Video: Don’t Become What You Are Fighting – Luke Rudkowski

(WeAreChange) – This is an excerpt from Luke Rudkowski’s inspiring and informative speech at the Treason in America Conference. Continue reading

US/NATO Death Squads Killing Indiscriminately in Afghanistan

(WSWS) – The New York Times reported this week that the overall commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan is seeking to impose tighter control over the activities of special forces units, after recent operations led to more civilian deaths. General Stanley McChrystal’s concern is not the deaths, however, but the manner in which they are fuelling Afghan hatred for the US-led occupation and their occasional exposure in the international media. Continue reading

Video: Bill O’Reilly on Iran

(Fox) – September 24, 2009 Continue reading

Comparing Zionists to Nazis to be Criminalized

Parliament will be asked to consider whether the use of Nazi symbols and terms in reference to Jews, Israel and Zionism is breaking the law on incitement to racial hatred. Continue reading

Video: “What if…” – Dr. Ron Paul

Music Video Compilation Continue reading