Lawsuit over Geronimo’s Remains dismissed because Government is Legally God

(America20xy) – A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed against the Federal Government and Yale University by 20 descendents of the Apache warrior Geronimo, who say that their famous ancestor’s remains were stolen from Fort Sill, Oklahama and are illegally in the possession of “Skull and Bones”– a secret society at Yale.

Among those whom Geronimo’s ancestors accuse of stealing their ancestor’s remains years ago is former Skull and Bones member Prescott Bush– the now deceased father and grandfather of Presidents Bush Sr. and Jr.  Both former presidents were also members of the secret society, as well as Senator John Kerry.

Skull and Bones is an elite organization that often practices bizarre, occult rituals. According to an article on Skull and Bones’ own website: Continue reading

Video: Emile de Antonio on the Bush Family & Skull and Bones

Our intrepid Alternative View repoters Frank Morrow and Doug Kellner continue their interview with documentary filmaker Emile de Antonio in this segment he gives us some background on the Bush family and their long involvement with foreign intelligence. We hear about Senator Prescott Bush father and grandfather two our two presidents. Also the secret Yale society Skull & Bones is another subject covered. The interview ends just as George W. Bush is getting started in Texas during the 1950’s. In our next segment we will continue to explore more on the life of George W. Bush. Continue reading

The Global Warming Hoax

Isn’t it interesting how all our problems seem to be global these days. A global war on terrorism, a global economic crisis, the need for a global currency, global trade, global health concerns, global warming, etc. Continue reading

Why Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States

The de facto unemployment rate in the United States is 19%. Thus, there are 29 million, not 11.6 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work. Since there is not enough police, National Guard or military to keep order when 29 million people panic, Barack Obama will restore and lead the nation out of its unsustainable American Dream and into a great new depression. Continue reading

Dem Bones is Connected To De Debt Bone – Robert Singer

It is an understatement to say we are experiencing an unprecedented financial crisis along with our world-wide environmental crisis. Neither crisis needs an Austrian economist to explain it. We live in a consumer society and consumers “use things up.” In recent history, this useless, toxic “stuff” comes from China, and this sad state of affairs is so simple to understand that even a child can follow. Just watch the, “Story of Stuff,” a web-based documentary about the dark underside of consumption. Continue reading

“Bones” in the Money Pit – Robert Singer

“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.”—JFK.

Our consumer society didn’t just happen, it was planned. Not in 1910, or 1954, but in the year 1832, the year William Huntington Russell and fellow classmate Alphonso Taft at Yale University founded the Skull and Bones society, a branch of the Bavarian Illuminati. Continue reading