The Maxine Waters Investigation: What is Iran Doing in this Picture? – Katherine Smith

The timing of an investigation by the House Ethics Committee, which on August 2, 2010 formally brought a case against Congresswoman Maxine Waters, one of America’s most enduring liberal and fierce Anti War politicians, and the WikiLeaks of tens of thousands of Army documents related to the war in Afghanistan may be connected.

Speculation by bloggers, including John Young of, and an expose at The Intel Hub that the WikiLeaks is part of a disinformation operation, and that the documents themselves could even be fake, should put every left leaning American on Yellow alert.

Fox News wasted no time exploiting the WikiLeaks documents to further vilify Iran, pointing out that the documents indicate the U.S. belief that Iran is arming the Taliban insurgency. This adds another layer to Fox’s steady stream of propaganda that has flowed over the years advocating for an attack on the country, and stands as a reason why some believe the leak was staged. WikiLeaks documents– disinformation or not– are being used for anti-Iran propaganda, OpEdNews Continue reading

The War to End All Wars: Providence, Pointless Tragedy or What Really Happened

By Robert Singer

[War and the Modern State of Israel seem to be “hot topics” on the Internet. However, it is my belief that I am the only one that connects two World Wars, the Balfour Declaration and the Holocaust to (The Key to the Secret of the Universe).]

The First World War: A Modern View

Thanks partly to a generation of war poets who recorded the horrors of the war and a generation of historians who castigated the Allied high command for their decisions and ‘waste of life’ (Allied soldiers being the ‘Lions led by Donkeys’), the war is generally viewed as a pointless tragedy.

The War to End all Wars, according to Churchill, would have ended in 1917 if the U.S. had not entered the war.

“The mood in London was bleakly pessimistic in early 1917. The blood-drenched Battle of the Somme, from July to November 1916, had proved that France and Britain could not defeat Germany without U.S. help. As Winston Churchill later wrote, Britain was so close to defeat that any straw had to be grasped.” [1]

History goes on to record the losers were about to accept a simple status quo and end of the war, with no punitive conditions when France and Britain were approached with an offer they should have refused. [2]

“The deal entailed that if the Zionist-led international banking cartel could arrange Britain’s victory, would Great Britain support a Zionist state later on when the right conditions presented themselves. Great Britain agreed to these terms, and as their part of the deal, the Zionist bankers would get the United States of America into the conflict and reverse the obvious outcome.” [3]

Great Britain agreed to these terms and the famous Balfour Declaration was their part of the deal, so that they could “reverse the obvious outcome.” [4].

The 1974 World Book Encyclopedia contradicts Churchill and acknowledges the military situation was in the Allies favor [5] and claims the U.S. entered the war because the British intercepted a message in January 1917 from Germany to Mexico asking for an alliance in case of war.

Churchill’s Statements are Disinformation
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The Global Coup d’Etat

The term “New World Order” refers to the advent of a Totalitarian World Government. The current push towards achieving this nirvana has at it’s core, a powerful and secretive group known as the Illuminati, which has been conspiring to take control of the the world for millennia. They aim to do this by the introduction of an autonomous Global State, which would supersede and replace the sovereign nations of the world. Continue reading

Are We Being Conditioned To Accept a Pre-emptive Attack on Iran? – Robert Singer

President Obama is concerned that Iran has sought nuclear weapons and its leaders “allegedly” deny the Holocaust and threaten Israel. [1] Continue reading

IDF planning largest-ever drill to prepare Israel for war

The Home Front Command is preparing to hold the largest exercise ever in Israeli history, scheduled to take place in about two months, in hopes of priming the populace and raising awareness of the possibility of war breaking out. Continue reading

Israel’s American Chattel – Paul Craig Roberts

“The tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth.” Continue reading

How did Hitler Lose the War? (Part 4/4) – Robert Singer

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader who did not live through the Second World War understand a) the pervasive atmosphere of hatred against Germans that began in 1933 and b) how Theodor Herzl’s prophesy, “that within fifty years there would be a Jewish state”, came true. Continue reading

Adolph Hitler (Part 3/4) – Robert Singer

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader understand how on an unemployed High School drop out becomes the Chancellor of Germany. Continue reading

