of this nation, and how long will democracy be trampled by those very people who claim to represent nothing but the people’s interests?

Watch this clip on the Greatest Con (LOL) , if you can stomach it or read my last two articles on Alex Jones Infowars Website.

The Bank of the Fed is Closed…Forever

2008 Financial Collapse

OpEdNews Bold and Daring: Case Study April 4, 2010

by Robert Singer

Did Obama Sandbag His Own Health Care Bill? by David Michael Green, a professor of political science at Hofstra University in New York. [1]

Mr. Green, how is your latest rant at OpedNews, “Did Obama Sandbag His Own Health Care Bill?” different than all of the other rants at OpedNews?

“So Barack Obama got his change. Other people can even believe in it if they want. I regret to say I remain unimpressed” A mobilization of the huge mob of motivated and excited citizens who put Obama in the White House last year in the name of genuine change never occurred.”  David Michael Green

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Video: Rod Blagojevich Uncensored

Former Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich held a book signing at Columbia College this week, promoting his new book, The Governor. He also participated in a debate for the Cinema Slapdown series hosted by the College. Members of We Are Change Chicago were on hand to watch the 1964 film Viva Las Vegas, the debate between the former governor and Dan Rybicky, and then most importantly speak with the Governor. Continue reading

Video: We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

10/15/09 A public address by Paul Volcker the current Chairman of the Obama administrations Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Paul Volcker was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 1979-1987. To view the entire forum video feed go here: Continue reading

The End of Money and the Future of Civilization

It’s too late for anyone to pretend that the U.S. government, whether under President Barack Obama or anyone else, can divert our nation from long-term economic decline. The U.S. is increasingly in a state of political, economic, and moral paralysis, caught as it were between the “rock” of protracted recession and the “hard place” of terminal government debt. Continue reading

MSM: Insiders Exit Shares at the Fastest Pace in Two Years

(Bloomberg) – Executives at U.S. companies are taking advantage of the biggest stock-market rally in 71 years to sell their shares at the fastest pace since credit markets started to seize up two years ago. Continue reading

Video: Gerald Celente on CNBC – Fed Inflates ‘Bailout Bubble’

As the Federal Reserve throws more and more money at the economic crisis and holds interest rates down at historic lows, it could be inflating a devastating ‘bailout bubble,’ Gerald Celente, director of Trends Research Institute, told CNBC. Continue reading

Bill to Audit Fed Gains Serious Momentum

It looks like the Federal Reserve may finally have something to worry about now that HR 1207 is finally gaining serious steam. If enacted, HR 1207 will amend title 31 of the United States Code and reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States. In other words, for the first time since 1950, the criminals at the Federal Reserve will be forced by law to open their books. Continue reading

Economy On The Ropes – Mike Whitney

The economy continued to shrink in the first quarter of 2009 at an annual pace of 6.1 percent, making it the worst recession in more than 50 years. Gross Domestic Product slipped into negative territory from January to March for back-to-back quarters of negative 6 percent growth. Continue reading

SATURDAY April 25: NATIONWIDE End the Fed! Rallies

Join us for the second, historic “Rally for Sound Money” this Saturday at the local office of the Federal Reserve Bank. Our movement is growing by leaps and bounds as millions learn of the true nature of our monetary system—debt slavery—and of the reality that our government has been hijacked by a coterie of bankers headquartered at the Fed.

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Obama’s Cockeyed Optimism: “We are starting to see glimmers of hope across the economy.”

Bernanke’s financial rescue plan is a disaster. He should have spent a little less time with Milton Friedman and a little more with Karl Marx. It was Marx who uncovered the root of all financial crises. He summed it up like this:

“The ultimate reason for all real crises always remains the poverty and restricted consumption of the masses as opposed to the drive of capitalist production to develop the productive forces as though only the absolute consuming power of society constituted their limit.” Continue reading

The Economy – Hyping Hope While Peddling Fear

Barack Obama and Fed chairman Ben Bernanke were reading from the same playbook this week, hyping hope in the economy, but still wringing all the necessary leverage out of public fear to justify the certainty of future bailouts. Obama claimed he could see “signs of economic progress,” while Bernanke echoed the foolishly optimistic remarks of John McCain when he said “I am fundamentally optimistic about our economy.” Continue reading

MSM: Stiglitz Says White House Ties to Wall Street Doom Bank Rescue

(Bloomberg) – The Obama administration’s bank- rescue efforts will probably fail because the programs have been designed to help Wall Street rather than create a viable financial system, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said. Continue reading

Tea’d off about taxes at Oklahoma State Capitol

Oklahoma City – Well over 5,000 people crowded onto the south plaza of the Oklahoma State Capitol Wednesday, taking part in the Tax Day Tea Party movement that has swept America, with 2,500 Tea Parties reportedly taking place nationwide. Continue reading

Video: National Guard On Alert For Tea Party Protests

The Maryland National Guard has been put on alert in anticipation of today’s nationwide Tea Party protests, while a Homeland Security spokesman refused to deny that protesters would be under surveillance from the DHS.

