The CIA is Beyond Redemption and Should be Terminated – Sherwood Ross

(GlobalResearch) – The Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) has confirmed the worst fears of its creator President Harry Truman that it might degenerate into “an American Gestapo.” It has been just that for so long it is beyond redemption. It represents 60 years of failure and fascism utterly at odds with the spirit of a democracy and needs to be closed, permanently.

Over the years “the Agency” as it is known, has given U.S. presidents so much wrong information on so many critical issues, broken so many laws, subverted so many elections, overthrown so many governments, funded so many dictators, and killed and tortured so many innocent human beings that the pages of its official history could be written in blood, not ink. People the world over regard it as infamous, and that evaluation, sadly for the reputation of America, is largely accurate. Besides, since President Obama has half a dozen other major intelligence agencies to rely on for guidance, why does he need the CIA? In one swoop he could lop an estimated 27,000 employees off the Federal payroll, save taxpayers umpteen billions, and wipe the CIA stain from the American flag. Continue reading

Military Combat Troops Being Trained to Police 2010 Elections

(TargetFreedom) – 0bama now has a Consequence Management Response Force> “to deal with angry people on the street.”

It is a violation of a law called Posse Comitatus to use the American military against the American people.

Our constitution did not give the law enforcement function to the federal government. The 10th amendment PROHIBITS any federal law enforcement functions. Every DICTATORSHIP gives the law enforcement function to the CENTRAL government. This is the derivation of the term “POLICE STATE”.  Military police equals Gestapo. Read More Here

Kerry, Lieberman Not Worried Cap-and-Trade Bill Will Hurt Democrats

(CNSNews) – Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said they are not worried that their cap-and-trade plan might harm fellow Democrats going into the November elections, at a time when voters are more concerned about bread and butter issues such as the economy and the 9.7 percent unemployment rate.

The bill, the American Power Act, was unveiled in May and would establish a nationwide cap-and-trade system that would regulate the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. In exchange, the bill would also extend various tax subsidies and credits in an attempt to make renewable energy sources relatively affordable.

Cap and trade basically means that a ceiling, a cap, would be placed on certain carbon-emitting manufacturers who would be allowed to exceed that cap if they purchase carbon credits (trade), the proceeds of which would be invested in alternative energy after the government collected a portion of those proceeds. (Some analysts describe the plan as “cap and tax.”) Read entire article

Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here

(WNYTruthers) – A college instructor who worked as senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008 is making the stunning claim Barack Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Obama does not even exist in the Aloha State.

“There is no birth certificate,” said Tim Adams, a graduate assistant who teaches English at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. “It’s like an open secret. There isn’t one. Everyone in the government there knows this.” Continue reading

Video: Paul Craig Roberts – ‘AIPAC purchases US elections’

(RussiaToday) – The deadly Israeli assault on a Flotilla aid ship has caused an outcry in the international community. In the United States the Obama Administration has been quiet about their official stance on what transpired. Paul Craig Roberts says that there will be nothing that is going to be done by the United States to change the relationship with Israel. Continue reading

Video: David Icke on the 2010 British Elections

David Icke discusses the reasons behind policies of mass uncontrolled immigration in pursuit of ending the nation state, with particular focus on the 2010 British election and the Cameron-Clegg “coalition” which will only be used to advance both flanks of the new world order agenda via a one-party state. Continue reading

Britain’s Political Impasse in the Wake of the Elections: And the Winner is? The Media

(WilliamBowles) – I admit to being one of the many millions of people who didn’t watch any of the so-called Prime-Ministerial ‘debates’ that have swarmed over the television channels since the announcement of the date of the General Election on 6 May. Not that this meant that I escaped the media onslaught on what’s left of our political senses even if, after the first ‘debate’, viewing figures for ‘Debate No.2’ plummeted by over 50%.[1] If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Continue reading

Philippines: Arrests, Torture and the Presidential Election – James Petras

(GlobalResearch) – The run-up to presidential elections is a time of heightened state-sponsored repression as Asia’s foremost ‘death squad democracy’ wages war on its progressive rural medical workers.

