Left and Right Try to Stop the Rand Paul Revolution

(C4L) – The day after Republican Rand Paul’s landslide primary victory in Kentucky, the mainstream Left tried to paint him as a segregationist, while the mainstream Right either ignored or attacked him. And for good reason. Like his father Ron, Rand represents revolution, and the establishment is petrified.

Let’s begin with the Left. Afraid that they can’t beat a conservative Republican of Paul’s pedigree in the Tea Party-influenced, anti-Obama political climate of 2010, liberals are trying to run against him in 1964. Cherry-picking irrelevant references Paul has made about private property rights and how they could possibly relate to the Civil Rights Act or even the Americans with Disabilities Act, Democrats are trying to portray Rand the libertarian as a closeted Klansman who secretly hates “coloreds” and “cripples.” Continue reading

Rand Paul News (Updated to May 21)

(TPM) – Libertarians On Paul’s Civil Rights Stance: ‘Very Reasonable’ – Read More Here

(RasmussenReports) – Despite Establishment Smears, Rand Paul Is Crushing His Democratic Opponent In The Polls

Rand Paul, riding the momentum of his big Republican Primary win on Tuesday, now posts a 25-point lead over Democrat Jack Conway in Kentucky’s U.S. Senate race, but there’s a lot of campaigning to go. Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Rand Paul Strikes Back At Mainstream Media Smear Machine

Would be Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has hit back at a desperate and sustained mainstream media attempt to smear him as a racist extremist following his historic primary victory earlier this week. Read More Here

(ABC) – White House Says Rand Paul’s Civil Rights Talk ‘Shouldn’t Have a Place in Our Political Dialogue in 2010′

Robert Gibbs said that “I think the issues that, that many fought for in the ‘50s and the ‘60s were settled a long time ago in landmark legislation and the discussion about whether or not to support those, I don’t think, shouldn’t have a place in our political dialogue in 2010.” Read More Here

(Fox) – Video: Rand Paul on FOX News w/ Bill O’Reilly – Video Link Here

Video: Southern Avenger – Rand Paul Revolution

When Rand Paul won the Kentucky Republican Primary for US Senate in a landslide, he was immediately attacked by both the Left and Right–and for the same reason.

(PaulWatson) – Video: The Establishment Is In Full Blown Panic Over Rand Paul

The establishment is in full blown panic over the runaway success of Kentucky primary winner Rand Paul and has set about attacking the son of Congressman Ron Paul from every conceivable angle in an attempt to undermine his support base and ensure his defeat by a Democratic opponent in November. Read More Here

(Newsweek) – Neo-Cons Attack Rand Paul After Primary Victory

On a rough night for conservatives, Rand Paul’s victory in the Kentucky Senate primary was a rare bright spot. The opthalmologist and son of Rep. Ron Paul is one of the highest profile wins yet for the Tea Party, a constituency he trumpeted last night: ”I have a message from the Tea Party. A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We have come to take our government back.” Fox News’s Sean Hannity, chatting with Sarah Palin, termed it a “Randslide.” Of course, Paul’s triumph is bad news for the GOP establishment. Mainstream pick Trey Grayson, who got walloped, was hand-chosen and backed by major establishment figures—from Mitch McConnell to Dick Cheney.

But outside the Senate minority leader’s circle, Paul’s selection is cause for celebration. Right? Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: Rachel Maddow Attempts to Portray Rand Paul as a Racist

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is a shill for big government. She uses Paul’s opposition to the federal government dictating to the states — specifically, civil rights legislation handed down by the feds — to insinuate that he is a racist.

