No Recovery. It’s a Cover up! Recession To Worsen ­- Revolution To Follow

(GeraldCelente) – What 80 percent of economists call “Recovery” is a “Cover up”. Trillions in losses papered over with trillions of phantom dollars printed out of thin air and backed by nothing produce nothing except the mirage of recovery. The dollar’s dive and gold’s historic high is no mirage. Gold doesn’t lie. Continue reading

MSM: Senate passes Bill for public land grab of 2 million acres in nine states

The Senate on Thursday passed a long-delayed bill to set aside more than 2 million acres in nine states as protected wilderness, from a California mountain range to more than 1,000 miles of rivers. Continue reading

Video: FKN Newz – It’s Ok… We’re FKD

Warning – Explicit Content Continue reading

Russia proposes creation of global super-reserve currency

Russia suggests the G20 summit in London in April should start establishing a system of managing the process of globalization and consider the possibility of creating a supra-national reserve currency or a “super-reserve currency.” Continue reading

Minister launches new advertising on emergency preparedness

The television ad works backwards in time to show a family successfully coping through 72 hours of an emergency situation, thanks to having prepared an emergency kit. Continue reading

Memo To Obama: Nationalize the Banks; End the wars of aggression; Fire Your Advisors.

Social action begins with concerns, which may include anger or outrage at injustice. But effective strategy must also take account of the power, positions, and possibilities of the various social forces and social classes involved. A number of such factors must be considered when mobilizing around the interests of ordinary people during the emerging world economic crisis.

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Video: Chicago Tea Party – Rick Santelli’s Revolution on CNBC

Santelli, a former Chicago trader and financial executive, talks about President Barack Obama’s economic bailout plans, in particular Obama’s plan for the government to subsidize millions of people’s mortgages. Santelli talks about how he feels Obama’s plans go against what America represents. Continue reading

Video: Urban Warfare Drills Linked To Coming Economic Rage

Expectancy of riots leads authorities to prepare for mass civil unrest Continue reading

Orwellian Doublethink: “Nationalize the banks.” “Free Markets.”

The language of deception Continue reading

MSM: This financial crisis is now truly global

The financial crisis has moved from Wall Street to all streets, as the economic shock causes strains and suffering in every part of the world economy. Continue reading

Popular Rage Grows as Global Crisis Worsens

As the global economic crisis deepens, tempers around the world are getting shorter. French and British trade unions are organizing strikes, Putin is sending troops into the streets and Beijing is trying to buy itself calm. Continue reading

Greenspan says recession will be ‘longest and deepest’ since ’30s

The maestro was wrong.

Eight months after he predicted the worst was over and the threat of recession receding, former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said the current global recession will “surely be the longest and deepest” since the 1930s. Continue reading

Eastern Europe is about to Blow

Eastern Europe is about to blow. If it does, it could take much of the EU with it. It’s an emergency situation but there are no easy solutions. The IMF doesn’t have the resources for a bailout of this size and the recession is spreading faster than relief efforts can be organized. Finance ministers and central bankers are running in circles trying to put out one fire after another. Its only a matter of time before they are overtaken by events. If one country is allowed to default, the dominoes could begin to tumble through the whole region. This could trigger dramatic changes in the political landscape. The rise of fascism is no longer out of the question. Continue reading

Film: In Debt We Trust

In America’s earliest days, there were barn-raising parties in which neighbors helped each other build up their farms. Today, in some churches, there are debt liquidation revivals in which parishioners chip in to free each other from growing credit card debts that are driving American families to bankruptcy and desperation. IN DEBT WE TRUST is the latest film from Danny Schechter, “The News Dissector,” director of the internationally distributed and award-winning WMD (Weapons of Mass Deception), an expose of the media’s role in the Iraq War. The Emmy-winning former ABC News and CNN producer’s new hard-hitting documentary investigates why so many Americans are being strangled by debt.


Film: The Money Masters

The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world’s money. Continue reading

The 2008 World Economic Crisis: Global Shifts and Faultlines

The last months of 2008 witnessed what is being called the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929-30. The first indications of a serious crisis appeared in January 2008. On 15 January, news of a sharp drop in the profits of the Citigroup banking led to a sharp fall on the New York Stock Exchange. On 21 January a spectacular fall in share prices occurred in all major world markets, followed by a series of collapses. A number of American and European banks declared massive losses in their 2007 end of the year results.

