David Chandler – The Physics of the 9/11 Truth Movement

David Chandler is a physics teacher, a Quaker peace activist, and an independent 9/11 researcher, active with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and on the board of the International Center for 9/11 Studies. He noticed that something was amiss with the way the buildings fell on 9/11 and did precise measurements of the motions associated with the building collapses and straightforwardly applied Newton’s laws of motion to show what this implied about the forces at work.

Chandler thinks that the free fall of the buildings is one of the clearest smoking guns for the use of explosives on 9/11. A paper describing his analysis can be found online at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. Chandler’s’ analysis proves that approximately 90% of the structural support had to have been removed from the North Tower for it to come down with constant downward acceleration as it did. Building 7 (the third building to undergo rapid, total destruction on the evening of 9/11) came down at absolute freefall as well so that also had to have its existing inner structure previously removed. Besides clarifying the dynamics of the building collapses, David Chandler has built a solid case that the official NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) investigation was an elaborate coverup, involving not just errors, but that it was fraudulent. Chandler is working on a documentary DVD that will tie together all of his work. Go to his website below and the numerous analytical videos posted by him on YouTube for more details.

Link: http://911SpeakOut.org

MSM: “Tea party” activists drawn to Williamsburg and its portrayal of Founding Fathers

(WashingtonPost) – The original Tea Party may have been in Boston, but some modern-day “tea party” activists are finding a powerful narrative this summer at a different historic landmark: Colonial Williamsburg.

Amid the history buffs and parents with young children wandering along the crushed shell paths of Virginia’s restored colonial city, some noticeably angrier and more politically minded tourists can often be found. Continue reading

Video: Democrat Propaganda Demonizes Tea Party Through Association With Establishment

(SteveWatson) – Democrat leaders have finally realised that anti-establishment sentiment is the driving force behind the Tea Party movement, announcing a plan to demonize it via a national campaign to associate the GOP and the Tea Party as one and the same. Continue reading

Left-wing Env. Scientist Bails Out Of Global Warming Movement: Declares it a ‘corrupt social phenomenon…strictly an imaginary problem of the 1st World middleclass’

See Also: (ClimateDepot) – Video: Unlikely Skeptic – A Liberal Environmentalist challenges Global Warming TheoryView Video Here

(ClimateDepot) – Physicist Dr. Denis Rancourt, a former professor and environmental science researcher at the University of Ottawa, has officially bailed out of the man-made global warming movement. Continue reading

The Roaring Voice Of The Truth Movement Cannot Be Silenced Through Censorship

(Infowars) – The censorship of the Obama Deception awoke the sleeping giant that is the patriot movement. Google has made a very large statement by reinstating The Obama Deception, after the film was mysteriously pulled along with other top documentary films created by Alex Jones. Not only is this the first time that the mega-corporation has restored a political video of such nature on Youtube, but the restoration also came after Google’s search engines were blasted with hard-hitting search topics. Continue reading

Video: Video of NAACP Racism Emerges After Resolution Condeming Tea Party Movement

(KurtNimmo) – Race is a tactic used by the global elite to divide and conquer the masses and pit them against each other. A prime example of this tactic in action is the recent NAACP passage of a resolution condemning alleged and unsubstantiated racism in the Tea Party movement.

Card carrying members of the NAACP may not know it, but they are being played for chumps. They will not emerge winners from this cynical race game, the ruling elite will. For the eugenicist elite, we are all vermin regardless of skin color and ethnicity.

Over the weekend TeaParty365 co-founder David Webb, who happens to be black, went on CBS’ “Face the Nation” to denounce the “selective racism” of the NAACP. He complained that NAACP President Benjamin Jealous “will not condemn the New Black Panther Party for saying that they want to kill crackers and kill cracker babies, whereas he would condemn the KKK or any element that shows up . . . and claims that they are a part of the Tea Party.”

