Canada Forfeits Sovereignty Over Food & Natural Health

(Makow) – Hidden in the language of Bill C-36, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, is a clause which makes Canadians “subject to the dictates of foreign authorities”, which are undefined but could mean anything from a foreign government to a trade association like the WTO, NAFTA, CETA, etc., to the United Nations.

This direct transfer of Canadian sovereignty to an unnamed foreign agency can happen at any time, without Parliamentary or public oversight, and it has happened before. In fact, at last month’s G20 conference, Prime Minister Harper admitted the surrendering of sovereignty was occurring economically, and treated it as a “fact of life”; we find this astounding, given that Harper was adamant in recent years about protecting this same sovereignty, and had until that moment not breathed a word about the fact that instead, he was giving it away without our knowledge or consent.

What does this mean to the Natural Health Industry, and to Canadian consumers? Read More Here

Mayor Admits NAFTA Super-highway Will Run Through Memphis

(MyEyewitnessNews) – Memphis Mayor, A C Wharton is back from Mexico. Wharton went to Mexico, to discuss trade opportunities south of the border. Wharton said as a result of the trip, he has appointed a team to look at how fostering the Mexico-Memphis relationship could create jobs. Wharton said he would like Memphis to be a one stop shop, where Mexican products come in, and get distributed across the United States.

Wharton said Mexican leaders were well versed on what is happening in the Bluff City. “They knew how many Mexicans lived in the area, how much spending power they had, they had studied us,” added Wharton.

Mexico is the United States second largest trade partner. Wharton said when the I-69 International Highway is built from Canada to Mexico it will run through Memphis. “This could become the breaking point. The brains of the I-69 connection, that’s why Memphis is a logical place,” said Wharton. Read entire article

Strengthening NAFTA Ties and the Push Towards a Common Security Front

(BeYourOwnLeader) – As a result of the demise of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America, the NAFTA trilateral relationship has suffered. This has forced many of the SPP’s objectives to be funneled through various bilateral initiatives. Mexico’s drug war is also serving as a catalyst for more North American cooperation and integration in areas of border security, law enforcement and the military. Canada is being encouraged to further engage and commit itself alongside the U.S. in helping Mexico. Continue reading

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda – Dana Gabriel

Although there is a need for Canada to expand its trade horizons, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) currently being negotiated with the European Union (EU) appears to be based on the flawed NAFTA model. Many view it as an opportunity to decrease its trade reliance on the U.S., but it could serve to accelerate the corporate takeover of the country. The deal would exceed NAFTA in its scope and with the third round of negotiations scheduled for April 19-23 in Ottawa, there are lingering concerns regarding its lack of transparency. A Canada-EU CETA could be used to expand NAFTA, strengthen U.S.-EU economic relations and further advance the transatlantic agenda. Continue reading

USA lawmakers consider NAFTA and WTO repeal

(TheComingDepression) – A small group of U.S. lawmakers planned to offer legislation Thursday to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement in the latest sign of congressional disillusionment with free-trade deals. Continue reading

A New Generation of North American Citizens – Dana Gabriel

The North American Forum on Integration (NAFI) was created in 2002, and is one of many think tanks pushing for closer continental ties. In 2005, NAFI organized the Triumvirate, a North American model parliament which meets once a year. The exercise brings together university students from the U.S., Mexico and Canada with participants assigned the roles of legislators, journalists or lobbyists. Over the years, the mock parliament has debated and drafted resolutions on such key issues as trade corridors, immigration, NAFTA’s Chapter 11, along with the creation of a North American investment fund and a customs union. Infowars reported that last year’s Triumvirate gathering was cancelled due to the swine flu pandemic scare. Continue reading

A North American Security Perimeter on the Horizon

NAFTA has extended from economic integration into a political and regional security pact which has been achieved through the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America, Plan Mexico, as well as other initiatives. Various pieces of legislation and reports, along with influential individuals have called for closer trilateral cooperation regarding common rules for immigration and security enforcement around the perimeter of the continent. A major part of the U.S. security agenda already includes the defense of North America, but a full blown security zone would bring Canada and Mexico further under U.S. control. A Fortress North America poses a serious threat to our sovereignty and would mean the loss of more civil liberties Continue reading

Video: Hacked climate emails include calls for ‘Earth Government’ as foundation of new world order, splitting of America

One of the leaked climate emails was apparently a press release from “Earth Government” Newsletter dated 27 Mar 2003. The document calls for a ‘democratic’ world government that would amalgamate and reform the prevailing global institutions including the United Nations, IMF, World Bank WTO, NAFTA, FTAA and others “for the good of all.” Continue reading

Passing on the Mantle of Deep North American Integration

With the demise of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America and the restructuring of many of its key priorities under the banner of the North American Leaders Summit, other trilateral initiatives are also passing on the mantle of deep continental integration. Continue reading

Our Extraordinary Dream Killer

Thanks to Obama’s unique style of breaking promises a new series of columns must be added to our fact-checker’s notebooks. Instead of just listing the promised policies with a yes or no blank to be filled in with the date-we must add some other columns: “Retracted,” “Withdrawn,” “Reconfigured” and Reversed. Continue reading

Towards a North American Energy Corridor

As a result of NAFTA, North America is already a well-integrated energy market with Canada and Mexico among the U.S.’s top energy trading partners. Through the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), the North American Energy Working Group has further integrated a continental energy strategy. Other initiatives are also pushing towards a single North American energy policy. Continue reading

We’ve only just begun

According to the CIA’s World Factbook, Americas GDP for 2008 was $14.58 trillion dollars. Fox News reported The United States Government and The Federal Reserve have so far pledged & committed $23.7 trillion dollars, an amount that far exceeds the value of everything we produced in this country in 2008. Continue reading

It Ain’t Over Until the Jobs Come Back — Period!