The notoriously violent and corrupt elections in the Philippines stand in sharp contrast with those in South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia, where the ruling elites have secured their hegemony via economic prosperity, rising salaries, increased employment and extensive social services for their citizens. In these countries, the elite can abide by the results of a relatively ‘open’ election, whereas in the Philippines, any challenge to the closed, family-based ruling class is met with relentless terror. Continue reading

Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov. elections (Update)

(Examiner) – Note:  An update has been posted at the end of the article.

In October of this year, one month prior to the November midterm elections, a special army unit known as ‘Consequence Management Response Force’ will be ready for deployment on American soil if so ordered by the President. Continue reading

Karzai steps up attack against US war policy

‘The tensions between the West and Karzai exposed publicly last Thursday, when he accused “foreigners” of perpetrating fraud in the August presidential elections. ‘
(PressTV) – Afghan President Hamid karzai says there will be no military operation in the southern province of Kandahar unless the Afghan people support it. Continue reading

Analysis Finds Little Evidence Iranian Public Sees Government as Illegitimate

Indications of fraud in the June 12 Iranian presidential election, together with large-scale street demonstrations, have led to claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not actually win the election, and that the majority of Iranians perceive their government as illegitimate and favor regime change.

An analysis of multiple polls of the Iranian public from three different sources finds little evidence to support such conclusions. Read More Here

Watchdog groups warn: ‘Corporate globalization’ of US elections is upon us

(RawStory) – The Supreme Court may have ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission days ago, but the decision’s shockwaves are still rippling across American democracy. Continue reading

Grayson: Fight now or ‘kiss your country goodbye’ to Exxon, Wal-Mart

(RawStory) – Responding to the Supreme Court’s ruling Thursday to overturn corporate spending limits in federal elections, progressive firebrand Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) immediately highlighted a series of moves to “avoid the terrible consequences of the decision.” Continue reading

Bogus Honduran Elections

(GlobalResearch) – The true divides in Latin America – between justice and injustice, democracy and dictatorship, human rights and corporate rights, people’s power and imperial domination – have never been more visible than today. Continue reading

Bilderberger and closed-door meetings: European Union gets medieval with ultra-secret elections

The EU is coming under fire for shunning democratic principles as candidates for top jobs assemble behind closed doors with secret societies as “selection day” approaches. Continue reading – Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

After seven years of forced silence, a government whistleblower is opening up on what she learned while working as a Turkish translator for the FBI in the wake of 9/11 Continue reading

MSM: Iranian-American sentenced to 15 years in prison

“Exactly what Tajbakhsh was convicted of was unclear. He had been accused of numerous charges, including plotting a “soft revolution” against the Iranian regime through his work with George Soros’ Open Society Institute, according to IRNA.”
(CNN) – An Iranian-American man has been sentenced to 15 years in an Iranian prison for his role in protests after the disputed presidential election in June, a U.S. State Department spokesman said Tuesday. Continue reading

MSM: Top White House Official Says Obama Team ‘Controlled’ Media Coverage During Campaign

(Fox) – The Obama campaign’s press strategy leading up to his election last November focused on “making” the media cover what the campaign wanted and on exercising absolute “control” over coverage, White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told an overseas crowd early this year. Continue reading

UN: Record number of Afghan civilian deaths in 2009

The United Nations mission in Afghanistan recorded about 1,500 civilian deaths in the first six months of 2009, a 24 percent increase over the previous year and a record in the eight-year-old war. Continue reading

Video: Larry King Interviews Ahmadinejad about Protest Violence

(CNN) – They discuss the election protests in Iran and Ahmad compares them to the protest in Pittsburgh(G20) – September 25, 2009 Continue reading

Video: Madsen – CIA Blackwater Op Infiltrated Ron Paul Campaign

Russia Today – August 31, 2009 Continue reading

Drones and Democracy in Afghanistan

With elections just around the corner in Afghanistan, it might be timely to reflect on the US engagement with that stricken nation and consider just how much foreign intervention has contributed to the prospect and possibility of free and democratic elections. More, it is fitting to consider what kind of example the US and its allies have given to the people of Afghanistan, if they have bestowed any wisdom and guidance for a nation facing a turbulent and uncertain future, to say the least. Continue reading