The NAACP’s shrewd race game was further exposed when Breitbart released a video today demonstrating the racism of USDA official Shirley Sherrod while addressing a meeting of NAACP members. Sherrod boasts to an appreciative audience how she withheld information and help from a farmer because he was white. Continue reading

Video: Why They Fear the Tea Party – Southern Avenger

Whether its Republican politicians accusing them of being “extremists” or the NAACP calling them “racists,” the establishment is afraid of the Tea Party movement–and for good reason. Continue reading

Video: NAACP Resolution Designed to Wreck Tea Party Movement by Playing Race Card

(KurtNimmo) – Before Obama was selected to be the next front man for the ruling elite, we said race would be used to shut down any opposition to government. During the NAACP convention this week, that is precisely what is happening. Continue reading

Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles? – David Ray Griffin

(GlobalResearch) – According to several left-leaning critics of the 9/11 Truth Movement, some of its central claims, especially about the destruction of the World Trade Center, show its members to be scientifically challenged. In the opinion of some of these critics, moreover, claims made by members of this movement are sometimes unscientific in the strongest possible sense, implying an acceptance of magic and miracles.

After documenting this charge in Part I of this essay, I show in Part II that the exact opposite is the case: that the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center implies miracles (I give nine examples), and that the 9/11 Truth Movement, in developing an alternative hypothesis, has done so in line with the assumption that the laws of nature did not take a holiday on 9/11. In Part III, I ask these left-leaning critics some questions evoked by the fact that it is they, not members of the 9/11 Truth Movement, who have endorsed a conspiracy theory replete with miracle stories as well as other absurdities. Continue reading

How the Green Movement Failed Us

(Infowars) – The word epic comes to mind when describing the perpetuation of lies bestowed on the commoner. Watching the daily news, or flipping through to the Discovery Channel, it is hard not to notice the never-ending loads of propaganda that are dumped on the viewers. The local television station parrots the talking points of national stations: “The Earth is dying, we must act today, reduce green house gas emissions, establish one child policies and create taxation grids to save our mother Earth.” At a first glimpse one might accept the premise, being that Carbon Dioxide, Methane and other gases emitted by anthropogenic activities are the causes of global warming. However, when one evaluates the authors of the suppositions and their amassed data, it is hard to overlook the flagrant statistical manipulations. Continue reading

NSA Reminds Contractors: STFU!

(Null&Void) – Check out the lastest NSA ‘Big Brother’ project here. Big Brother is watching you.

There’s no doubt that the big boys are sweating. Some even claim that the American people have “awakened”, though I’ve yet to notice. One thing is certain: with the massive migration of the population to the internet and alternative sources for news and other vital information, the war on for your mind becomes much more complicated. Your free access to a virtually unlimited domain of knowledge presents a major problem to the ’systemetizers’ and control freaks of the world. This is exactly why we are seeing so much freaky spazzed-out control-freak legislation to dictate news, internet, television, entertainment output. Large demographics of the population being exposed to alternative thoughts and presentation has led, admittedly, to some – to use poorly chosen words – ’shift in consciousness’ (to be associated with groups such as The Tea Party Movement). Thanks to the internet, advanced communications technology and technology in general, its become a lot easier to keep and disseminate ‘alternative’ ideas. As more shit hits the fan, this is exactly what the elite can’t have. They’re shifting the operation into overdrive and that means more active legislation, faster. And now that its easier for the word to be spread, for whistles to blow (and not just their tooting horns), any inkling of a ‘mass awakening’ poses a threat to operations. Continue reading

Video: Matthews Perverts Tea Party Movement – Participants View Federal Government as British Occupiers

(Business&MediaInstitute) – In preview of his upcoming ‘New Right’ special, ‘Hardball’ host ignores movement’s fiscal discipline aspect, plays up imaginary violence.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’s ratings lag far behind those of his competition, Fox News’ Glenn Beck, on a regular basis. So is he perhaps trying to become the anti-Glenn Beck to bolster his stature in the cable news world? Video Link Here

Video: The Prepper Movement – a Growing Network Preparing for the World’s End

(Asylum) – If the proverbial you-know-what hit the global fan, would you be prepared? The answer to that question is most likely a big, fat no.

After all, it’s hard to develop life skills (e.g., growing/storing your own food, filtering water) while playing myriad video games or scrounging the Internet for funny videos to post on Facebook.

Turns out, though, that while you may not be concerned about mass chaos and world destruction, a growing number of people are.

Read entire article

Kerry-(Graham)-Lieberman: a monstrous collection of payoffs to big business

(GlobalWarming.org) – The chance that the Senate will pass a comprehensive energy-rationing (a k a climate) bill this year remains close to zero.  BP’s big oil spill in the Gulf changes very little.

