MSM: Iran – Our missiles can hit Israeli nukes

JERUSALEM(JTA) Iranian missiles can hit Israel’s nuclear sites, according to the chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Continue reading

Video: Glenn Beck Mentions FEMA Camps on Fox & Friends

Glenn Beck continues the propaganda against Iran/Russia while revealing some truths involving the Fema Concentration Camps so to gain viewers for when he decides to turn the propaganda up a notch. Continue reading

IAEA: Iran Did Not Underreport Enrichment

Much hay was made late last week over the allegation that the Iranian government had underreported the amount of uranium it had enriched through November. The White House accused Iran of reneging on its international obligations, and called the nation an “urgent problem that has to be addressed.” Continue reading

Iran not producing weapon-grade uranium: IAEA

DUBAI: Iran has not converted the low-grade uranium that it has produced into weapon-grade uranium, inspectors belonging to the International Atomic Energy Agency have said. Continue reading

Iran’s president calls for “real changes” in U.S. policies

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday repeated his call for “real changes” in the U.S. policies, the official IRNA news agency reported.

“Bullying powers should make good on their mistakes by making fundamental and real changes to serve the interests of nations instead of killing them,” Ahmadinejad told a rally in the central city of Yazd. Continue reading

MSM: Israel launches covert war against Iran

Israel has launched a covert war against Iran as an alternative to direct military strikes against Tehran’s nuclear programme, US intelligence sources have revealed. Continue reading

Sirens go off in Israel for war on Iran

An Israeli defense strategy report for 2009 has tasked the military with making preliminary preparations for launching a war against Iran. Continue reading

Report: Human Cost of Uranium Weapons Exhibition and Seminar, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.

On the 4th and 5th of February, the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU) and ICBUW held an exhibition and seminar in the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. The events were sponsored by two MSPs Patrick Harvie (Greens) and Alasdair Morgan (Scottish Nationalist Party) and funded by the Andrew Wainwright Reform Trust.

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Tzipi Livni, Rahm Emanuel & ‘Al Qaeda’ (Mossad) Planning Next Terror Attack on America

Emanuel is, no doubt, planning the next terrorist attack on America When the attack(s) do occur, DOD troops will be deployed throughout America. Then Emanuel plans to Nuke Iran in response to those attacks. Continue reading

Ex-official: Israel can hardly wait to attack Iran

Tel Aviv has by no means shelved its plans to strike the Iranian nuclear infrastructure, says a former Israeli envoy to the United Nations. Continue reading

Russia can launch ICBMs at minute’s notice – missile forces chief

MOSCOW, February 11 (RIA Novosti) – Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) in service with the Russian Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) could be launched within a minute if Russia’s security is threatened, the SMF commander has said. Continue reading

Netanyahu ‘will coax Obama into Iran war’

The Israeli prime ministerial frontrunner will win a US blessing to enter war with Iran, says a source familiar with US Mideast policies. Continue reading

A Bankrupt and Discredited Country: The Era of American Leadership Is Over

Vast numbers of people in the United States and abroad are hoping that President Obama will end America’s illegal wars, halt America’s support for Israel’s massacre of Lebanese and Palestinians, and punish, instead of reward, the shyster banksters whose fraudulent financial instruments have destroyed economies and imposed massive sufferings on people all over the world. If Obama’s appointments are an indication, all of these hopeful people are going to be disappointed. Continue reading

MSM: Israeli envoy to Australia – Gaza op a ‘pre-introduction’ to attack on Iran

The Gaza operation was merely a “pre-introduction” to the challenge Israel would face from Iran, which will become a nuclear power within a year, the Israeli ambassador to Australia said Sunday. Continue reading

Obama repeats Bush policy toward Iran

President Barack Obama wants diplomacy with Iran but preserves “all his options,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has said.

“The president hasn’t changed his viewpoint that he should preserve all his options,” Gibbs told reporters, Thursday when asked if military strikes were an option. Continue reading

MSM: Iran in scramble for fresh uranium supplies

Western powers believe that Iran is running short of the raw material required to manufacture nuclear weapons, triggering an international race to prevent it from importing more, The Times has learnt.

Diplomatic sources believe that Iran’s stockpile of yellow cake uranium, produced from uranium ore, is close to running out and could be exhausted within months. Countries including Britain, the US, France and Germany have started intensive diplomatic efforts to dissuade major uranium producers from selling to Iran. Continue reading

Geithner’s First Order of Business: Impose Sanctions on Iran

Now that Timothy Geithner has put his tax problems behind him and he will head up the Treasury, it is time to get down to business. Job One for Geithner and the Obamatrons is Iran. One might ask what the Treasury has to do with Iran. It’s all about money and leaning on the Iranians financially. Continue reading

China renews pledge of ‘no first use’ of nukes

China on Tuesday renewed its pledge never to be the first to use nuclear weapons in a military conflict, and senior military leaders vowed greater openness about the strengthening of the world’s biggest armed forces even as they brushed aside questions on weapon systems and missiles aimed at Taiwan. Continue reading

CIA chief: No proof of Iranian A-bomb

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) says there is no evidence that proves Tehran is edging towards developing nuclear weapons.

