Enemy of the State – Lew Rockwell

It’s been clear for some time that the Pentagon would love to put a bullet in Julian Assange’s brain. But as the founder of WikiLeaks became better known, sending off a team of professional hitmen–as is their wont–threatened to become bad PR. So phony sex charges are used instead, another typical tactic of the regime. BTW. a word to the disinfo artists of the military junta: we don’t believe you about Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Georgia, Russia, China, Israel, Palestine, Iran, or Assange.

UPDATE: So now the Pentagon’s trumped up charges against Julian Assange have been dropped, if not before the libel was implanted in at least some minds. Watch for more lies, not that they will work. One man can beat the Death Star. – Source: Lew Rockwell

See Also:

(BusinessInsider) – Swedish Prosecutors Drop Rape Charges Against Wikileaks Founder

Stranger and stranger.

Now according to the AP, the rape charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange have been withdrawn.

Prosecutors say the suspicioun was unfounded.

How these charges came to be, and then got reversed so fast, should be an interesting story. – Source: Business Insider


(Telegraph) – “Is Assange the target of a U.S. smear campaign?” – Rape Claim Against Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Withdrawn

Julian Assange, the founder of the Wikileaks website, was at the centre of an extraordinary “dirty tricks” row today after the Swedish government issued and then withdrew an arrest warrant against him for rape. Continue reading

Homeland Security for Whom?

(LewRockwell) – The Washington Post has published a splashy exposé about the mammoth “homeland security” intelligence empire that now burdens the United States, financially and ideologically.

As usual, however, there is no real historical context. And that lack of context is part of the story – not just the current dimensions of the empire.

I wrote the following article for Penthouse in the summer of 2003. It was reprinted by CounterPunch later that summer.

At the time I said: “This homeland security boondoggle is the biggest reorganization of the U.S. government in 50 years. It might even bankrupt the country and, perhaps intentionally, throw it into a Depression. That remains to be seen. What is certain is that at a cost of $50 billion in taxpayer’s money, the homeland security infrastructure will provide Bush with 170,000 political cadres, and the internal security he needs to assure the continuity of his political power indefinitely. Except for providing Bush with political internal security, there is no need for the Department of Homeland Security; it is a Trojan Horse through which Bush will unleash his ideological storm troopers and exploit his ill-gotten power to achieve permanent political dominance.” Continue reading

A ‘Kill Switch’ for the State

(LewRockwell) – Two or more decades ago I wrote an article in which I suggested that, while the collapse of our civilization would ultimately prove beneficial to the productive purposes of society, the transition would, in the short-term, not be pretty to watch. The threat to the established order would be devastating, a challenge that would elicit the most violent and desperate efforts to defend the status quo. Wars, increased police powers, the enhanced regulation of and restrictions on alternative social systems, would become the norm. A society so constituted could well be symbolized as a faceless SWAT team member shoving his automatic rifle into the face of a cowering peaceful demonstrator. Continue reading

Video: Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano

(Fox) – The judge covers auditing the federal reserve with Ron Paul; whether or not we’re in 1984; and secessionist movement with Lew Rockwell – Continue reading


(HuffingtonPost) – Dodd Bill Would Allow Fed To Hide Its Spending – Read More Here

(JakartaGlobe) – Goldman probe a smokescreen to divert attention from financial crisis

A top Asian fund manager said on Wednesday the civil fraud allegations against massive Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs was a smokescreen to divert attention from the financial crisis in the United States. Read More Here

(USAWatchdog) – Failure Is the Only Reform We Need – Read More Here

(PubliusForum) – $338.3 Billion Paid to Service America’s Illegal Aliens

My friend Gary Karlin over at the Evanston Conservative blog has spent the last year or so collecting a series of stories detailing the costs of illegal aliens to the United States. Read More Here

(CNN) – Report: SEC staffers watched porn as economy crashed – Read More Here

(HoweStreet) – Hyperinflation Looms – The Dollar Arrives at Its ‘Havenstein Moment’

