The Cartel’s Collection Agency Is Better Known As The IRS

(Rense) – With the foul mixture of adjustable rate mortgages, low down payments, unqualified loans, and liar loans, where potential homebuyers could not even verify that they had jobs or adequate funds to buy a house, the private International Banking Cartel inflated their US housing bubble. Then, the Cartel violently burst their bloated, thin-walled, and ephemeral bladder of toxins, they had so carefully pumped with hype, lies, and wicked intentions. Now, the Cartel is delivering their coupe de grace on some defaulting home buyers; they are siccing their private collection agency, the IRS on many of the homeless and jobless of America. Continue reading

MSM: Unemployment funds going ‘absolutely broke’

(MSNBC) – The recession’s jobless toll is draining unemployment-compensation funds so fast that according to federal projections, 40 state programs will go broke within two years and need $90 billion in loans to keep issuing the benefit checks. Continue reading

MSM: £14billion: That’s the record amount Goldman Sachs staff will get in pay and bonuses

(DailyMail) – City bank Goldman Sachs is expected to confirm tomorrow that bonuses will smash all records in 2009, just a year after the Government rescued the financial system from oblivion. Continue reading

MSM: Jobless spike compounds foreclosure crisis

(MSNBC) – Economists estimate 1.8 million borrowers will lose their homes this year Continue reading

Video: Bernie Sanders – U S Healthcare Held Hostage by Corporate Fraud

U S Senator Bernie Sanders details the ongoing wave of corporate fraud, deceit, and corruption that plagues our healthcare system. Continue reading

Wall Street Ends Hope for Homeowners Via Congress

As if the bank bailouts weren’t proof enough that Wall Street owned Congress. History will likely show that these bailouts involved the largest transfer of wealth ever — from the working class to that small group of billionaires who own the corporations. Continue reading

Foreclosure Crisis Hits Warp Speed: 6 Million Families Face Losing Their Homes in the Next Three Years

What would you do if someone foreclosed on your home? If suddenly you and all your possessions were out on the street with a bank account depleted from trying to make mammoth mortgage payments, where would you go? Continue reading

USA Has Two Options To Save its Economy: Declare Default or Trigger War

The United States is the largest borrower in the world. The US national debt has already exceeded the level of 11 trillion dollars as of the beginning of 2009 and continues to grow like an avalanche. Experts say that the USA has only two ways to solve the problem: to either declare default or trigger off a war. Continue reading