Afghan Poll Already “Stolen”: Analysts

Even before it kicks off, Afghanistan’s showcase presidential election is likely “sold” and “stolen”, analysts warned, stressing that a growing sense of disillusion amongst voters in the war-torn country is adding to the polls’ severe crisis of credibility. Continue reading

The US Denounces Iran While running fake elections in Afghanistan

This week’s presidential election in Afghanistan will be an elaborate piece of political theater designed to show increasingly uneasy Western voters that progress is being made in the war-torn nation after seven years of US-led occupation. Continue reading

Elections Are A Scam

As in every election we’re now being bombarded with propaganda about how “your vote makes a difference” and associated nonsense. According to the official version ordinary citizens control the state by voting for candidates in elections. The President and other politicians are supposedly servants of “the people” and the government an instrument of the general populace. This version is a myth. Continue reading

“Myth America 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution”

(CindySheehan) – It’s time to break the sick relationship that we have with the Robber Class and do something about it! They can only rob us, if we allow them to. Continue reading

Coverage of US Propaganda Against Iran’s complete coverage of the Iranian elections regarding U.s. involvement/propaganda – June 2009 Continue reading

The Mousavi campaign in Iran and the lessons of past “color revolutions”

The political movement of defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, named the “Green Wave” due to its campaign color, has striking parallels with the US-backed “color revolutions” in the former Soviet republics of Georgia and Ukraine. Continue reading

From Mossadegh to Ahmadinejad: The CIA and the Iranian experiment

The news of alleged election fraud has spread through Tehran like wildfire, pitching ayatollah Rafsanjani’s supporters against ayatollah Khamenei’s in street confrontations. This chaotic situation is secretly stirred by the CIA which has been spreading confusion by flooding Iranians with contradicting SMS messages. Thierry Meyssan recounts this psychological warfare experiment. Continue reading

A Hard Look at the Numbers – What Actually Happened in the Iranian Presidential Election?

Since the June 12 Iranian presidential elections, Iran “experts” have mushroomed like bacteria in a Petri dish. So here is a quiz for all those instant experts. Which major country has elected more presidents than any in the world since 1980? Further, which nation is the only one that held ten presidential elections within thirty years of its revolution? Continue reading

Video: How Western media backs green revolution in Iran

The European Union has rejected Irans accusations that the Western media helped engineer post-election unrest as protests in Tehran continue. Continue reading

What Actually Happened in the Iranian Presidential Election?

Since the June 12 Iranian presidential elections, Iran “experts” have mushroomed like bacteria in a Petri dish. So here is a quiz for all those instant experts. Which major country has elected more presidents than any in the world since 1980? Further, which nation is the only one that held ten presidential elections within thirty years of its revolution? Continue reading

Iran’s spiritual leader backs Ahmadinejad election victory

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday rejected the possibility that vote rigging affected the result of the country’s presidential election. Continue reading

Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax

There is hardly any election, in which the White House has a significant stake, where the electoral defeat of the pro-US candidate is not denounced as illegitimate by the entire political and mass media elite. Continue reading

Video: FKN Newz – Barack the Giant Killer

WARNING – Explicit Content

Iran claims their elections are just like ours , dodgy disputed and irrelevant; Fly killer Obama tackles deficit giant with Bernankes magical sword of Moredebt; In the UK freedom means trial without jury and Iraq war inquiry in private Continue reading

Video: Kissinger threatens regime change in Iran if coup fails

Talking on BBC Newsnight Kissinger says that while the US will not intervene in the current crisis, if the coup fails and a “popularly based” government is not installed (ie the one he wants), then “we may conclude that we must work for regime change in Iran from the outside”. This is an indicted war criminal making threats against a sovereign nation. Continue reading

What if Twitter is leading us all astray in Iran?

Here are a few of the things that we’ve “learned” the last few days about the Iranian elections and their aftermath: Continue reading

Cyberwarfare Begins in Iran

An apparently ad-hoc cyber protest against the results of recent Iranian elections has knocked key websites off-line. Continue reading