So I’m watching these talking heads on CNBC telling America that the signs of a recovery are there.  They are lying and not just merely misled.  They are flat lying, hoping some suckers out there will start making purchases to jump-start America’s consumer-driven engine, and to a small degree it is working. Continue reading

Think Tank Report: Obama Will “Press The Reset Button” On North American Union Agenda

A new report out of left leaning globalist think tank the Brookings Institute confirms an agenda to re-brand the long running effort to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into a Federal superstate akin to the European Union. Continue reading

So Far From God, So Close to Wall St.

This past winter both the outgoing director of the CIA and a separate Pentagon report declared political instability in Mexico to be on a par with Pakistan and Iran as top-ranking threats to US national security. It was an exaggeration; Mexico is not yet a “failed state.” On the other hand, it is certainly drifting in that direction. Continue reading

Obama To Attend North American Union Meeting

President Obama will attend the controversial Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper next month, it has been revealed. Continue reading

The Continued Fleecing Of America And Its Citizens By The Financial Elites

Many people are raised with an orientation, indeed an imperative sense, that puts compassion and ethics — ones values and principles — as central to their dealings with others. This foundation becomes part of their identities and shapes the directions that their lives take. Continue reading

Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

Rick Perry set to push revamped agenda to sell freeways to foreign-owned private companies and convert them to toll roads Continue reading

The two party system has failed America

While America’s wealthy continue to enjoy economic and recreational comforts, many parts of the world are being plunged into economic collapse, depression, and civil unrest. Continue reading

Flu Hoax has Globalists Cancel North American “Integration” Confab

The NAFI (North American Forum on Integration) website has announced the suspension of a globalist confab in Mexico due to the contrived “swine” flu pandemic in Mexico. Continue reading

MSM: Dow sues Canadian government over Que.’s pesticide ban

U.S. Dow AgroSciences has gone ahead with a threatened suit against the federal government under the North American Free Trade Agreement, seeking a repeal of Quebec’s ban on lawn pesticides containing 2,4-D and at least $2 million in damages. Continue reading

A Message to the Revolution: The Easiest Way to Destroy a Movement is to Become It

I guess you could say that the media’s new catch phrase these days is Tea Party. A couple of years ago, this tradition was reborn by a nationwide grassroots movement of non-partisan freedom lovers, who are seeking a return to the Constitutional roots of this nation.

Continue reading

The Ones Who Got It Right

Apparently there is an unlimited amount of air- and broadcast time for self-defined experts to pontificate on who got the economy into this terrible state of affairs, and most of the people yammering have no idea why. But even more interesting, as Ralph Nader points out, is that the ones who got it right are given no time whatsoever. It’s time to take back the media, or turn to independent media like for all the REAL news and analysis Continue reading

SPP: Updating the Militarization and Annexation of North America

The title refers to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), also known as the North American Union – formerly launched at a March 23, 2005 Waco, Texas meeting attended by George Bush, Mexico’s President Vincente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. It’s for a tri-national agreement, below the radar, for greater economic, political, and security integration with secret business and government working groups devising binding policies with no public knowledge or legislative debate. Continue reading

The Zionist Nexus Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis

The following is Part One of my article about the Zionist corporate nexus behind 9-11 and the financial crisis. Continue reading

Get Out of the Dollar: Here Comes the Amero

Saying goodbye to Canadian dollars, American dollars, and Mexican pesos is not the sole objective. Adopting the amero is a step subsequent to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) foretelling something even more sinister, the end of the United States. Our sovereignty and the last vestiges of economic autonomy will be gone, the republic formally dissolved. In its place: the North American Union (NAU). In the confines of the NAU, bureaucracy will rein, citizens subjugated, cultures erased, and ecosystems pillaged without opposition. Continue reading

U.S. Ships 800 Billion “AMEROS” to China; prepares to De-Monetize U.S. Dollar

The US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero, which is to be based upon the merging of the economies of The United States, Mexico and Canada into what is termed as The North American Union.

The current American debt obligation to China, currently based on the US Dollar, is now estimated to be the staggering sum of $2.5 Trillion, and which this new Amero will be exchanged for $400 Billion of this debt as the current American currency is set to be devalued by 50 percent before the end of the year. Continue reading

Video: Connie Fogal On The Corporate North American Union

Connie Fogal, the redoubtable leader of the Canadian Action Party, delivers a hard hitting and passionate warning to all who refuse to believe that our democracy is being usurped by an elite few and is being sold off, brick by brick, to the highest bidder. Our very own elected politicians are in collusion with powerful private corporate interests, working together behind closed doors to bring in the ‘Security and Prosperity Partnership’ by “stealth” – as one proponent of the agreement put it – without public knowledge or consultation. In this presentation, she argues that Canadian sovereignty is very much at stake and she urges us to become informed and to take action before we ignorantly surrender all of our freedoms and public services to foreign corporate rule. Continue reading

Video: Won’t See This in the News

pt 1 of 5
Rick and Dick discuss the evidence of world government and show how the European Union is a model of the totalitarian suprastate planned for North America; they demonstrate how free trade agreements such as NAFTA, along with the U.S. government’s deliberate refusal to enforce immigration law and promotion of amnesty, are being used to help create a de facto NAU.. Continue reading

Video: Libertarian Stan Jones Montana(CSPAN) on Globalization/NAU/AMERO/NAFTA

The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret. They have planned and are now leading us into a one world communist government. Continue reading