There is an interesting article in Canada’s Globe & Mail about the lack of growth in the US money supply. Ignoring for the moment that the quantity of dollars in circulation is significantly underreported, it observes:

“The money supply in the United States is doing something that almost never happens: it’s shrinking, after taking into account inflation. Similar episodes in the past have usually been scary times for investors. Declines in the amount of money in circulation have coincided with recessions, and some analysts looking at the current trend say it is a harbinger of trouble. Despite signs that the U.S. is in recovery, they worry that the money supply numbers indicate the economy remains vulnerable to the feared double-dip downturn, or is close to experiencing deflation.”
Read More Here

(CNBC) – Governments Will ‘Bankrupt Us’: Marc Faber

Current economic policies are not sustainable and the world faces doom because “the governments are taking over”, said Marc Faber, editor & publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report. Read More Here

(FauxCapitalist) – The CIA overstates Canada’s government spending by more than 200% – Read More Here

(GoldenTruth) – Russia and China Are Selling Treasuries and Buying Gold…

Fred Hickey of the High Tech Strategist newsletter fame gave a brutally honest interview with The Wall Street Cheat Sheet about the financial/economic condition of the United States and how China and Russia, two of the largest financiers of our Government, are protecting themselves from the reckless policies of Obama and Bernanke. Here’s is a quote: Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – LA Court System In Financial Crisis, Closing Court Rooms

An unprecedented financial crisis afflicting the nation’s largest court system is in the hands of the policy making California Judicial Council, with Los Angeles court officials awaiting its decision on their plea for an infusion of cash. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – Alan Grayson Discloses That Dodd Bill Covertly Eliminates Already Passed Legislation Requiring Full Fed Audit

Once again we get confirmation that Chris Dodd is nothing but a paid manservant for his Federal Reserve masters, in addition to being a lame duck, whose last days in office are meant to do everything to allow the old-school Wall Street ways of endless secrecy and Fed bailouts to continue in perpetuity. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – Insights Into America’s Disneyland And Our “Neo-Feudalistic, Gulag Casino Economy” From Mike Krieger – Read More Here

(LewRockwell) – Video: How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes – Lew Rockwell Show with Peter Schiff – View Video Here

(MoneyNews) – Video: Jim Rogers: Next Recession Will Be Much Worse – Video Link Here

(ZeroHedge) – Richard Koo Says If Banks Marked Commercial Real Estate To Market,It Would “Trigger A Chain Of Bankruptcies”

Richard Koo’s latest observations on the US economy are as always, a must read. The critical observation from the Nomura economist explains why the realists and the naive idealists are at greater odds than ever before: the government continues to perpetuate, endorse and legalize accounting fraud in the hope that covering everything up under the rug will rekindle animal spirits. Read More Here

(Fortune) – ‘The SEC is a farce’ – expert Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Are Interest Rate Derivatives a Ticking Time Bomb?

Derivatives are the world’s largest market, dwarfing the size of the bond market and world’s real economy. Read More Here

(CommonDreams) – Democrats Haunted by Corporate Ties

President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats are promising a climactic clash with Wall Street, but there’s a complication in their battle plan: The Democratic Party is closer to corporate America – and to Wall Street in particular – than many Democrats would care to admit. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Federal Reserve – Destroying the American economy since 1913 – View Video Here

(Courant) -2,000 Connecticut Teachers Face Layoffs Before Next School Year More Here..

(Reuters) – Sallie Mae To Cut 2500 Jobs More Here..

(BuffaloNews) – Buffalo: City School Budget would Lay off 700 More Here..

(NBR) – Fletcher Layoffs Hit 120 People More Here..

(ClevelandBlog) – Hundreds of Cleveland teachers, Principals to Lose Jobs More Here..

(Wicz) – Lockheed Martin: 472 Layoffs More Here..

(Freep) – Detroit Public Schools sends layoff notices to 2000 Teachers More Here..

(SeattleTimes) – Boeing issues layoff notices to 130 in state, 300 companywide More Here..

(CityRoom) – More than 1,000 staff members were laid off on Monday at the bankrupt St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan. More Here..

