
(SteveWatson) – Gold Surges As Euro Continues To Collapse

Highest gain for four weeks on fears of disintegration of Euro zone Read More Here

(Maclver) – Wisconsin Borrows $1.4 Billion from Feds for Unemployment Funds

Wisconsin’s loans place the state as one of the largest Unemployment Reserve debtors in the country. Read More Here

(Money&Markets) – The Biggest Shock of All

Why did the specter of collapse in far-away Hungary help sink the Dow by 323 points on Friday?

And why did similar scenarios in Greece, Spain, and Portugal trigger the Dow’s 1,000-point Flash Crash one month earlier? Read More Here

(ITN) – Impact of cuts will be enormous, warns PM

In a major speech on the economy, the Prime Minister will say the proposed cuts programme will affect “our whole way of life” and could be felt for decades, such is the scale of the debt problem. Read More Here

(WSJ) – Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse – Read More Here

(Globe&Mail) – Canada wins key fight against bank tax

Proponents of such a tax ­ including the United States and Europe ­ are free to go it alone, but the new plan allows the rest of the G20 to avoid the controversial idea and find other ways to reduce banking risks. Read More Here

(DailyReckoning) – Government Desperate. Gold Tax Imminent?

The thrust is that, as Mr. Steer says, “Adrian floats the disturbing possibility that governments, looking around for easy sources of revenue, may decide to tax the private ownership of gold.” Read More Here

(EconomicCollapse) – U.S. National Debt 2010 – Read More Here

(Economicrant) – By Christmas 50,000,000 Americans will be eating at the government trough

Other presidents get the picture on paper currency. Obama should have his picture on food stamps. There are now 40 million Americans who choose to have the government feed them rather than feed themselves. This is almost 1 in 7 people who depend on government food. Now do you see how totally and completely hopeless things are? Read More Here

(BusinessWeek) – Fed Denies Bernanke Attended Bilderberg – Read More Here

(CNSNews) – U.S. Will be Like Greece in ‘Seven to 10 Years,’ Say Congressmen, Experts

Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), along with other members of Congress and leading financial experts, is warning that the United States is in danger of being in the same dire situation as Greece – national bankruptcy — in seven to 10 years if the nation doesn’t slash its debt and control spending, unless the federal government radically curtails spending. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – On The Imminent US Debt To GDP Parity – Tyler Durden

One of the most recurring and troubling topics on Zero Hedge is the imminent US Debt to GDP parity: even as the US economy is starting to roll over from a temporary sugar high into a double dip, the hangover effect of $2.1 trillion in debt incurred since March 2009 will linger for a long, long time. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – In 5 Years, UK Will Be Spending More On Interest Than Schools, Climate, And Transport Combined

Based on the calculations of the last government, in five years’ time the interest we are paying on our debt is predicted to be around £70bn. That is a simply staggering amount. No wonder the previous government refused to publish the information. Read More Here

(EconomicCollapse) – College Students This Is Your Future: High Unemployment And Student Loan Hell

Hundreds of thousands of college students all over the United States have just graduated and are getting ready for their first taste of the real world. Unfortunately for them, the real world is not always easy and it is not always fair. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – U.S.’s $13 Trillion Debt Poised to Overtake GDP Chart of Day

President Barack Obama is poised to increase the U.S. debt to a level that exceeds the value of the nation’s annual economic output, a step toward what Bill Gross called a “debt super cycle.” The CHART OF THE DAY tracks U.S. gross domestic product and the government’s total debt, which rose past $13 trillion for the first time this month. Read More Here

(Fox) – Video: Peter Schiff on Fox Business News

How the Illuminati Create Unlimited Money – Mark Dice

(Infowars) – Perhaps you have noticed that frequently the largest and most extravagant buildings in most cities (and even small towns) are banks. It’s fascinating how banks make money off interest, which is one of the most lucrative businesses known to man. While most businesses build a product or provide some kind of service involving manual labor or specialized knowledge, banks make enormous profits through the seemingly magical practice of lending people money and collecting interest on the loans. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Allow The Free Market, Not The Fed, To Set Interest Rates