Departing CIA Director Michael Hayden said Thursday that the Islamic Republic’s production of low-enriched uranium does not necessarily substantiate an Iranian objective to build atomic weaponry. Continue reading

Video: Neocon Bolton Says Gaza Conflict May Result in U.S. Attack on Iran – MSM

Top Neo-Con John Bolton told Fox News yesterday that the conflict in Gaza could lead to a U.S. attack on Iran as the former U.S. ambassador to the UN exploited the crisis to propagandize for a new war.

“So while our focus obviously is on Gaza right now, this could turn out to be a much larger conflict,” said Bolton, adding that “we’re looking at potentially a multi-front war here.”

“I don’t think there’s anything at this point standing between Iran and nuclear weapons other than the possibility of the use of military force possibly by the United States, possibly by Israel,” added the former ambassador, suggesting that a strike on Iran’s facilities by Israel alone would be risky but could push Iran back by three or four years. Continue reading

The Threat of Nuclear War Grows

In this Kafkaesque age everything is stood on its head – the champion violator of international law and sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states is gung ho for respecting state sovereignty and territorial integrity (of Georgia, but not Pakistan); primary terrorist and ethnic cleansing states (the United States and Israel) invade, bomb, and torture, but wax indignant at retail terrorism that flows largely in response to their wholesale terror; and these same two states, brimming over with nuclear arms and increasingly threatening to use them, are aghast that Iran might want and someday be able to make a nuclear weapon. Continue reading

Bush Missing Iraq WMD has Been Found in Iraq and One Million U.S. Soldiers are its Victims


No Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that Bush told us were in Iraq were found. Today, to the tragedy of over one million U.S. soldiers and countless innocent Iraqi civilians, there is a Weapon of Mass Destruction in Iraq. That weapon is the deadly radioactive Depleted Uranium (DU) that is used by the U.S. military. Continue reading

Claim: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February

Comment: As many observers have pointed out, the accuracy of Debka File’s reports on Iran is questionable because they are little more than a Mossad front, but we reprint part of the article for the sake of debate.

It is worth noting that the official U.S. National Intelligence Estimate concluded that Iran suspended its nuclear weapons campaign in late 2003. Continue reading

MSM: Warning signs of an Israeli strike on Iran

Some key decision makers in Israel fear that unless they attack Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities in the next few months, while George W Bush is still president, there will not be another period when they can rely on the United States as being anywhere near as supportive in the aftermath of a unilateral attack.

In the past 40 years there have been few occasions when I have been more concerned about a specific conflict escalating to involve, economically, the whole world. We are watching a disinformation exercise involving a number of intelligence services. Reality is becoming ever harder to disentangle. Continue reading

Propaganda is a Two-Way Street – Iran, Israel and the Looming Threat of War

Friends, Enemies and “Existential” Threats

22/09/08 “ICH” — – In the ceaseless and invariably bellicose calls for war against Iran (both open and clandestine) flooding the op-ed pages, perhaps one argument invoked by pro-war pundits and politicians stands out and takes pride of place above all others: Iran, it is claimed, “poses an existential threat to the state of Israel”. It’s certainly been a favorite of Republican presidential nominee, John McCain. Furthermore, Sarah Palin, McCain’s running mate, when asked as to America’s response in the advent of a unilateral Israeli military strike against Iran, repeated an astounding three times the AIPAC-by-rote reply: “I don’t think that we should second guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend themselves and for their security.” Continue reading

Myth of Iran wiping Israel off the map dispelled

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is due to address the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23. The following is an exclusive Press TV interview with the president on his message for the world. He also sheds light on several controversial issues. Continue reading

MSM: US plans to sell Israel 1,000 bunker-buster bombs

The U.S. plans to sell Israel 1,000 buster-bunker bombs which Israeli military experts said Monday could provide a powerful new weapon against underground arsenals in Lebanon or Gaza.

The experts said they doubted, however, that the bombs could be used to deliver a crippling blow against Iran’s nuclear program. Continue reading

Daniel Ellsberg: The Next War

A hidden crisis is under way. Many government insiders are aware of serious plans for war with Iran, but Congress and the public remain largely in the dark. The current situation is very like that of 1964, the year preceding our overt, open-ended escalation of the Vietnam War, and 2002, the year leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Continue reading

Dutch intel: US to strike Iran in coming weeks

The Dutch intelligence service, the AIVD, has called off an operation aimed at infiltrating and sabotaging Iran’s weapons industry due to an assessment that a US attack on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program is imminent, according to a report in the country’s De Telegraaf newspaper on Friday.

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War With Russia Is On The Agenda

Thinking about the massive failure of the US media to report truthfully is sobering. The United States, bristling with nuclear weapons and pursuing a policy of world hegemony, has a population that is kept in the dark–indeed brainwashed–about the most important and most dangerous events of our time. Continue reading

Navy relieves commander of air recon squadron

The commander of a Navy air reconnaissance squadron that provides the president and the defense secretary the airborne ability to command the nation’s nuclear weapons has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Tuesday. Continue reading

Iran ends cooperation with UN nuclear arms probe

Iran signaled Thursday that it will no longer cooperate with U.N. experts probing for signs of clandestine nuclear weapons work, confirming the investigation is at a dead end a year after it began. Continue reading