MSM: Obama Supports Extending Patriot Act Provisions

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday. Continue reading

SPP: Updating the Militarization and Annexation of North America

The title refers to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), also known as the North American Union – formerly launched at a March 23, 2005 Waco, Texas meeting attended by George Bush, Mexico’s President Vincente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. It’s for a tri-national agreement, below the radar, for greater economic, political, and security integration with secret business and government working groups devising binding policies with no public knowledge or legislative debate. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones – Obama Versus The Polar Bears

Alex Jones: Obama Verses The Polarbears or Policy Vs. Real Issues… whatever you call this clip from the 2-20-09 broadcast of the Alex Jones Radio Show, it brings up some great points concerning the Obama administration’s policy’s on key issues. Topics include transgenic species manipulation, GMO crops, Bees, D.U., Polarbears, Carbon Dioxide, Global Warming, Global Cooling and more. Continue reading

Nationalization: Code Word for Banker Takeover

It is now a mantra in the corporate media — the only way to fix the banking system is to “nationalize” the banks. “A touchy word has entered the public debate about the future of America’s economy. It’s a word that would shock the nation in normal times, but as even Republicans begin to whisper it, temporary ‘nationalization’ of troubled banks is increasingly seen as our last best hope for fixing our financial system,” declares Thomas Kelley, writing for Yahoo News. Continue reading

Film: Spin

Using the 1992 presidential election as his springboard, documentary filmmaker Brian Springer captures the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of politicians and newscasters in the early 1990s. Pat Robertson banters about “homos,” Al Gore learns how to avoid abortion questions, George Bush talks to Larry King about halcyon all presuming they’re off camera. Composed of 100% unauthorized satellite footage, Spin is a surreal expose of media-constructed reality. Continue reading

Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame

As previously noted in Pawns of the Global Elite, Barack Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission. Most notably, it was Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973, who was Obama’s principal foreign policy advisor. Continue reading

US To Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is reporting in the Kremlin today that the Bank of England has received from the United States Federal Reserve Bank a ‘notice’ that President Bush is preparing to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’. Continue reading

Video: John Stockwell – The Third World War

John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, working for then Director of the CIA, George Bush. He spent 13 years in the agency. He gives a short history of CIA covert operations. He is a very compelling speaker and the highest level CIA officer to testify to the Congress about his actions. He estimates that over 6 million people have died in CIA covert actions, and this was in the late 1980’s. Continue reading

America – The Newest Third World Nation

The evil Bush administration has largely completed the process begun years ago of turning America, the most powerful and richest nation in history, into a Third World nation. Continue reading

Pole Position: More U.S. Troops Sent to Russian Border

First Georgia, now Poland. The Bush Administration announced Thursday that American soldiers will begin manning missile sites in Poland — part of an agreement that surpasses even the NATO treaty in binding Washington to an armed response to any attack on Polish soil. Continue reading

Bush Fulfills His Grandfather’s Dream

…the BBC story aired on July 23rd, 2007, documenting President George W. Bush’s grandfather’s involvement in a 1933 plot to overthrow the U.S. government and install a fascist dictatorship. Continue reading