MSM: Fed Shrouding $2 Trillion in Bank Loans in ‘Secrecy,’ Suit Says

U.S. taxpayers need to know the risks behind the Federal Reserve’s $2 trillion in lending to financial institutions because the public is now an “involuntary investor” in the nation’s banks, according to a court filing by Bloomberg LP. Continue reading

Video: Hannity, Morris Agree with “Conspiracy People” About New World Order

In the video here, the former Clintonite Dick Morris, who is now a darling of Fox News, tells Sean Hannity the globalists will put the “American economy under international regulation” and “those people who have been yelling, oh, the UN is going to take over… they’ve been crazy, but now they’re right.” Continue reading

Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial crisis

Russia has become the first major country to call for a partial restoration of the Gold Standard to uphold discipline in the world financial system. Continue reading

“Bones” in the Money Pit – Robert Singer

“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.”—JFK.

Our consumer society didn’t just happen, it was planned. Not in 1910, or 1954, but in the year 1832, the year William Huntington Russell and fellow classmate Alphonso Taft at Yale University founded the Skull and Bones society, a branch of the Bavarian Illuminati. Continue reading

MSM: China calls for new reserve currency

China’s central bank on Monday proposed replacing the US dollar as the international reserve currency with a new global system controlled by the International Monetary Fund. Continue reading

China Offers No Fix for Global Slump

Any prospect that China could be the growth engine to pull the world economy out of deep recession has been laid to rest by the latest World Bank forecast. Continue reading

Video: The Obama Deception – Alternate Trailer

Get your copy today at the Infowars Store.

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. Continue reading

MSM: Fed Refuses to Release Bank Lending Data, Insists on Secrecy, Says it Isn’t Subject to FOIA Law

The Fed refused yesterday to disclose the names of the borrowers and the loans, alleging that it would cast “a stigma” on recipients of more than $1.9 trillion of emergency credit from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral. Continue reading

World Dictatorship! WAKE UP!

There is just too much to cover to give my 2 cents because I have 2 tons of gold to give.

We’ve lived for several years in a delusion of democracy, freedom, and prosperity. Now, they’re taking it all away. 9/11 was just the groundwork to take away your rights. Runaway government spending, credit bubble, mortage bubble, oil price bubble, etc., all engineered to bust the economy and to bring in the solution of world dictatorship. Continue reading

MSM: Jim Rogers – Let AIG Go Bankrupt, Not America

American International Group should be allowed to go bankrupt because keeping it and other sick financials alive on government support risks ruining the US economy, legendary investor Jim Rogers told CNBC Tuesday. Continue reading

Gold Industry Officials Warn Of Depression, Expect Major Economies To Boost Reserves

Bailout packages will likely lead to mass inflation, dollar crash Continue reading

MSM: China Needs U.S. Guarantees for Treasuries, Yu Says (Update2)

Feb 11(Bloomberg) China should seek guarantees that its $682 billion holdings of U.S. government debt won’t be eroded by “reckless policies,” said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to the central bank. Continue reading

Video: Majority Of U.S. States Join Sovereignty Movement, Assert 10th Amendment Rights

A majority of states have bills passed or have proposed bill which affirm 10th Amendment rights. Some affirm additional rights and/or give specific reasons. New Hampshire has written the most aggressive legislation. Continue reading

Finance Capitalism Hits a Wall

The Oligarchs’ Escape Plan – at the Treasury’s Expense

The financial “wealth creation” game is over. Economies emerged from World War II relatively free of debt, but the 60-year global run-up has run its course. Finance capitalism is in a state of collapse, and marginal palliatives cannot revive it. The U.S. economy cannot “inflate its way out of debt,” because this would collapse the dollar and end its dreams of global empire by forcing foreign countries to go their own way. There is too little manufacturing to make the economy more “competitive,” given its high housing costs, transportation, debt and tax overhead. A quarter to a third of U.S. real estate has fallen into Negative Equity, so no banks will lend to them. The economy has hit a debt wall and is falling into Negative Equity, where it may remain for as far as the eye can see until there is a debt write-down. Continue reading