World War I, II (Part 2/4) – Robert Singer

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader understand how on a sunny June morning in 1914 the assassination Serbia’s Archduke Ferdinand set in motion World War I, II, the Holocaust and the Modern State of Israel. Continue reading

Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened (Part 1/4) – Robert Singer

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Continue reading

Mr. Iran envisions ‘major’ war in coming months

Amid lingering talks of war on Iran, Israel’s prime minister-designate raises the alarm about a major military conflict in the coming months. Continue reading

MSM: The American Rome Is Burning – So Let’s Attack Iran

NEW YORK – Iran has haunted every U.S. administration since the days of President Jimmy Carter. While running for president, Barack Obama proposed opening talks with Tehran and trying to end the long Cold War between the United States and Iran. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Japan’s shooting down North Korean satellite would be act of war’

North Korea has put its military on high alert in response to joint military exercises being held by the US and South Korea. The North’s plans to launch a communications satellite is also raising tensions Continue reading

NKorea orders military to be combat ready: state media

North Korea has ordered its military to be combat ready, state media said early Monday, ahead of joint US-South Korean maneuvers that Pyongyang has described as a prelude to war. Continue reading

A Shattering Moment In America’s Fall From Power

The global financial crisis will see the US falter in the same way the Soviet Union did when the Berlin Wall came down. The era of American dominance is over Continue reading

LaRouche: Israeli Leadership Is Suicidally Insane

Lyndon LaRouche today warned that the present leadership of Israel is displaying clear evidence of suicidal, clinical insanity. “From Lieberman and Netanyahu to the ostensibly more sane leadership of Kadima and Labor,” LaRouche observed, “I see nothing but madness. The Gaza invasion was as much a poke in the eye to the incoming U.S. President Barack Obama, as it was a crime against humanity, directed at the elimination of the 1.5 million Palestinian inhabitants of the Gaza. The fact that the invasion ended, like clock-work, 48 hours before the Obama inauguration, was as clear a message to the incoming U.S. Administration as one could imagine.” Continue reading

Film: FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy

Film investigates theory’s on pearl harbor and possible conspiracy(s) there has been much debate as to how and why the United States had been caught unaware, and how much and when American officials knew of Japanese plans and related topics. Some argue that various parties knew of the attack in advance and may even have let it happen or encouraged it in order to force America into war. Continue reading

Surging towards a US-NATO Military Disaster: Obama’s Escalating War in Central and South Asia

On February 18, President Barack Obama ordered 17,000 additional U.S. troops deployed to Afghanistan. Obama’s announcement will result in a major escalation of America’s bloody occupation of that war-ravaged country. Continue reading

Fascist Rule In Israel

Under the law for Arabs and Jews, no candidate may challenge Israel’s fundamental Jewish character or demand equal rights, privileges, and justice. The essential Zionist identity is inviolable. The law works only for Jews. Israeli Arabs have no rights. They’re denied equal treatment and justice, even those elected to public office. Israel calls this democracy. South Africa called it apartheid. Nazi Germany called it fascism. Continue reading

MSM: Israel launches covert war against Iran

Israel has launched a covert war against Iran as an alternative to direct military strikes against Tehran’s nuclear programme, US intelligence sources have revealed. Continue reading

Sirens go off in Israel for war on Iran

An Israeli defense strategy report for 2009 has tasked the military with making preliminary preparations for launching a war against Iran. Continue reading

Film: Freedom Next Time – John Pilger

Australian journalist, author, film maker John Pilger speaks about global media consolidation, war by journalism, US military’s quest for domination/hegemony in the post 9/11 era, false history in the guise of ‘objective’ journalism. Filmed in Chicago at Socialism 2007. Continue reading

Film: Esoteric Agenda

There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.


Video: Is The United States Being Blackmailed Into War On Iran?

