The Cause – The cause of all wars throughout history is interest-bearing debt

Entirely unsuspected, except by a few astute observers, they cunningly and patiently wove a web in which they have entrapped mankind. — Emanuel Josephson, 1968
Most of the real history of the world has been hidden from us by the same people who commit the crimes, gigantic crimes on the scale of world wars , manufactured pandemics and massive tax ripoffs that ruin our health, kill our children and obliterate our peace of mind. Continue reading

How did Hitler Lose the War? (Part 4/4) – Robert Singer

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader who did not live through the Second World War understand a) the pervasive atmosphere of hatred against Germans that began in 1933 and b) how Theodor Herzl’s prophesy, “that within fifty years there would be a Jewish state”, came true. Continue reading