City receives citation for not fluoridating water

(RegisterPajaronian) – The City of Watsonville has been cited by the California Department of Public Health for failure to comply with an order by the state to fluoridate the water supply.

The citation was received by the city Thursday and demands written assurance from the city by Aug. 29 that it will comply, and plan and schedule for fluoridation submitted by Sept. 19.

City Attorney Al Smith said the citation appeared “out of the clear blue.”

“We have been in communication with the Department of Health Services,” he said. “I was surprised … but it is what it is.” Read entire article

Video: Warning – This Common Food Causes Devastating Offspring Defects in New Research Study

(DrMercola) – In this interview, Jeffrey Smith, author of the bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, discusses the latest GMO research findings coming out of Russia, which adds fuel to previous concerns about long-term sterility and other highly bizarre physiological side effects. Continue reading

Audio: Jeff Rense Show Archive – May 19, 2010

Audio: Jeff Rense with Dr Rebecca Carley on Vaccine Death Download Here

Audio: Jeff Rense with Charles R. Smith on World Events Download Here

Audio: Jeff Rense with Joel Skousen on World Affairs BriefDownload Here

GMO alert: U.S. attempting global censorship of GMO food labeling – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) I received an urgent alert from Jeffrey Smith today about a dangerous situation taking place right now at the international CODEX conference. The U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers are left in the dark about whether their foods and grocery products are genetically modified or not.

Your help is urgently needed to send a message to the Secretaries of State (Clinton), Agriculture (Vilsack), and Health and Human Services (Sebelius) to urge them to halt the USA’s nefarious attempts to install a global GMO deception. Continue reading

Evidence Mounts NATO Report Lied on Afghan Civilian Killings

The February 12 night raid against a house party in Afghanistan’s Paktia Province remains shrouded in mystery, but NATO’s official story appears to be crumbling as even NATO officials concede that the claims made were not strictly true.

NATO’s official statement claimed at the time that the raid on the home led to a “fire fight” against “several insurgents” who were killed, before NATO made a “gruesome discovery” of bound and gagged bodies in a nearby room.

NATO is conceding now that all of the slain people were civilians killed in the raid. NATO communications direct Rear Admiral Greg Smith also admitted that they had no real evidence that the men slain at the home had ever fired a shot against the NATO forces.

Witnesses at the site reported that one of the people in the compound, a local policeman, shouted “don’t fire, we work for the government” before being gunned down by the invading forces.

Rear Admiral Smith defended the killing of the policeman, however, saying “if you have got an individual stepping out of a compound, and if your assault force is there, that is often the trigger to neutralise (read: kill) the individual. You don’t have to be fired upon to fire back.

Since the incident, all those detained by NATO have been released without charges. In addition, the US has reportedly paid $2,000 to the family for each of the civilians killed in the attack.

Source: Aletho News

Those ‘Conspiracy Theories’

(LewRockwell) – New research in the journal American Behavioral Scientist (Sage publications, February 2010) addresses the concept of “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD). Professor Lance deHaven-Smith from Florida State University writes that SCADs involve high-level government officials, often in combination with private interests, that engage in covert activities for political advantages and power.  Proven SCADs since World War II include McCarthyism (fabrication of evidence of a communist infiltration), Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (President Johnson and Robert McNamara falsely claimed North Vietnam attacked a US ship), burglary of the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in effort to discredit Ellsberg, the Watergate break-in, Iran-Contra, Florida’s 2000 Election (felon disenfranchisement program), and fixed intelligence on WMDs to justify the Iraq War. Continue reading

MSM: Climategate – Is the British government conspiring not to prosecute?

(Telegraph) – Ed Miliband, the weird blobby egg creature with dark hair on top currently doing untold damage as Britain’s Energy and Climate Secretary, has declared war on Climate Sceptics. – Continue reading

NASA Caught in Climate Data Manipulation; New Revelations Headlined on KUSI-TV Climate Special

Climate researchers have discovered that NASA researchers improperly manipulated data in order to claim 2005 as “THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD.” KUSI-TV meteorologist, Weather Channel founder, and iconic weatherman John Coleman will present these findings in a one-hour special airing on KUSI-TV on Jan.14 at 9 p.m. A related report will be made available on the Internet at 6 p.m. EST on January 14th at Continue reading

Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism – Robert Locke

No-one wants to talk about Japan these days.  The conventional wisdom is that the bloom went off Japan’s economic rose around 1990 and that the utter superiority of neoliberal capitalism was vindicated by the strong performance of the American economy during the 1990s.  Furthermore, everyone is now convinced that China – whose economy is 1/8 the size of Japan’s – is the rising economic power and therefore the appropriate object of attention.
But Japan is, despite everything, still one of the master keys to understanding the future of the world economy, because Japan is the clearest case study of why neoliberalism is false.  Simply put, Japan has done almost everything wrong by neoliberal standards and yet is indisputably the second-richest nation in the world. Continue reading

Video: Everything you HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods

Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, entertains a wildly appreciative audience with shocking facts about how genetically modified organisms (GMOs) entered our lives. Smith links GMO to toxins, allergies, infertility, infant mortality, immune dysfunction, stunted growth, and death. Whistleblowers were fired, threatened, and gagged, and warnings by FDA scientists were ignored. Start today to protect yourself by joining the Campaign for Healthier Eating in America— a plan that gives the consumer the power to end the genetic engineering of our food supply.

Video Link Here

MSM: Gun sales shoot up amid America’s fear of rising crime and terrorism

(Times) – Smith & Wesson, the famed American gunmaker once owned by Tomkins, the British conglomerate, expects to nearly double its annual sales in the next three to five years as demand for its firearms soars in the recession. It is not alone. Continue reading

Herding the Sheep – Washingtons Blog

Financial insider and commentator Yves Smith wrote an essay last week entitled “MSM Reporting as Propaganda” arguing that the government has been using propaganda to make people think that things are getting better, no one is angry, and – therefore – no one should get upset: Continue reading

MSM: California County Declares H1N1 State of Emergency

(Kron4) – Santa Clara County officials are declaring a local state of emergency due to the H1N1 swine flu virus. Continue reading

Flashback: Boston’s Pandemic Bracelet Scheme

Editor’s note: It could also be used to track who did not get a toxic vaccine. The following article first appeared on November 21, 2008. Continue reading

On anniversary, stock market closes at exact 9/11 level

Eerie coincidence or coded Wall Street tribute?
FDR famously said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

Whether or not that mantra extends to business, everyday life or the ‘free’ market is up for debate, and perhaps subject to one’s personal convictions. Continue reading

Major ruling against Ashcroft highlights evils of preventive detention

Yesterday — in a very significant decision (.pdf) written by Bush-43-appointed federal judge Milan Smith and joined by a Reagan-appointed judge — the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals allowed a lawsuit to proceed that was brought against John Ashcroft for the illegal and unconstitutional detention of American Muslims. Continue reading

MSM: Barack Obama accused of making ‘Depression’ mistakes

(Telegraph) – Barack Obama is committing the same mistakes made by policymakers during the Great Depression, according to a new study endorsed by Nobel laureate James Buchanan. Continue reading

The hunt is on for more ammunition in Nevada, U.S.

Supply can’t keep up with demand, a trend that began after election Continue reading

Naom Chomsky: Crisis and Hope – Theirs and Ours

Perhaps I may begin with a few words about the title. There is too much nuance and variety to make such sharp distinctions as theirs-and-ours, them-and-us. And neither I nor anyone can presume to speak for “us.” But I will pretend it is possible. Continue reading

The Future of Silver – TELEPATHIC interview with Adam Smith – Robert Singer

(MarketOracle) – Robert Singer, recently proclaimed a Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR) interviews Adam Smith, telepathically. I got out my new Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, delivered before The Sharper Image and our way of life filed for bankruptcy and Googled “who is the founding father of economics”. Results: Richard Cantillon, Alexander Hamilton and Adam Smith. I never heard of Cantillion and Hamilton is the father of Crony Capitalism. I selected Adam Smith and set the device on “Interview” and typed Continue reading

Bush tortured children, and America yawns

At an Amnesty International conference a few years ago, I had the honor of attending a talk by Clive Stafford Smith, a British attorney who represents some of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Continue reading

MSM: Amazon sued over Kindle deletion of Orwell books

(Google) – A high school student is suing Inc. for deleting an e-book he purchased for the Kindle reader, saying his electronic notes were bollixed, too. Continue reading

It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred Countries

(NaturalNews) – Executives from Baxter, Novartis, Glaxo-Smith Kline, and Sanofi Pasteur have seats at the advisory group that on July 13th recommended mandatory H1N1 vaccination of everyone in all 194 countries that belong to the World Health Organization (WHO), according to a report just issued by journalist Jane Burgermeister. Continue reading