The global warming movement peaked last June 26 when the House passed the Waxman-Markey bill.  When members went home for the Fourth of July, many who voted for it discovered that their constituents were angry and mobilized. Continue reading

Video: Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano

(Fox) – The judge covers auditing the federal reserve with Ron Paul; whether or not we’re in 1984; and secessionist movement with Lew Rockwell – Continue reading

Video: The McVeigh Tapes – A Fairy Tale Designed to Demonize the Patriot Movement

(KurtNimmo) – On the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, MSNBC ran a documentary supposedly detailing Timothy McVeigh’s death row “confession.” The documentary — actually a fairy tale of easily debunked government propaganda hosted by the “progressive” Rachel Maddow — employs alleged tape recordings of McVeigh coupled with cheesy computer simulations intended to dredge up the government version of events and thus rekindle hysteria manufactured in the 1990s concerning the threat posed by militias and patriot groups. Continue reading

Video: Newt Gingrich – Tea Party Will Become “Militant” Faction of Republican Party

(KurtNimmo) – Neocons hate the Tea Party almost as much as Democrats and liberals. And that is why the neocon and potential Republican presidential candidate New Gingrich called the Tea Party militant the other day.

The Tea Party movement, said Gingrich while speaking at an event in York County, Pennsylvania, is a “natural expression of frustration with Republicans and anger at Democrats,” which is “more likely to end up as the militant wing of the Republican Party” than a third party. Continue reading

Video: DHS Boss Hints Tea Party Will Engage in Violence

Related: ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

(KurtNimmo) – During a corporate media dog and pony show on Tuesday at a memorial for the victims of the government bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, Department of Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano said “anti-government groups” — shorthand for the Tea Party movement and patriot groups — are preparing to engage in violence. Read More Here

Video: CFR Journalist Calls Tea Party Talk Seditious

(KurtNimmo) – Joe Klein is worried. All this constitutional talk on the part of the Tea Party movement may actually lead to significant change (not Obama faux change, but the real McCoy). Continue reading

Trouble at Tea Parties? Time will tell

(OklahomaWatchdog) – The Tea Party movement in Oklahoma is getting increasingly more attention this week in the wake of the Associated Press story on Wednesday that highlights interest in this state in having a state militia that would be on guard to protect citizens in the state from federal tyranny. Continue reading

Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

(PaulWatson) – With the establishment desperate to engender and exploit violence which will be used to demonize the Tea Party movement as an extremist mob, so-called anarchists are now openly declaring their intentions to pose as Tea Party members and stage violence in order to discredit populist grass roots organizations. Continue reading

MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing

(KurtNimmo) – It is perfectly timed to feed into the current campaign by the government and corporate media to demonize the patriot movement and portray militias around the country as domestic terrorists — MSNBC’s “The McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist” will run on April 19. Continue reading

Video: Don’t Become What You Are Fighting – Luke Rudkowski

(WeAreChange) – This is an excerpt from Luke Rudkowski’s inspiring and informative speech at the Treason in America Conference. Continue reading

Video: CNN, SPLC Propaganda Connects Hutaree to Patriot Movement

(KurtNimmo) – John Avlon, author of “Wingnuts,” and the CIA operative Anderson Cooper decided not to demonize Alex Jones on CNN last week. He made too much sense. Instead, on Monday, they “profiled” the Hutaree group. It is ideal for their propaganda campaign. Continue reading

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress

(Rasmussen) – In official Washington, some consider the Tea Party movement a fringe element in society, but voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party movement than they do to Congress. Continue reading

Video: Dems Make Case Tea Party Movement is Terrorist

(KurtNimmo) – The zombified Tea Party created by establishment Republicans and headed up by media darling Sarah Palin is taking heat for a spate of bad behavior around the country in response to the imposition of Obamacare. It is not clear who is responsible for the foul language and threats directed against Democrats but this has not stopped them from blaming their ideological twin, the Republican Party. Dems are demanding the Republicans denounce their creation — the hijacked and transmogrified Tea Party sworn to uphold the Republican platform of big government and endless war against phantom enemies. Read More Here

Native Indian Genocide: Parallels in Palestine

(Uruknet) – “One of the greatest crimes against humanity occurred right here in the United States of America. Support for the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People is a start to right this great wrong,” declared the American Indian Movement in a press release on 24 September 2009. Continue reading

World War

(PressTV) – US foreign policy ‘dominated by military’

US Department of Defense’s top officer Admiral Mike Mullen says America’s foreign affairs are dominated by military doctrines which need to be replaced by diplomacy. Read More Here

