MSM: Kagan’s cookbook – The joy of tyranny

(WashingtonTimes) – Does Congress have the power to tell people what to eat? Maybe you think that’s a stupid question. Nonetheless, it was a question that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was unwilling to answer. The question was posed to Ms. Kagan by Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, during her Senate hearings. In trying to avoid answering the question, Ms. Kagan responded by saying, “Sounds like a dumb law,” but she did admit that just because a law might be dumb does not make it unconstitutional. And that was the extent of her answer.

So, can Congress tell us what we should eat? Well, back in 1942, the Supreme Court decided that, indeed, Congress basically can do just that. In the infamous case of Wickard v. Filburn, the U.S. government ordered the owner of a small farm in Ohio, Roscoe Filburn, to cease and desist growing wheat to feed his chickens. Filburn had no intention of selling the wheat, but, nonetheless, he was ordered to destroy it and pay a fine for having the temerity to think he could grow wheat for is own consumption without permission from the U.S. Congress. Read entire article

Video: Do Americans Have A Right To Personal Self-Defense – Senator Coburn Judge Sotomayor Hearing

(C-SPAN) – July 15, 2009 Continue reading

Making Illegal Spying Legal – Holder Refuses to Call Warrantless Spying Illegal

In probably the most disturbing testimony to hit Capitol Hill since Attorney General Eric Holder appeared before the House Judiciary Committee in May and refused to rule out lawless detention or to agree that government officials can sometimes be prosecuted for their crimes, on Wednesday Holder appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and, among much else, refused five times to agree that warrantless spying is illegal and unconstitutional. Continue reading

Billions In Stimulus Funds Wasted

At least $55 billion of U.S. stimulus funds that President Barack Obama promised would jumpstart the economy and put Americans back to work will likely be lost to waste, fraud and abuse, according to an investigation that reviewed thousands of programs nationwide. Continue reading

MSM: Senate passes Bill for public land grab of 2 million acres in nine states

The Senate on Thursday passed a long-delayed bill to set aside more than 2 million acres in nine states as protected wilderness, from a California mountain range to more than 1,000 miles of rivers. Continue reading