There has been talk of war with Iran going back several years now, mostly with Israel initiating and various AIPAC-supported US politicians nodding sagely in agreement. But the fly in the ointment has always been Russia, which is not only actually building Iran’s power station but has a mutual defense contract with its 7th largest trading partner. Putin has made it very clear that in the event of war, Russia will support Iran at least logistically. Continue reading

China VS The Zionist Economy

The center of the world economy has shifted to Asia. A burgeoning Asian economy centered in Beijing is now threatening to take over the failed Zionist banking system as evidenced in the current US financial crisis that no bailout is going to solve. Continue reading

Tzipi Livni, Rahm Emanuel & ‘Al Qaeda’ (Mossad) Planning Next Terror Attack on America

Emanuel is, no doubt, planning the next terrorist attack on America When the attack(s) do occur, DOD troops will be deployed throughout America. Then Emanuel plans to Nuke Iran in response to those attacks. Continue reading

Ex-official: Israel can hardly wait to attack Iran

Tel Aviv has by no means shelved its plans to strike the Iranian nuclear infrastructure, says a former Israeli envoy to the United Nations. Continue reading

Video: Beginner’s Guide to the New World Order

A mini documentary about the New World Order written and directed by Jonathan Elinoff from Loose Change, details the basic understanding and evidence to introduce someone unfamiliar with the information. Continue reading

The Washington Morons Driving Over the Cliff – Paul Craig Roberts

Is there intelligent life in Washington, DC?  Not a speck of it.

The US economy is imploding, and Obama is being led by his government of neconservatives and Israeli agents into a quagmire in Afghanistan that will bring the US into confrontation with Russia, and possibly China, American’s largest creditor. Continue reading

Obama’s “War on Terror”

The language is softened and deceptive. The strategy and tactics are not. The “war on terror” continues. Promised change is talk, not policy. Just look at Obama’s “war cabinet,” discussed in an earlier article. It assures:

— the “strongest military on the planet” by outspending all other countries combined;

— continued foreign wars; Continue reading

Inverted Totalitarianism

The war on Iraq has so monopolized public attention as to obscure the regime change taking place in the Homeland. We may have invaded Iraq to bring in democracy and bring down a totalitarian regime, but in the process our own system may be moving closer to the latter and further weakening the former. Continue reading

Film: Kymatica

The sequel to Esoteric Agenda

The questions that have remained timeless and profound throughout history have been all but left for dead. There have been messages left in scripture, archeological remains, shamanic traditions, philosophy, poetry, art and music. As we move closer to an apex of technological and intellectual information, we find ourselves farther and farther away from feeling any comfort or wholeness within our hearts and souls. Yet even though the concept of spirituality should have been long gone by now, we are seeing an awakening among people and a growing desire for truth. For the first time in history we are finding that there are no sole saviors or lone prophets to guide us, but a whole race waking from a sleep that has brought this world to the brink of destruction. Continue reading

Netanyahu ‘will coax Obama into Iran war’

The Israeli prime ministerial frontrunner will win a US blessing to enter war with Iran, says a source familiar with US Mideast policies. Continue reading

Video: The Awakening – Devine Connections

Full chapter available for download as one file from: Continue reading

Israel on the verge of war with Syria

A senior Israeli official has warned that Tel Aviv is on the verge of a military confrontation with Syria should peace efforts fail.

“We’re on a collision course with Syria,” said Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, who heads the Defense Ministry’s Diplomatic-Security Bureau. Continue reading

Understanding Hitler’s Secret Relationship to the House of Rothschild

Introducing Hansjurgen Koehler’s “Fatal File”

In 1999, a book was published entitled “The House of Rothschild: The World’s Banker 1849-1999 “. It was written by Niall Ferguson, who, according to the inside jacket cover, is “the first historian with unrestricted access to all the surviving Rothschild archives.” According to the inside jacket blurb, the book concluded Ferguson’s “myth-breaking portrait of one of the most fascinating and powerful families of modern times”.

It further stated:

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Moscow Reacts to US Buildup in Afghanistan

Moscow has correctly assessed that the announced Obama troop buildup in Afghanistan has no relevance to the stated aim of combatting the ‘Taliban’, but rather with a new attempt by the Pentagon strategists to encircle both Russia and China on Eurasia in order to retain US global military dominance. It is not waiting for a new policy from Washington. Rather Russia is acting to secure its perimeter in Central Asia through a series of calculated geopolitical moves reminiscent of the famous Great Game of more than a Century ago. The stakes in this geopolitical power game could not be higher—the issue of world war or peace in the coming decade. Continue reading