Video: Bernie Sanders – U S Healthcare Held Hostage by Corporate Fraud

U S Senator Bernie Sanders details the ongoing wave of corporate fraud, deceit, and corruption that plagues our healthcare system.

One thought on “Video: Bernie Sanders – U S Healthcare Held Hostage by Corporate Fraud

  1. I appreciate this Senator’s disgust over the corruption, and his desire to somehow protect Americans from it. But probably he and a good percentage of his constituents are too brainwahed to appreciate a real solution: shut down Medicare and the taxes that support it, shut down the FDA, send the lobbyists home, and let Americans figure out how to take care of themselves. When people learn how to take care of their own health, they know better than to poison themselves with drugs. They also learn to avoid drug-pushing doctors, and as much as possible, they avoid the butcher shops and infection centers called “hospitals”. If some people still want to go be poisoned, butchered, maimed, and demented, they ought to be doing it on their own tab, and not expecting the rest of us to pick up the bill.

    If you’re too poor to afford help from humans, it’s time to find out where you came from, where you are, and where you’re going.

    The illuminati agenda operates similarly to a virus. It preys on weakness. But a good immune system will kick it in the ass.

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