Rockefeller Study Outlines “Doom Decade”: Life For All But Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth

(SteveWatson) – In our leading article today we provide an overview of the nightmare future envisaged by a recent Rockefeller Foundation study which describes a global dictatorship tightly controlled by the world’s elite and super rich.

The Rockefeller blueprint for a new world order entitled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” predicts four future narratives.

One narrative in particular, “Hack Attack” outlines a scenario in which Technology is demonized as a criminal weapon prevalent in a world where civilization has all but collapsed. Read More Here

Mayor Admits NAFTA Super-highway Will Run Through Memphis

(MyEyewitnessNews) – Memphis Mayor, A C Wharton is back from Mexico. Wharton went to Mexico, to discuss trade opportunities south of the border. Wharton said as a result of the trip, he has appointed a team to look at how fostering the Mexico-Memphis relationship could create jobs. Wharton said he would like Memphis to be a one stop shop, where Mexican products come in, and get distributed across the United States.

Wharton said Mexican leaders were well versed on what is happening in the Bluff City. “They knew how many Mexicans lived in the area, how much spending power they had, they had studied us,” added Wharton.

Mexico is the United States second largest trade partner. Wharton said when the I-69 International Highway is built from Canada to Mexico it will run through Memphis. “This could become the breaking point. The brains of the I-69 connection, that’s why Memphis is a logical place,” said Wharton. Read entire article

Video: Reality Report #39 – DHS Super Fortress, UN Gun Grab, Biocards to Work, Obama’s Home

What does the UN have in store for American gun owners? Is the Department of Homeland Security building a new super fortress? Will a Biometric ID card be required to earn a living in the New States of America? Where did Michelle Obama say Barack’s home country is? What is the State of Idaho going to do to boost the state’s economy? These questions and more are tackled by the Reality Report crew.


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Video: Talk Show Phone in Discussing the New ‘Super Tasers’

Talk show phone in. Caller talked about the creeping police state. He also mentioned Policing by consent, the fact that police are just collecting money and working for profit. He also managed to get in TPUC.ORG all with thesupport of the host. What a great human being she was. Continue reading

Census Data Not So Confidential After All

(Independent) – The current $350 million ad campaign for the 2010 Census, including the much-maligned $2.5 million Super Bowl spots, urges individuals to “Tell your story.” The Census Bureau is particularly eager for minorities and illegal immigrants to do so, as they are traditionally believed to be the most undercounted. Continue reading

Video: Reality Report #31 – Tea Parties Co-opted, Mass Resignations, Super Bowl Conditioning

In Reality Report 31 Gary Franchi declares the Tea Party movement officially co-opted and provides remedial instructions on how to take it back. He also covers a strange wave of mass corporate resignations and calls for investigators to connect the dots. A New Enemy of the State is branded, the mailbag sifted, a super bowl commercial is analyzed and a music video featuring Thomas Jefferson is showcased. Continue reading

Video: Godfrey Bloom on Alex Jones Tv – The International Super Class and Their Global Warming Agenda!

Alex welcomes to the show Godfrey Bloom, a Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and the Humber for the United Kingdom Independence Party. Bloom points to independent scientific research that demonstrates that CO2 is not a problem and says 2050 will not see catastrophic and apocalyptic events related to climate. Bloom believes the debate is over. Continue reading

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize! Hell freezes over!

Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, having been nominated for it just two weeks into his Presidency.
Let’s take a look at some of the reaction. Continue reading

Video: Super 8 Police State – life under Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future’s Past is a commercial for the Civilian National Security Force. The Department of Homeland Security encourages everyone ages 18-25 to suit up in their future faceless uniforms and get involved with their community. Continue reading

Marx and Lenin Revisited – Paul Craig Roberts

“Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks.” Karl Marx
If Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin were alive today, they would be leading contenders for the Nobel Prize in economics. Continue reading

Video: Larry Flynt Goes Public – Exposes Obama-NWO-David Rockefeller

Texan bulldawg covers Hustler Owner Larry Flynt’s article in the huffingtonpost…  Read the full article here… Continue reading

Concentration of wealth in hands of rich greatest on record

(RawStory) – The wealthiest 10 percent of Americans now have a larger share of total income than they ever have in records going back nearly a century — an even larger amount than during the Roaring Twenties, the last time the US saw such similar disparities in wealth. Continue reading

The Cause – The cause of all wars throughout history is interest-bearing debt

Entirely unsuspected, except by a few astute observers, they cunningly and patiently wove a web in which they have entrapped mankind. — Emanuel Josephson, 1968
Most of the real history of the world has been hidden from us by the same people who commit the crimes, gigantic crimes on the scale of world wars , manufactured pandemics and massive tax ripoffs that ruin our health, kill our children and obliterate our peace of mind. Continue reading

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Found in Fertilizer Could Breed More Super Bugs

(NaturalNews) – Waste-water treatment by-products, also known as sewage sludge, are frequently used as fertilizer. And that means whatever this stew of sewage leftovers contains, including substances hazardous to human and animal health, could potentially get into the food supply. Continue reading

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Eugenicist

In a revealing interview with the New York Times, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says abortion should be used to control useless eaters and unwanted populations. Continue reading

Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

Rick Perry set to push revamped agenda to sell freeways to foreign-owned private companies and convert them to toll roads Continue reading

Video: Geithner – Fed “Best Positioned” to Become “Super Regulator”

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Thursday that the Federal Reserve is best suited to become a super regulator to oversee large institutions whose failure could threaten the stability of the entire system. Continue reading

MSM: US lab debuts super laser

(AFP) – A US weapons lab on Friday pulled back the curtain on a super laser with the power to burn as hot as a star. Continue reading

The Almighty Renminbi? – Nouriel Roubini

The 19th century was dominated by the British Empire, the 20th century by the United States. We may now be entering the Asian century, dominated by a rising China and its currency. Continue reading

H5N1 Originates From Alaska in 1997

In 1997, freelance investigative reporter Robert S. Finnegan, then living and based in Alaska was present when Dr. John Hultin managed to con the Natives of Brevig Mission Alaska into allowing him to exhume the bodies of several Native Alaskans against the almost violent protests of the Natives. Continue reading

Russia proposes creation of global super-reserve currency

Russia suggests the G20 summit in London in April should start establishing a system of managing the process of globalization and consider the possibility of creating a supra-national reserve currency or a “super-reserve currency.” Continue reading

MSM: IMF poised to print billions of dollars in ‘global quantitative easing’

The International Monetary Fund is poised to embark on what analysts have described as “global quantitative easing” by printing billions of dollars worth of a global “super-currency” in an unprecedented new effort to address the economic crisis. Continue reading