Former Senator Ted Stevens Reported in Plane Crash

(KurtNimmo) – It is being reported today that former Republican senator Ted Stevens and the former head of NASA Sean O’Keefe were aboard a plane that crashed in Alaska.

O’Keefe is the head of the plane manufacturer EADS.

The downed plane, a DeHavilland DHC-3T, crashed about 10 miles northwest of Aleknagik, Alaska, according to Reuters.

The media is reporting that more than half of people aboard the plane were killed in the crash but there was no confirmation if Stevens or O’Keefe are among the dead. Continue reading

Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: More than $48 million collected since 2003. Less than $2 million spent on Veterans and their Families

(NewWorldOrderReport) – (Before you read this article, know that Debbie Schlussel is a joke of a journalist and an insult to the turth movement. She has no concept of movements in general and thnks all truthers are violent people. Her lack of comprehension on political struggles as a history is disturbing and her inability to respect opposing views is childish. Debbie, you are a disgusting person.)

For the last several years, Sean Hannity and the Freedom Alliance “charity” have conducted “Freedom Concerts” across America. They’ve told you that they are raising money to pay for the college tuition of the children of fallen soldiers and to pay severely wounded war vets. And on Friday Night, Hannity will be honored with an award for this “Outstanding Community Service by a Radio Talk Show Host” at Talkers Magazine’s convention.

But it’s all a huge scam. Read More Here

U.N. Climate Change panel embarrassed further – Sean Segler

This newest revelation will cause more embarrassment for the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which had to issue a humiliating apology last month over inaccurate statements about global warming: Continue reading

MSM: Charlie Sheen urges Barack Obama to reopen 9/11 investigation in video message

(Telegraph) – Actor Charlie Sheen has issued a video message urging President Barack Obama to reopen investigation into the 9/11 attacks. Continue reading

MSM: E-mails from public overload House Web site

(AP) – Amid a boisterous debate on health care reform, people flooded members of Congress on Thursday with so many e-mails that they overloaded the House’s primary Web site. Continue reading

Video: Dennis Blair – Iran Has Not Re-Started Its Nuclear Weapons Program

Earlier this month, Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen made headlines when he was asked by CNN whether Iran had enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb. “We think they do, quite frankly,” Mullen said. This morning, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) asked Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair to address the “confusion” about what the intelligence says about Iran’s weapons capacity. Blair said the intelligence community has assessed that Iran does not possess any highly-enriched uranium, and clarified that Mullen had been referring only to low-enriched uranium. Continue reading

Video: Walter Cronkite – Most Trusted Asset of Operation Mockingbird

“It is impossible to imagine CBS News, journalism or indeed America without Walter Cronkite,” said Sean McManus, president of CBS News, on the passing on Walter Cronkite. “More than just the best and most trusted anchor in history, he guided America through our crises, tragedies and also our victories and greatest moments.” Continue reading

Video: DHS Takes Seriously Claim Militias May Collaborate with al-Qaeda on Bio Attack

According to The Washington Times, U.S. counterterrorism officials have “authenticated” a video by a supposed al-Qaeda recruiter who claims he has the ability to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border. In the video, Abdullah al-Nafisi also suggests that al-Qaeda might want to collaborate with “members of native U.S. white supremacist militias who hate the federal government.” Continue reading

Video: Docublogger Interviews Alex Jones

Docublogger Sean Cunningham interviews Alex Jones about the IFC documentary New World Order The Movie Continue reading

Video: Hannity, Morris Agree with “Conspiracy People” About New World Order

In the video here, the former Clintonite Dick Morris, who is now a darling of Fox News, tells Sean Hannity the globalists will put the “American economy under international regulation” and “those people who have been yelling, oh, the UN is going to take over… they’ve been crazy, but now they’re right.” Continue reading

MSM: Hannity Wants You To Think Terrorists May Be Your “New Neighbors”

Hannity found it preferable to terrorize viewers with inflammatory rhetoric – something he decries in others but calculates, apparently, that it’s a better tool than facts and reason. With video. Continue reading