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Popular Rage Grows as Global Crisis Worsens

As the global economic crisis deepens, tempers around the world are getting shorter. French and British trade unions are organizing strikes, Putin is sending troops into the streets and Beijing is trying to buy itself calm. A rally against car import duties in Krasnoyarsk, Russia: Citizens around the world are protesting against their governments’ handling of the economic crisis. Continue reading

Iceland: New government pledges continuation of IMF austerity programme

Iceland’s new coalition government between the Social Democratic Alliance and the Left-Green Party was formed February 1 after negotiations with the Progressive Party over its parliamentary support. Although the new administration came to power promising significant changes to government and the financial sector, the direction of the SDA-led government will be a continuation of previous policies. Continue reading

Video: Two years recession, or ten years of hell?

William Engdahl: US economy has been hollowed out over the last 15 years and the debt load is staggering Continue reading

Ed Balls: minister fears rise of fascism amid economic gloom

The economic crisis could spark a resurgence in the Far Right, a close ally of Gordon Brown has suggested.

Ed Balls, the Childrens and Schools Secretary, said the downturn was likely to be the most serious for 100 years, and his comments appeared to raise the prospect of a return to the Far Right politics of the 1930s and the rise of Fascism. Continue reading

MSM: It’s Not Going to Be OK

The daily bleeding of thousands of jobs will soon turn our economic crisis into a political crisis. The street protests, strikes and riots that have rattled France, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Iceland will descend on us. It is only a matter of time. And not much time. When things start to go sour, when Barack Obama is exposed as a mortal waving a sword at a tidal wave, the United States could plunge into a long period of precarious social instability.

Continue reading

Naomi Klein: Public Revolt Builds Against Rip-off Rescue Plans for the Economy

Governments that respond to a crisis created by free-market ideology with the same bad ideas will not survive to tell the tale. Continue reading

The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens — Why Aren’t We?

Explosive anger is spilling out onto the streets of Europe. The meltdown of the global economy is igniting massive social unrest in a region that has long been a symbol of political stability and social cohesion.

It’s not a new trend: A wave of upheaval is spreading from the poorer countries on the periphery of the global economy to the prosperous core. Continue reading

MSM: Beijing rocked by 26 million lost jobs

An estimated 26 million poor rural Chinese are now without jobs after pinning their hopes on the once-booming manufacturing sector, where work has dried up due to the global economic slowdown, a government advisory body said. Continue reading

The Death of American Leadership – Paul Craig Roberts

Vast numbers of people in the United States and abroad are hoping that President Obama will end America’s illegal wars, halt America’s support for Israel’s massacre of Lebanese and Palestinians, and punish, instead of reward, the shyster banksters whose fraudulent financial instruments have destroyed economics and imposed massive sufferings on people all over the world. If Obama’s appointments are an indication, all of these hopeful people are going to be disappointed. Continue reading

MSM: Violent unrest rocks China as crisis hits

The collapse of the export trade has left millions without work and set off a wave of social instability Continue reading

A Bankrupt and Discredited Country: The Era of American Leadership Is Over

Vast numbers of people in the United States and abroad are hoping that President Obama will end America’s illegal wars, halt America’s support for Israel’s massacre of Lebanese and Palestinians, and punish, instead of reward, the shyster banksters whose fraudulent financial instruments have destroyed economies and imposed massive sufferings on people all over the world. If Obama’s appointments are an indication, all of these hopeful people are going to be disappointed. Continue reading

MSM: WEF 2009 – Russia and China blame West for economic crisis

Chinese and Russian leaders have suggested the West is to blame for creating the deepening global crisis as they took to the offensive at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Continue reading

Video: David Icke – Brilliant Speech

What is wrong with the world and why is it this way? This is from 1994! 14 years ago.. based on the book “The Robots Rebellion.” Continue reading

MSM: Exxon Mobil sets record with $45.2 billion profit

Exxon Mobil Corp. on Friday reported a profit of $45.2 billion for 2008, breaking its own record for a U.S. company, even as its fourth-quarter earnings fell 33 percent from a year ago. Continue reading

The World is Facing the First Truly Global Economic Crisis

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum Davos, Switzerland January 28, 2009 Continue reading

MSM: Boeing axes 10,000 jobs as demand weakens

The cuts include the 4,500 redundancies recently announced at its commercial plane unit, and are equivalent to 6pc of its 162,200-strong workforce. Continue reading