In his latest appearance on CNBC, Ron Paul explains to ‘In Fed We Trust’ author and Bernanke apologist David Wessel why we should end the Federal Reserve’s power to set interest rates and engage in central economic planning. Wessel concedes that the Fed has been too secretive for its own good and has become the victim of public anger against bank bailouts. He goes on to perpetuate the myth that we live in a ‘capitalist democracy’ and that such an organization needs an ‘independent’ central bank. Ron Paul counters that the system is already thoroughly politicized and that we don’t have true capitalism, but crony capitalism and economic interventionism. Continue reading

U.S. Economic Terrorism the New ‘Winning Trade’

(BullionBullsCanada) – When Wall Street planned and executed the U.S. housing-bubble (and all its related scams), it destroyed the lives of tens of millions of Americans. Then, when it subsequently ‘crashed’ global markets, it inflicted hardship on most of the world. But the Oligarchs were just getting started. Continue reading


(CNBC) – Congressional Panel “Deeply Concerned” over Commercial Real Estate

I guess I didn’t need the Congressional Oversight Panel for the TARP to tell me that commercial real estate was in trouble, but somehow it’s a bit more poignant when they do. Read More Here

Video: How the Federal Reserve Created the US Recession

Learn how the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States that is responsible for regulating the supply of money in the US economy, has created the recession the US economy is currently facing. Video Link Here

(ZeroHedge) – The Great Highway Robbery Continues: How The FDIC Is Legally Transferring Billions In Taxpayer Money To Hedge Funds

It is not a secret to anyone who has been closely following the FDIC’s quasi criminal bank takeover practices over the past year, that acquirors of failed banks end up receiving a massive and risk-free gift in the form of taxpayer benefits via the FDIC when it comes to funding losses on a given bank acquisition. Should there be a short sale resulting in a loss to the full principal (not the cost basis mind you)? Not to worry, Sheila Bair is there to hand out taxpayer money to the hedge funds/banks owning the newly transferred assets. Read More Here

(Ohio) – Jobless rate unchanged by billions in stimulus spending

Money for roads, bridges doesn’t ease unemployment on local level, analysis finds Read More Here

(Telegraph) – China orders retreat from risky assets

China has ordered managers of its vast currency reserves to withdraw from risky dollar assets and retreat to core debt guaranteed by the US government, a clear sign that Beijing is battening down the hatches for fresh trouble on global markets. Read More Here

(Kitco) – Davos: The Bomb Shelter

Predators and parasites recently gathered in Davos to discuss the mounting problems of their prey. All present agreed the problem needed urgent attention. Read More Here

(NewJersey) – Chris Christie declares fiscal ‘state of emergency,’ paving way for N.J. spending cuts

Calling New Jersey on “the edge of bankruptcy,” Gov. Chris Christie today declared a fiscal emergency, seizing broad powers to freeze aid to more than 500 school districts and cut from higher education, hospitals and the Public Advocate. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Report: 1 in 5 U.S. homeowners underwater

Foreclosures across the country rose to a new high in December Read More Here

(AugustaChronicle) – Higher interest rates ahead, Bernanke says

Prepare for the end of record-low interest rates, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says. Just not yet. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Franco-German bailout of Athens expected to avert euro collapse

Summit may see moves to guarantee Greek solvency, as prospect of action by Paris and Berlin buoys markets Read More Here

Video: President Obama’s Pledge Never to Raise Taxes on Anyone Making Less Than $250,000 a Year

This footage was taken during than presidential candidate Obama’s speech in Dover, NH. President Obama pledges not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year. Video Link Here

Moving Your Money Can Have a Real Effect on Big Banks

(WashingtonsBlog) – People have asked whether moving your money from your giant bank to a small community bank or credit union will have any real affect on the too big to fails, given that most of their profits come from speculative investments instead of normal banking deposits. Continue reading