Fed Up With the Fed

The way Ron Paul tells it, his more than 30 years of speaking and writing about money, inflation, and the Federal Reserve System attracted only limited interest outside libertarian and constitutionalist circles. The subject, and Paul as its spokesman, were scarcely to be found in the media, even—or perhaps especially—on the business networks. Continue reading

Iceland: New government pledges continuation of IMF austerity programme

Iceland’s new coalition government between the Social Democratic Alliance and the Left-Green Party was formed February 1 after negotiations with the Progressive Party over its parliamentary support. Although the new administration came to power promising significant changes to government and the financial sector, the direction of the SDA-led government will be a continuation of previous policies. Continue reading

The popular uprising against central banking

The way Ron Paul tells it, his more than 30 years of speaking and writing about money, inflation, and the Federal Reserve System attracted only limited interest outside libertarian and constitutionalist circles. The subject, and Paul as its spokesman, were scarcely to be found in the media, even—or perhaps especially—on the business networks. Continue reading

Iceland Prime Minister To Try And Fire Central Bank Governors

Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurdardóttir will present a bill at a cabinet meeting today on amendments to legislation on Iceland’s Central Bank, including reducing the bank’s governors from three to one. The resulting position will be advertised. Continue reading

MSM: Iceland Says Coalition Government Collapses

Global financial meltdown and collapsing banks spark current crisis

Protesters clash with police

Protesters clash with police behind the parliament building in Reykjavik last week.

U.S. Collective Dictatorship Enlarges

December 07, 2008 – Dictatorship is unlimited rule. Collective dictatorship is unlimited rule by an assembly. National government in the U.S. has tended toward collective dictatorship over its entire history. Continue reading

MSM: Icelanders protest economic meltdown

REYKJAVIK, Iceland: Thousands of Icelanders marked the 90th anniversary of their nation’s sovereignty with angry protest Monday, and several hundred stormed the central bank to demand the ouster of bankers they blame for the country’s spectacular economic meltdown.
Continue reading

End the Fed, End Wall Street Bankster Rule, End the Derivatives Depression

The November 22 End the Fed rallies raise a vital issue: it is past time to abolish the unconstitutional, illegal, and failed institution known as the Federal Reserve System, the privately owned central bank which has been looting and wrecking the US economy for almost a hundred years. We must end a system where unelected, unaccountable cliques of bankers and financiers loyal to names like Morgan, Rockefeller, and Mellon set interest rates and money supply behind closed doors, leading to de-industrialization, mass impoverishment, and a world economic and financial depression of incalculable severity. Continue reading

MSM: Worst of financial crisis yet to come – IMF chief economist

The IMF’s chief economist has warned that the global financial crisis is set to worsen and that the situation will not improve until 2010, a report said Saturday.
Olivier Blanchard also warned that the institution does not have the funds to solve every economic problem. Continue reading

MSM: Crisis may make 1929 look a ‘walk in the park’

Credit paralysis

As central banks continue to splash their cash over the system, so far to little effect, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard argues that things risk spiralling out of their control

Twenty billion dollars here, $20bn there, and a lush half-trillion from the European Central Bank at give-away rates for Christmas. Buckets of liquidity are being splashed over the North Atlantic banking system, so far with meagre or fleeting effects. Continue reading

MSM: Fed to Purchase U.S. Commercial Paper to Ease Crunch

Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve will create a special fund to buy U.S. commercial paper, seeking to unblock the financing tool that drives everyday commerce for American businesses.

The Treasury will make a deposit with the Fed’s New York district bank to help set up the new unit. The central bank will also lend to the program at policy makers’ target rate for overnight loans between banks, the central bank said in a statement released in Washington. Fed officials said they intend to set up the fund soon, while declining to specify a date. Continue reading

Brazil, Argentina abandon US dollar

Brazil and Argentina have launched a new payment system in their bilateral trade, doing away with the US dollar as a medium of exchange.

The two Latin American nations started the Payment System on Local Currency (SML) on Monday following a last month agreement inked by their presidents to use local currencies in a bid to end transaction in dollars. Continue reading

Video: Money Masters Producer on Economic Meltdown

Patrick Carmack, the producer of the acclaimed documentary “The Money Masters” detailing how private international bankers gained control of the American economy, shares his view on the current meltdown in the global financial services sector.