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94 Years of Serfdom – Paul Craig Roberts

This April 15 is the 94th year that Americans have had to file an income tax. For most Americans, the day is a non-event. The federal and state governments have already collected the taxes due by withholding from each paycheck over the course of the calendar year. Most Americans never saw the money and have no real idea that they earned it. Continue reading

Bailouts and Manipulations: Save Wall Street, at the Expense of Main Street

Wall Street is in the midst of a huge rally, primarily sparked by two recent occurrences.

The first was the “surprising” announcement that Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America — major “zombie” banks laden with “toxic assets,” on the verge of collapse, and the recipients of billions in government (US taxpayer) bailout money — mysteriously posted profits this year. Wells Fargo, regarded as one of the healthier big banks, and a recipient of $25 billion, also reported a profit last week, rallying the stock markets again before the Easter holiday. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Reckless Spending And Taxation Prolonged Great Depression

Ron Paul has slammed Barack Obama’s claim that reckless government spending and taxation is the only way to alleviate the economic crisis by pointing out that the end of the great depression only came after taxes and spending were drastically cut.

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A Message to the Revolution: The Easiest Way to Destroy a Movement is to Become It

I guess you could say that the media’s new catch phrase these days is Tea Party. A couple of years ago, this tradition was reborn by a nationwide grassroots movement of non-partisan freedom lovers, who are seeking a return to the Constitutional roots of this nation.

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End The Fed: Nation-wide Events April 25

Let’s see what the Federal Reserve Bank and its enablers in the Executive Branch, the Treasury Department and the Congress have accomplished since the End Began as we last rallied for Sound Money on November 22nd, 2008:

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Video: The Warren Report – “Liquidate the Banks; Fire the Executives!”

On Tuesday, a congressional panel headed by ex-Harvard law professor Elizabeth Warren released a report on Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s handling of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). Warren was appointed to lead the five-member Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) in November by Senate majority leader Harry Reid. From the opening paragraph on, the Warren report makes clear that Congress is frustrated with Geithner’s so-called “Financial Rescue Plan” and doesn’t have the foggiest idea of what he is trying to do. Here are the first few lines of “Assessing Treasury’s Strategy: Six Months of TARP”: Continue reading

The Financial New World Order – Towards a Global Currency and World Government


APRIL 07, 2009 “
Global Research” — –Following the 2009 G20 summit, plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency. Point 19 of the communiqué released by the G20 at the end of the Summit stated, “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity.” SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights, are “a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund.” As the Telegraph reported, “the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and begin global “quantitative easing”. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body. Conspiracy theorists will love it.”[1] Continue reading

MSM: German and French banks got $36 billion from AIG Bailout

We officially moved into the next stage of the crisis today. AIG, likely under pressure from the administration, decided to come clean about where most of the bailout money was going. In a press release with several attachments, the struggling insurer detailed which counterparties had gotten about $100 billion of the bailout funds. Continue reading

Should We Kill the Fed? – Patrick J. Buchanan

For the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage. Continue reading

The Smooth Criminal Transition from Bush/Cheney to Obama

Corrupt new administration deepens and expands systemic criminalization and war agenda Continue reading

ALIPAC Issues Advisory on MIAC and SPLC, ADL

ALIPAC is issuing a national advisory to all local, state, and Federal law enforcement agencies and officers, along with all DHS Fusion Centers, a warning against any reliance upon faulty and politicized research issued by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Anti Defamation League (ADL). Continue reading

What Has Government Done To Our Money?

Monetary policy is—aside from war—the primary tool of state aggrandizement. It ensures the growth of government, finances deficits, rewards special interests, and fixes elections. Without it, the federal leviathan would collapse, and we could return to the republic of the Founding Fathers. Continue reading

Video: South Park – Stan Marsh takes us through the mortgage crisis

From this week’s episode of South Park, “Margaritaville,” Stan Marsh and others get hit with the backlash of the credit crunch. Continue reading

Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial crisis

Russia has become the first major country to call for a partial restoration of the Gold Standard to uphold discipline in the world financial system. Continue reading

Geithner’s Hog-wallow: the US Treasury’s Cash Giveaway Bonanza

There’s depressing news this week that the big banks are up to their old shenanigans again. This time they’ve zeroed in on Geithner’s cash giveaway bonanza, the “Public Private Investment Partnership” (PPIP). As expected, Bank of America and Citigroup have angled their way to the front of the herd, thrusting their pig-heads into the public trough and extracting whatever morsels they can find amid a din of gurgling and sucking sounds. Here’s the story from the New York Post: Continue reading