The Big Lie of Economics – How “Mort-Gage’ Interest Creates a Death-Gamble

All Economics is based on the false premise that “interest fights inflation” when the truth is that “interest causes inflation.” Almost everyday in every financial story of every newspaper and radio or television program, it is repeated over and over the interest fights inflation. They all agree that interest causes unemployment but all have been conditioned to believe that it is necessary to fight inflation. “Inflation is coming so we’ll have to raise interest rates” is hypnotically chanted like a mantra. Continue reading

While You Were Sleeping… The Economy Collapsed

One of the most powerful forces in human psychology is the force of habit. Consistency, apathetic comfort, ties men to the ocean bottom to squeeze every ounce of oxygen from their last breath until it is gone, and we wake up at 50 or 60, only realizing then that we have done the same things and thought the same thoughts for decades without err. Repetition makes us easy to startle and easy to control. Any sudden break in daily routine can cause most people to freeze; animals gripped with terror at the very possibility of necessary individual action or adaptation. Continue reading

MSM: US needs plan to tame debt soon, experts say

(Reuters) – The U.S. government must craft a plan next year to get its ballooning debt under control or face possible panic in financial markets, a bipartisan panel of budget experts said in a report on Monday. Continue reading

Bernanke’s Fake Economic Recovery – Mike Whitney

Economic recovery” is a term that has no fixed meaning. But it’s worth mulling over to determine whether aggregate demand is strong enough to keep the economy from tipping back into recession. In normal times, the Fed slashes interest rates to increase the flow of capital to the markets and to consumers via lending at the banks. That’s the traditional method of “jump starting” the economy. Continue reading

Dubai Debt Sends Panic: A Dangerous New Phase In The Global Economic Crisis

(PakAlert) – Fears of a dangerous new phase in the economic crisis swept around the globe yesterday as traders responded to the shock announcement that a debt-laden Dubai state corporation was unable to meet its interest bill. Continue reading

Video: Peter Schiff issues a Red Alert “Get out of the US dollar”

Video: Jerome Corsi – America for Sale

(Fox) – “The Giving away of the United States has never been greater than under Barack Obama” – Corsi Continue reading

Ignorance Is Bliss – Peter Schiff

(C4L) – While all the talk at present is about economic corners turned and markets charging ahead, no one is paying much notice to an American economy deteriorating before our eyes. These myopic commentators seem to be simply moving past the now almost-universally held conclusion that before the crash of 2008, our economy was on an unsustainable course. If these imbalances had been corrected, then perhaps I too would be joining in the euphoria. But evidence abounds that we have not veered at all from that dangerous path. Continue reading

U.S. Stock Markets Disconnected from Reality

(C4L) – Earlier this year, I predicted that the 2009 rally in U.S. stocks could bring the Dow Jones Index as high as 10,000. It looks like that level has been achieved. If, at this point, the index reverses course, I would have made a fairly good prediction. Continue reading

Whodunit? Sneak attack on U.S. dollar

It’s the biggest mystery in global finance right now: Who conducted a sneak attack on the U.S. dollar this week? Continue reading

The IMF to Play Role of Global Central Bank?

The Dollar Needs to be Devalued by Half?

“A year ago,” said law professor Ross Buckley on Australia’s ABC News on September 22, “nobody wanted to know the International Monetary Fund. Now it’s the organiser for the international stimulus package which has been sold as a stimulus package for poor countries.” Continue reading

Three Government Reports Point to Fiscal Doomsday

When our leaders have no awareness of the disastrous consequences of their actions, they can claim ignorance and take no action. Continue reading

Video: Alan Grayson HR1207 Hearing

“Has the Federal Reserve Ever Tried to Manipulate the Stock Market?”

Video: Ron Paul on Alex Jones – A 1776 Style “Revolution” is Almost Here!!!