(AlexJones) – Video: Bill Murphy Reveals JPMorgan Chase’s Gold & Silver Manipulation on Alex Jones

Alex talks with Bill Murphy, a financial commentator and chairman of GATA, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee. GATA was organized in January 1999 to advocate and undertake litigation against illegal collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial securities. GATA exposes and actively opposes collusion against a free market in gold, other precious metals, currencies, and related securities. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul Speech at Jekyll Island – My Battle Against the Fed

(C4L) – The Federal Reserve has had long enough to demonstrate its use to the American economy. The latest economic crisis alone is enough to discredit its claims as the great stabilizer. There is the long history of devastating inflation, the government spending it funds, the wars and welfare that are made possible by its printing presses, and also the conflicts of interest and corruptions it introduces into public life. We can do without the central bank. We don’t need the Fed. Our money and our future would be more assured without it. Continue reading

They Were Just Following Orders

“And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.” – Luke 23:33

(LewRockwell) – They didn’t just crucify him; they scourged him, stripped him, put a purple robe on him, put a crown of thorns on his head, mocked him, smote him with their hands, spit on him, cast lots for his garments, smote him on the head, feigned worship to him, and nailed him to a cross.

Crucifixion was an ancient, brutal, gruesome, painful, humiliating, and public method of execution. The “him” referenced above who was crucified is, of course, Jesus Christ. He was crucified even though he was declared to be without fault, not worthy of death, and a just person. Continue reading

‘Has the FBI Infiltrated the Tea Parties?’ – Lew Rockwell

A friend asked me that question yesterday. Of course, I said. We know that Homeland Security considers Ron Paul supporters and other libertarians to be potential terrorists (which is all you need to know about the state’s use of that term). In the 1970s, the FBI had agents at the tiny Libertarian party’s conventions. Now the FBI and other spy agencies are vastly bigger. Continue reading

Video: Where Are Your Papers? Judge Napolitano Covers the Biometric ID Scheme with Lew Rockwell

(Fox) – How much more unAmerican can the United States government get? Continue reading


(FinancialSense) – Recession, Depression, or Systematic Breakdown

As crooked politicians, Federal Reserve hacks, and cheerleading media pundits inform you the recession is over, you probably have a sneaking suspicion they are lying. Read More Here

(LewRockwell) – Gold Money: Power to the People

Before I explain the title of this report, I want to prove to you that Americans are losing their liberties, day by relentless day. I also want to prove to you why it is that, unless there is an economic breakdown so severe that Washington D.C. goes broke, we will not get back these surrendered liberties. My demonstration will take approximately three minutes. For skeptics, it may take five minutes. Read More Here

(SilverBearCafe) – Silver is the best investment in the world

One cannot pick tops and bottoms and short term forecasting is for fools. Nevertheless, one has to do their best to see overall bottoms and tops. We feel silver has bottomed at the $16 level and it’s time to back up the truck. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Condition Red: More Hidden Greek Debt Exposure Discovered

According to a report out last week, there is huge off-balance-sheet debt guaranteed by Greece and the other PIIGS, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain. In addition to similar debt guarantees issued by other governments. Read More Here

(AFP) – Icesave referendum casts cloud of uncertainty over Iceland

Iceland’s economic and political future hangs in the balance as it heads towards a referendum on how to compensate Britain and the Netherlands for money lost in the collapse of an Icelandic bank. Read More Here

(SeekingAlpha) – How Have U.S. Stocks Defied Gravity for So Long?

This Tuesday will mark the anniversary of last year’s US stock market low. Since then the market has rallied by 70 percent in a recovery only slightly less suspicious than a Madoff hedge fund. Read More Here

Video: St. Petersburg’s Self-destructing Economy Part 4

In this video I show multiple vacant prime location commercial properties located throughout the greater St. Petersburg area. – Video Link Here

Video: Walmart Wants You Dead – How Walmart Screws it’s Employees

Walmart takes out Life insurance policies on its own employees called “Dead Peasant Policies” but then refuses to pay one of it’s own employee’s health benefits when she needed it the most. – View Video Here

(NYPost) – Frank retreats on debt

Powerful lawmaker Barney Frank had to pull his foot out of his mouth yesterday.

