The CLEAR Act of Another Federal Land Grab – Cassandra Anderson

(Infowars) – U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) addressed Congress on July 15th to report the Natural Resources Committee’s passage of HR 3534, the Consolidated Land, Energy and Aquatic Resources Act (CLEAR Act) of 2009. Congressman Gohmert said that the bill was to “deal with the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico” but it contains plans for the federal government to acquire land and was introduced in 2009.

The CLEAR Act is ambiguous so if the bill is passed, federal agencies will determine how it is implemented and how the land will be used. Continue reading

Video: Christopher C. Horner Covers The “Scientific Dictatorship” Under Obama on Alex Jones Tv

(May 24) – Alex talks with attorney and author Christopher C. Horner, a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Mr. Horner has represented CEI as well as scientists and members of the U.S. House and Senate on matters of environmental policy in the federal courts including the Supreme Court. He writes for legal and industrial trade journals and online opinion pages. Mr. Horner is the author of two best-selling books: Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud and Deception to Keep You Misinformed and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism, which spent half of 2007 on the New York Times bestseller list. His latest book is Power Grab: How Obama’s Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America. Continue reading

Kerry/Lieberman rebrand “Cap & Trade” as “American Power” and hope you won’t notice

(AmericanSpectator) – Today at 1:30 pm Eastern time Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) will host a press conference announcing the fifth Senate reinvention of “cap-and-trade” global warming legislation since 2003, the “American Power Act”. Call it the American Power Grab Act, instead, for reasons that will become obvious momentarily.

The orchestrated spectacle, with a cast expected to be in the dozens which massive alignment of special interest groups is apparently supposed to persuade you of the justness of their cause, is in fact a manifestation of all that is wrong with Washington and what Americans have become increasingly enraged by.

At this press conference, Sens. Kerry and Lieberman have both already indicated, they will insist that their scheme isn’t “cap-and-trade” because… they aren’t going to use that term this time around. Kerry has even said that “this is not an environment bill.” It seems that the public aren’t buying that argument, either, so it’s really about whatever appeals to you. Just not what it was about the previous four times they’ve tried to slip this Power Grab past you. Except that a summary of the bill makes plain it is, too, cap-and-trade. And worse. It includes billions of dollars each year in gas tax revenue to underwrite the wealth transfers these companies are so in favor of. Read More Here

Video: Reality Report #39 – DHS Super Fortress, UN Gun Grab, Biocards to Work, Obama’s Home

What does the UN have in store for American gun owners? Is the Department of Homeland Security building a new super fortress? Will a Biometric ID card be required to earn a living in the New States of America? Where did Michelle Obama say Barack’s home country is? What is the State of Idaho going to do to boost the state’s economy? These questions and more are tackled by the Reality Report crew.


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Video: Bob Chapman Covers Economic Power Grab by Banking Cartel on Alex Jones

Alex talks with regular guest Bob Chapman. Mr. Chapman publishes The International Forecaster, a newsletter of timely and in-depth coverage on the economy and world economic events. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. From 1976 to present he has spoke and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Continue reading

Video: George Soros Conspires with United Nations to Kill Second Amendment

(KurtNimmo) – In the video below, we learn that Rebecca Peters, director of of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), is working with the United Nations and governments around the world to grab guns. Peters and IANSA are funded by the globalist George Soros. Continue reading

Billionaires and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa

(InfoClearingHouse) – 20+ African countries are selling or leasing land for intensive agriculture on a shocking scale in what may be the greatest change of ownership since the colonial era. Continue reading

Video: DeMint demands a block to Obama land-grab attempt

Jim DeMint took to the Senate floor and the pages of the Washington Times earlier this week to expose a plan by the White House to seize over 10 million acres of land in nine Western states. Using an obscure clause in the Antiquities Act of 1906, the Department of the Interior under Ken Salazar would designate the land as “monuments” in order to block the use of the resources in those states. DeMint correctly asserts that this is not only a perversion of the intent of the Antiquities Act, but also a huge power grab by the federal government at the expense of the states: Continue reading

MSM: Demint – White House land grab

(WashingtonTimes) – You’d think the Obama administration is busy enough controlling the banks, insurance companies and automakers, but thanks to whistleblowers at the Department of the Interior, we now learn they’re planning to increase their control over energy-rich land in the West. Read More Here

Video: Glenn Beck On Executive Orders: Lies, Ignorance or Deception?

On Feb. 16, 2009 Glenn Beck told his audience to standdown and allow a “power grab” by the Executive Branch to happen “out in the open”.

What? Liar… you say?

I just read on another “Big” blog where someone called Glenn Beck a “Liar” (if you can imagine that) and the commenter was pummeled for saying it. Adding my response I said, “People don’t like to be called ‘liars’, so let’s just say Beck is a great ‘deceiver’ instead.” Continue reading

Blackwater, ‘CIA’s Partner in Secret Operations’

(PressTV) – The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has recruited private security guards from Blackwater for clandestine operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, a report says. Continue reading

Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace ‘Net Neutrality’

Since the Internet took root as a mass communications phenomenon in the mid 1990s, a quiet war has raged in Washington over the extent to which the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would regulate the new medium. Continue reading

Peak Soil Investment: This Quiet Land Grab is Just Beginning

According to the Economist, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and China have been “quietly” buying up more than $20 billion of this asset. Continue reading

The Congressional Water Grab

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has introduced a bill, S787, which was sponsored by 23 other members (all Democrats including Levin and Stabenow.) Senate Bill S787 is entitled, “To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to clarify the jurisdiction of the United States over waters of the United States.” Notice they start the description with the words “pollution control.” That makes it sound caring and good, doesn’t it? Continue reading

MSM: Senate passes Bill for public land grab of 2 million acres in nine states

The Senate on Thursday passed a long-delayed bill to set aside more than 2 million acres in nine states as protected wilderness, from a California mountain range to more than 1,000 miles of rivers. Continue reading

Looks Like The Gun Grab Is Real..

To my gun owning friends,

All the things you are about to read below are not B.S.  They are 100% true.  Immediately following and in the attachment is a link to the actual HR bill.  For those who do not have Internet access I have copied the bill into a Word document.  Lost in the Word document are hyper links, within the bill, that provide definitions and explanations.   So, if you have access, go to the actual Bill at the link immediately following my comments.

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