(September 24, 2009) – Alex welcomes back to the show Dr. Ron Paul Continue reading

MSM: Forbes Reports the Dollar Has Collapsed

The U.S. dollar reached its lowest point against the euro this year due to a myriad of forces including rising global stocks and commodities prices, low interest rates, and investors diversifying out of Treasury debt and into other assets including U.S. stocks with the Dow Jones industrial average approaching 9500 in late afternoon trading. Continue reading

Predicting Worse Ahead from America’s Economic Crisis

Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises (1881 – 1973) said:

“There is no means of avoiding a final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” Continue reading

The Spend-And-Borrow Economy – Nouriel Roubini

In the last few months the world economy has been saved from a near-depression. That feat has been achieved by a range of extraordinary government stimulus measures: In the U.S. and in China, and to a lesser extent in Europe, Japan and other countries, governments have pumped liquidity, slashed policy rates, cut taxes, primed demand and ring-fenced and back-stopped the financial system. All of this has worked, but at a cost. Governments have been spending and borrowing like never before. The question now is: how do they stop? Continue reading

2008 Financial Collapse: An Inside Job – Robert Singer

(Dprogram Exclusive) – Maybe it’s the smoke from Mt. Vesuvius that keeps Arianna Huffington and the financial community from seeing that the economic collapse has nothing to do with the Fed “missing” the warning signs leading up to the October meltdown. Continue reading

The Cause – The cause of all wars throughout history is interest-bearing debt

Entirely unsuspected, except by a few astute observers, they cunningly and patiently wove a web in which they have entrapped mankind. — Emanuel Josephson, 1968
Most of the real history of the world has been hidden from us by the same people who commit the crimes, gigantic crimes on the scale of world wars , manufactured pandemics and massive tax ripoffs that ruin our health, kill our children and obliterate our peace of mind. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv – Saudi’s Stop Coup Attempt & Obama’s Forced Eugenics Program!!

Alex talks with author and GCN host Webster Griffin Tarpley. Webster’s most recent book is Surviving the Cataclysm, a book that calls for a return to the American System of political economy as exemplified by such figures as Hamilton, Clay, Lincoln, FDR, and JFK. Continue reading

No Exit for Ben – Peter Schiff

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Monday, and in congressional testimony later in the week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke reassured all that thanks to his accurate foresight and deft use of the Fed’s policy toolkit, he could maintain near zero percent interest rates for an extended period without creating inflation. With supernatural powers such as these, one wonders if Ben would be better employed by the Justice League rather than the Federal Reserve. Continue reading

Momentum builds toward possible end of this U.S. agency

(WND) – A movement to audit the Federal Reserve – the private institution that virtually controls U.S. interest rates, money supply and other economic influences – is gaining momentum in the House and Senate while the Fed ramps up its efforts to thwart scrutiny of its books. Continue reading

MSM: UPDATE 2-Kohn warns Congress on meddling in Fed’s affairs

(Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Reserve on Thursday launched a robust defense of its independence and warned that efforts in Congress to put monetary policy under political sway would hurt the economy. Continue reading

US lurching towards ‘debt explosion’ with long-term interest rates on course to double

(Telegraph) – The US economy is lurching towards crisis with long-term interest rates on course to double, crippling the country’s ability to pay its debts and potentially plunging it into another recession, according to a study by the US’s own central bank Continue reading

Senate Blocks Bill To Audit The Fed As Government Prepares For Second Round Of Looting

A Senate amendment based on Congressman Ron Paul’s successful House bill to audit the Federal Reserve was blocked by the Senate yesterday evening on procedural grounds, as Jim DeMint slammed the Fed for refusing to disclose where trillions in bailout funds had gone, while a top Obama administration advisor called for a second “stimulus” package to be prepared. Continue reading

Video: DeMint amendment to audit the Federal Reserve blocked by Senate Leadership

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is blocked by Senate Democrat Leadership from having a vote on his amendment to audit the Federal Reserve, based on a bill authored by Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) in the House, H.R. 1207, and Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) in the Senate, S. 604. Continue reading

MSM: Get Ready for Inflation and Higher Interest Rates

(WSJ) – Rahm Emanuel was only giving voice to widespread political wisdom when he said that a crisis should never be “wasted.” Crises enable vastly accelerated political agendas and initiatives scarcely conceivable under calmer circumstances. So it goes now. Continue reading