Lawsuit over Geronimo’s Remains dismissed because Government is Legally God

(America20xy) – A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed against the Federal Government and Yale University by 20 descendents of the Apache warrior Geronimo, who say that their famous ancestor’s remains were stolen from Fort Sill, Oklahama and are illegally in the possession of “Skull and Bones”– a secret society at Yale.

Among those whom Geronimo’s ancestors accuse of stealing their ancestor’s remains years ago is former Skull and Bones member Prescott Bush– the now deceased father and grandfather of Presidents Bush Sr. and Jr.  Both former presidents were also members of the secret society, as well as Senator John Kerry.

Skull and Bones is an elite organization that often practices bizarre, occult rituals. According to an article on Skull and Bones’ own website:

Andrew Steele
America 20xy
August 11, 2010

Because Geronimo isn’t a fossilized arrowhead or a muddy moccasin pulled out of a river, his descendents are considered to have no legal standing.

“The initiation ceremony, held in April, involves as many alumni, or “patriarchs,” as possible, one of whom in each instance serves as the supervisor, known as Uncle Toby. The Inner Temple is cleared of furniture except for two chairs and a table, and Bonesmen past and present assemble: Uncle Toby in a robe; the shortest senior, or “Little Devil,” in a satanic costume; a Bonesman with a deep voice in a Don Quixote costume; one in papal vestments; another dressed as Elihu Yale; four of the brawniest in the role of “shakers”; and a crew of extras wearing skeleton costumes and carrying noisemakers. According to the initiation script, Uncle Toby “sounds like the only sane person in the room.”

The initiate then has to read a secret oath.

Whether the fact that our nation’s handpicked leaders participate in these rituals alarms the reader or not, what should alarm any decent human being is the charge that the secret society possesses human remains and uses them in a show. (Any ritual is just a playacting when you strip away their occult mystique.) The question of the bones being Geronimo’s or not is trivial in relation to this point, since the mores of human civilization dictate that the remains of any human being should be treated with respect. The charge that the secret society possesses actual human bones is one that can’t be overlooked, since there’s photographic evidence proving that Skull and Bones, at some point in history, was in possession of somebody’s remains:

What should also alarm the reader is this line from the AP’s report describing why the suit against the Federal Government was dismissed:

“Judge Richard Roberts last month granted a Justice Department motion to dismiss, saying the plaintiffs didn’t establish the government had waived its right not to be sued without its consent.”

What this means is that the United States government claimed “Sovereign Immunity”, otherwise known at “Crown Immunity” (hey, didn’t we fight a revolution against that kind of stuff?) and in order to be sued it has to waive its right to it, which it says it never did in this matter.

Sovereign immunity is a doctrine in which the state is considered incapable of committing a legal wrong and is therefore immune from lawsuits and criminal prosecution.

Many countries practice sovereign immunity in their legal systems. In the United States the process by which the Federal Government waives its right to the doctrine’s protection on a particular issue requires legislation to be passed by Congress.  This, despite the fact that the U.S. Constitution clearly outlines what powers the Federal Government has, and that the Tenth Amendment limits its powers to those specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

Though it’s often said that sovereign immunity originated from old English law, its real basis is the corrupt reality of power itself and the ability of rulers to declare themselves above the law. In ancient times rulers justified this by proclaiming that they themselves were literally God. Since many religions argue philosophically that God is infallible, the sovereign immunity doctrine places government on the same level as God by stating that it too can do no wrong.

The suit against the Federal Government didn’t argue the legal justification for sovereign immunity itself, but that the Federal Government had waived it with the passage of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990. This was a law which required government agencies and taxpayer funded institutions to return Native American artifacts to tribal descendants.

The suit against Yale– which officially declares that it’s not affiliated with Skull and Bones– was dismissed because the same Act “applies only to Native American cultural items excavated or discovered after 1990″.

So because the theft happened long ago, and because Geronimo isn’t a fossilized arrowhead or a muddy moccasin pulled out of a river, his descendents are considered to have no legal standing.

Source: America 20 XY

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