Goldman Sachs Raking in Massive Profits

Due to the fact that Goldman Sachs is currently the favorite of Washington they are raking in massive profits during a time when most banks and brokerage firms are struggling for survival. Continue reading

The Insatiable American Thirst for Blood

The Anti-War Movement in America, Canada, and Britain has virtually become a non-entity. This was not unpredictable because the diverse groups which make up the so-called Anti-War Movement have neither the resources, nor the leadership, nor any solid ideological foundation beyond the apparent loathing for war. Continue reading

The Surveillance State Threatens All of Us

(C4L) – When you hear the word “security” or “safety” watch out. They are the two buzz words that are most often used by the government, whether federal or local, to fearmonger. Fear can be used to drive bad policies that otherwise would be rejected. Continue reading

If Obama’s New Czar Has His Way, This Could Be My Last Post…

In a move destined to garner less attention than cap-and-trade or health care, Barack Obama’s choice for the position of Information Czar could have drastic implications for the conservative blogosphere. Continue reading

Video: Bernie Sanders – U S Healthcare Held Hostage by Corporate Fraud

U S Senator Bernie Sanders details the ongoing wave of corporate fraud, deceit, and corruption that plagues our healthcare system. Continue reading

Video: Fox host defends DHS report on right-wing extremists

While providing breaking coverage of Wednesday’s fatal shooting by a white supremacist at the Washington, DC Holocaust Museum, Fox News host Shepard Smith connected the crime with both the recent killing of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller and last April’s report on right-wing extremism from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Continue reading

MSM: Fighting Nineteen Eighty-Four

(Guardian) – Sixty years ago today George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four was published, and this evening, as though to mark the anniversary of Orwell’s last book, the former head of GCHQ, Sir David Pepper, slips from the shadows to tell the BBC’s Who’s Watching You programme that it has become necessary for the government to record all data from phone and internet traffic in the fight against terror. Continue reading

Video: DHS Takes Seriously Claim Militias May Collaborate with al-Qaeda on Bio Attack

According to The Washington Times, U.S. counterterrorism officials have “authenticated” a video by a supposed al-Qaeda recruiter who claims he has the ability to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border. In the video, Abdullah al-Nafisi also suggests that al-Qaeda might want to collaborate with “members of native U.S. white supremacist militias who hate the federal government.” Continue reading

Manipulation: How Financial Markets Really Work

Wall Street’s mantra is that markets move randomly and reflect the collective wisdom of investors. The truth is quite opposite. The government’s visible hand and insiders control markets and manipulate them up or down for profit – all of them, including stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies. Continue reading

A New Private-Public Partnership: The Citizen Police State

While the threats to our liberties from our own government may be great, many don’t realize that the greatest threats to our freedoms may be soon coming from our own neighbors and friends. While reporting neighbors to city officials for unsightly lawns and shoddy house maintenance has become accepted and common place, the precedent is dangerous. Continue reading

Talk Show Host Banned From UK For Political Opinions

American talk show host Michael Savage has been banned from entering the UK by the Home Secretary because of his political opinions and opposition to illegal immigration, which is considered “hate speech” in airstrip one. Continue reading

Media Ignore Al Gore’s Financial Ties to Global Warming

As NewsBusters reported here, here, and here, there are huge dollars to be made from global warming alarmism. However, conceivably no one is better positioned to financially benefit from this scam than Dr. Global Warming himself, former Vice President Al Gore, a fact that the media will surely not share with Americans any time soon. Continue reading

Rutgers Law professor, N.J. peace group challenge constitutionality of Iraq invasion

A Rutgers University law professor argued in federal court in Newark today, on behalf of a New Jersey peace group, that President Bush violated the U.S. Constitution’s initial intent when he ordered the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Continue reading

Video: National Guard On Alert For Tea Party Protests

The Maryland National Guard has been put on alert in anticipation of today’s nationwide Tea Party protests, while a Homeland Security spokesman refused to deny that protesters would be under surveillance from the DHS.

Continue reading

Video: Ottawa 9/11 Truth at Obama Rally – Feb 19th,2009

Security was tight but there was no incidents with our truth action. The cops treated us and all who attended with respect and dignity. Mat managed to get our banner on CBC. Continue reading