(Breitbart) – Brazil rebuffs US, says it will go own way on Iran

Brazil vowed Wednesday not to “bow down” to gathering international pressure to impose new economic penalties on Iran over its nuclear program if further negotiations might be fruitful. Read More Here

(PressTV) – 118 UN members reaffirm support for Iran’s N-program

As the West pushes for new sanctions against Iran, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) moves to issue a new statement, voicing its support for Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. Read More Here

(ChristianScienceMonitor) – Italy arrests Iran weapons smugglers as nuclear pressure builds

Italy said Wednesday it arrested seven alleged Iran weapons smugglers and charged that some are Iranian intelligence agents. The move comes as momentum builds for fresh sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan Proceeds Over China Protest

A proposed U.S. sale to Taiwan of missiles, helicopters and ships valued at about $6.4 billion will go forward. Read More Here

(NineO’Clock) – 20 Missile Interceptors Deployed in Romania Threaten Russia

Russia denounces Romania and US’s ‘rushed decisions’ on ballistic missile defence Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – 1 in 3 Killed by U.S. Drone Attacks In Pakistan Are Civilians

Thinktank report figures highlight increasing frequency of missile deaths Read More Here

“Coffee Party” Founder Is Obama Campaign Operative

(SteveWatson) – Billed as an alternative grassroots movement to the Tea Party, which has been for the most part absorbed by mainline Republicans and Neoconservatives, the “Coffee Party” promised to wake up politically minded Americans and offered a different avenue for the freedom movement. Continue reading

The GOP’s “small government” tea party fraud

(Salon) – There’s a major political fraud underway:  the GOP is once again donning their libertarian, limited-government masks in order to re-invent itself and, more important, to co-opt the energy and passion of the Ron-Paul-faction that spawned and sustains the ”tea party” movement.  The Party that spat contempt at Paul during the Bush years and was diametrically opposed to most of his platform now pretends to share his views. Continue reading

Attack in Austin: Outraged “Lone Wolf” or False Flag Op?

(KurtNimmo) – It is relatively easy to dismiss the Obama supporters over at Daily Kos for their immediate declarations that Joe Stack, the alleged Austin kamikaze IRS bomber, was a Tea Party fanatic. Daily Kos, after all, is operated by Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, the former Reagan youth with connections to the CIA. Continue reading

Video: Sex Pistols, Smashing Pumpkins members discuss HAARP, GM Foods, Illuminati

(CorbettReport) – In a recent interview posted on iamrogue.com, Sex Pistols co-founder Steven Jones and Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan discuss everything from HAARP and weather weapons to GMO foods, the elite depopulation agenda and the possibility for a genuine freedom movement in the United States. Read More Here

Newsweek: Powerful People Do Bad Things? “Too Silly To Discuss”

(PaulWatson) – Establishment rag in most feeble, sophomoric, embarrassing, and ultimately self-defeating hit piece to date Continue reading

Turkey’s PM calls on world to rescue Palestinians from Israeli siege

(WorldBulletin) – Erdogan called on the developed world to rescue 1.5 mln-Gazans from Israeli aggressions and siege, ending human tragedy in the land. Continue reading

With Glenn Beck leading the charge, mainstream media swarms on TX Gov. candidate Medina for not disavowing 9/11 Truthers

(America20xy) – Today, in a move that illustrates exactly why Glenn Beck has painstakingly tried to portray himself over the past year as some kind of man of the people while hosting a show on the infamous Fox News Channel that cheered the War in Iraq, he turned an interview with Debra Medina, a candidate for the TX Governer seat, into a PR ambush on her and the 9/11 Truth movement. Continue reading

CNN Redefines Constitutionalists as “Tenther Movement”

(SteveWatson) – Do you think the federal government is too big? Do you believe states have relinquished too much authority to Washington? Do you think the people should re-assert their constitutional rights in the face of diminishing liberties? You must be with that radical fringe group “The Tenthers” according to CNN. Continue reading

Captain America Plans to Infiltrate “Racist” Tea Party Movement

Marvel Comic’s Captain America is the mightiest soldier with the super powerful secret soldier formula that makes him a super man. Sadly, this muscle bound hero that took on the whole Nazi army during WWII seems to be afraid of those American people who’ve joined the Tea Party movement. Not only is Cappy quaking in his little red booties, but he’s sure that the Tea Party folks are dangerous racists, too. Continue reading