This is the same argument constantly used by Chris Matthews and others to portray states’ rights advocates as racists. It is part of the effort by the corporate media and government to label all opposition to Obama as the hateful ranting of white supremacists. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk

You Can Thank The Federal Reserve For The Coming Hyperinflation

See Also:

(RussiaToday) – Video:Rand Paul wins in a “Randslide” – Interview with Adam Kokesh – View Video Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Rallying behind Rand – Interview with Shelly Roche – View Video Here

(Fox) – Video: 2010 – Year of the Political Outsider – Ron Paul and Rand Paul on Fox News – View Video Here

(SteveWatson) – Video: DNC Chairman – Rand Paul Is A Far Right “Extreme Candidate”

Commenting on Rand Paul’s historic victory in the Kentucky primary, the Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine called the would be Senator an “extreme candidate”, while other Democrats suggested Paul would be an easy target for them in the November general election.View Video Here

Video: Rand Paul’s victory speech (full) – View Video Here

(LondonTelegraph) – Rand Paul’s win could be bad news for Republicans

The biggest loser from Rand Paul’s win in the Kentucky Republican Senate primary is Mitch McConnell. Read More Here

(Politico) – Rand Paul: “We have come to take our government back” – Read More Here

(CBSNews) – Video: Rand Paul – Tea Party Ready to “Flex Some Muscle”

While critics cast the Tea Party movement as a fad and a flash in the pan, Tuesday’s Republican Senate primary in Kentucky might prove to naysayers that they indeed are a legitimate force and their backing of Dr. Rand Paul has propelled him as the front-runner for what is usually a ho-hum race. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Rand Paul – Perfect storm, people want change

RTs Dina Gusovsky is in Kentucky to find out what she can about Rand Paul’s, son of Congressmen Ron Paul, senate campaign and the pivotal primary elections that are taking place. The primaries for the midterm elections will offer a clearer look at whos shaping up to be a powerful force in 2010 and whos struggling to stay relevant in the long midterm cycle. Dina interviewed Rand Pauls family and says that the latest polls have Rand Paul ahead by about 18%. Continue reading

Video: Calling 1,000 Patriots to New Orleans!

ON SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 2010, the most powerful political interests in the US will converge on New Orleans to stop the nascent presidential campaign of America’s current great warrior against central banking, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. They cannot allow his early victory at the 2010 CPAC straw poll to be repeated. Read More Here – Battleofneworleans2010.com Continue reading

Iran Starts Mass-Production of Nasr 1 Cruise Missiles

(Fars) – The Iranian Defense Ministry started mass-production of Nasr 1 (Victory 1) cruise missiles on Sunday.
“Nasr 1 missile is a cruise missile capable of destroying 3-ton weighted vessels,” Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said at a ceremony to inaugurate Nasr 1 production line at the defense ministry’s Aerospace Industries Organization. Continue reading

Video: Rep. Ron Paul surprise winner of CPAC presidential straw poll

(CNN) – U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, a stalwart foe of government spending, won a blowout victory Saturday in the annual Conservative Political Action Conference presidential straw poll. Read More Here

Will Obama’s Record War Budget Lead to a US Victory in Afghanistan? Don’t Bet On it!

(GlobalResearch) – President Barack Obama has increased the Pentagon’s perennially-bloated annual spending spree to its greatest magnitude since World War II $708 billion. Congress eventually will overwhelmingly approve Obama’s war budget request for fiscal year 2011, which takes effect in October. Continue reading

How Apathy Will Destroy America

“By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy – indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self satisfaction”
-William Osler Continue reading

Missouri Democrat: Poor Too Irresponsible to Exercise Second Amendment

Gun rights advocates scored a victory Thursday as the House Financial Services Committee adopted an amendment to allow guns in public housing projects. Continue reading

MSM: Iranian envoy – CIA involved in Neda’s shooting?

(CNN) – The United States may have been behind the killing of Neda Agha-Soltan, the 26-year-old Iranian woman whose fatal videotaped shooting Saturday made her a symbol of opposition to the June 12 presidential election results, the country’s ambassador to Mexico said Thursday. Continue reading

Iran’s spiritual leader backs Ahmadinejad election victory

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday rejected the possibility that vote rigging affected the result of the country’s presidential election. Continue reading

Video: Poll Predicted Landslide Victory for Ahmadinejad

Does This Poll Show that Ahmadinejad Victory is Reliable?

Who will you Vote for in Presidential Elections? Results before 12 June 2009: Ahmadinejad: 34% Don’t know: 27% Mousavi: 14% Karroubi: 2% Rezai: 1% Continue reading