The Massachusetts Congressman rattled investors when he said the US Treasury won’t be responsible for bailing out investors holding the more than $5 trillion of mortgage-linked securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — the ailing mortgage companies at the center of the junk mortgage crisis. Read More Here

(AuctionBytes) – IRS to Track Online Sellers’ Payment Transactions

Internet sellers who don’t report their sales will no longer be under the radar. Starting next year, any bank or other payment settlement company that processes credit cards, debit cards, and electronic payments such as PayPal will have to issue information returns telling the IRS what merchants receive. The new returns are Form 1099-K, Merchant Card and Third-Party Payments. Read More Here

(C4L) – The Dominos of Default

The bad news for Greece is that despite some help from abroad, and some attempts at internal reform, investors are still leery of the troubled state. The good news, if you can call it that, is that they will soon have company in the penalty box. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Goldman Says Matt Taibbi, Zero Hedge, Louise Story, And Janet Tavakoli Have Become Risks To Its Business – Read More Here

The Coming Obama Retirement Trap Has Started!

(LewRockwell) – Dear Concerned American:
I begin with a quote from a politician who believed in an all-powerful central government and in using that power to achieve his vision for a nation. “He who has his thumb on the purse has the power.” ~ Otto von Bismarck, a statesman who created the modern Germany and known as the iron chancellor Read More Here

The Left Fell into the Climate Morass – Lew Rockwell

Writes Jay Roberts:
The Left Fell into the Climate Morass“ is the most complete and economical damnation of the whole global warming farce I have ever read.  Like a sniper rapidly shooting a string of deadly bulls-eyes, its few short paragraphs accurately demonstrate the systemic failures of science, media, and political institutions. Nothing included is extraneous and nothing relevant is left out. Continue reading

The Triumph of Socialism – Lew Rockwell

(C4L) – Do you think ideas don’t matter, that what people believe about themselves and their world has no real consequence? If so, the following will not bug you in the slightest. Continue reading

Economics and Moral Courage – Lew Rockwell

(C4L) – CIt must be really painful to be an economist of the mainstream today — at least, it should smart to some extent. In a financial and economic calamity of the current scale, people naturally want to know who issued the warnings about the real-estate bubble and its likely aftermath. Continue reading

Gun Control: Schemed by Tyrants, Supported by Fools

I’m sure my environment while growing up had a great deal to do with my attitude towards the rights of a free people to own firearms. To me it has always been a no-brainer. From the simple act of providing for the defense of one’s life and property and the defense of those with whom we have a responsibility, to preventing criminals from enslaving us, it all seems to be so fundamental. Continue reading

Rich Uncle Pays Your Mortgage – Lew Rockwell

The economic meltdown has put the country on the fast track to socialism, but through a series of tiny steps. One need only to examine the supposed victories in the war on depression to see how this is happening. The latest is the claim that the Obama administration has successfully renegotiated many mortgage obligations in a way that allows people to keep their homes. Continue reading

The 9/11 Commission Rejects Own Report as Based on Government Lies

In John Farmer’s book: The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense on 9/11?, the author builds the inescapably convincing case that the official version… is almost entirely untrue… Continue reading

How Apathy Will Destroy America

“By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy – indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self satisfaction”
-William Osler Continue reading

Mass Layoffs: The Continuing Devastation

Stock market investors shrug off a disaster in our midst: mass layoffs. Investors act as though it will soon be business as usual. Companies cut costs by firing employees that have been with them for decades. Then the companies can report higher earnings from cost-cutting measures. The media then proclaim an increase in earnings. But how will these increases be sustained? How will an unemployment rate of 11% help get the economy back on its feet? Continue reading

Video: Freedom Watch Tax Day – Napolitano

The Tax Day version of Freedom Watch with guests Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Lew Rockwell, Michelle Muccio, Dr. Liam Fox, and Shelly Roche. Continue reading