Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit – Dana Gabriel

(Infowars) – The G20 summit will be held on June 26-27 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre preceded by the G8 summit which will take place in Huntsville, Ontario. The secretive meetings will be attended by world leaders, finance ministers, central bank governors, along with thousands of other delegates. It will be the largest security event in Canadian history exceeding the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Downtown Toronto will be turned into a security fortress with fences, barricades, checkpoints and street closures thus greatly affecting local residents. While the G8/G20 summits will attract their share of peaceful protesters, other more radical and fringe elements may try to capitalize on the event. Agent provocateurs might also be used whose actions could then justify a police crackdown and as a means to demonize all demonstrators. The G20 summit will deepen police state measures, as well as further integrate local, provincial, federal law enforcement agencies and the military. Continue reading

Video: Reality Report #39 – DHS Super Fortress, UN Gun Grab, Biocards to Work, Obama’s Home

What does the UN have in store for American gun owners? Is the Department of Homeland Security building a new super fortress? Will a Biometric ID card be required to earn a living in the New States of America? Where did Michelle Obama say Barack’s home country is? What is the State of Idaho going to do to boost the state’s economy? These questions and more are tackled by the Reality Report crew.


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