MSM: Plan to Aid 9/11 Victims Is Rejected in House

(NYDaily) – House Republicans on Thursday blocked a Democratic plan to provide billions of dollars for medical treatment to rescue workers and residents of New York City who suffered illnesses from the toxic dust and debris at ground zero.

A majority of the lawmakers in the chamber supported the bill, but the 255-to-159 vote fell short of the two-thirds margin needed under special rules that were used to bring the measure to the floor. In the end, 243 Democrats and 12 Republicans supported the measure; 155 Republicans and 4 Democrats opposed it.

Democrats used rules requiring a wider majority for approval to prevent Republicans from offering amendments on the floor that would embarrass Democrats in an election year.

Republican opponents of the legislation expressed concern over the $7.4 billion cost of the program. But Democrats accused Republicans of being callous and vowed to bring the bill back for another vote in the fall. Full article here

See Also: (CSPAN) – Video: Rep. Anthony Weiner On the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

Rep. Anthony Weiner spoke on the House floor tonight in support of H.R. 847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which was blocked from passage by House Republicans. Rep. Weiner addresses some of the false arguments Republicans were using in their opposition to the bill. The vote was 255 to 159 in support of the bill, short of the 2/3 needed for passage; 155 Republicans voted against the legislation, which provides medical monitoring and treatment to World Trade Center responders and survivors who were exposed to the toxins at Ground Zero. Continue reading

9/11 Rescue Workers Suffered Severe, Permanent Lung Function Losses

(Medscape) – Study Summary

The emergency rescue workers who responded to the terror attacks and collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, were exposed to a dense cloud of pulverized building materials and products of the combustion. Many of the first responders were rescue workers from the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) and the emergency medical service (EMS). For most of these workers (10,870 from FDNY and 1911 EMS workers), records of routine lung function tests that predated 9/11 were available. Therefore, it was possible to accurately determine the acute effects of the exposure that occurred after the attack. Continue reading


(TheStar) – European debt fears batter TSX

Fears that the effects of a government debt crisis could push Europe into a severe economic downturn sent the Toronto stock market tumbling Monday. Read More Here

(ComedyCentral) – Video: The Daily Show with John Stewart on Hoarders – Video Link Here

U.S. Debt Clock – View Clock Here

(ChartingStocks) – Why Gold And The Dollar Are BOTH Rising

An unusual dynamic has taken shape over the last few months – Both the US Dollar and Gold have been rising together. Normally, such a movement would seem counter intuitive as Gold is a commodity and commodities tend to move in the opposite direction of the US dollar. Read More Here

(FT) – Financial Crises Getting Worse Worldwide

The pace and severity of financial crises has taken an ominous turn for the worse. Over the past 30 years, a crisis has occurred, on average, every three years. Yet, now, only 18 months after the meltdown of late 2008, Europe’s sovereign debt crisis has hit with full force. With one crisis seemingly begetting another, and the fuse between crises now getting shorter and shorter, the world economy is on a very treacherous course. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Sears and Kmart to offer cash-for-gold service

Sears Holdings Corp (SHLD.O), which expanded its layaway program to help cash-strapped consumers pay for purchases during the recession, is now helping its customers exchange their jewelry for cash as gold prices soar. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – `There’s No Money Left,’ U.K. Minister Learns From Predecessor

Arriving for work at the U.K. Treasury last week, the incoming chief secretary, David Laws, found a note from his predecessor, Liam Byrne, offering advice on the job.
“Dear Chief Secretary, I’m afraid to tell you there’s no money left,” Laws cited it as saying. Read More Here

Implode-O-Meter: Vicious Cycle – View Meter Here

(Bloomberg) – ‘There’s No Money Left,’ U.K. Minister Learns

Arriving for work at the U.K. Treasury last week, the incoming chief secretary, David Laws, found a note from his predecessor, Liam Byrne, offering advice on the job.

“Dear Chief Secretary, I’m afraid to tell you there’s no money left,” Laws cited it as saying.

“Which was honest,” Laws, whose position is the No. 2 in the Treasury after the chancellor of the exchequer, told a press conference in London today. “But slightly less than I was expecting.”

The note underscores the task facing Britain’s Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition as it seeks to reconcile demand for improved health and education services with promises to reduce the largest budget deficit since World War II. Read More Here

(May 16) – Video: Alex Breaks Down “Death of The Middle Class” on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon

Alex breaks down the international banking cartels continued plunder of the middle class here in america and how far they will go. – Part 1 Here Part 2 Here

(TimesOnline) – Germans lose faith in EU

The multi-billion-euro payout for Greece, followed by an even more expensive rescue package for the threatened single currency, has created the greatest political climate change in a generation. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Stocks, Euro Plunge on Concern Austerity Plans to Curb Recovery

Asian stocks fell the most in almost six months, led by the Shanghai Composite Index’s 5 percent plunge, the euro dropped to its lowest against the dollar since 2006 and the cost of insuring bonds from default jumped on concern European austerity measures will derail the recovery. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Financial Terrorists Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank

During a recent speech at a conference of elitists in Zurich Switzerland, IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn called for the introduction of a global currency backed by a global central bank which would act as the “lender of last resort” in the event of a severe economic crisis, which would represent another lurch towards fascist centralization of power by financial terrorists busy exploiting the fiscal chaos they created in order to impose world government.

Stating that “crisis is an opportunity,” Strauss-Kahn said that globalists should exploit the financial chaos plaguing the world in order to push for “a new global currency issued by a global central bank”. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Germans Fantasize About New Rich-Nation Currency Bloc That Doesn’t Even Include France

Tonight’s must-read comes from Ambrose-Evans Pritchard at The Telegraph who offers some clear views on why the EU’s big shock & awe rescue plan is not having its desired result — why it hasn’t fully instilled confidence. Read More Here

(EconomicCollapseBlog) – The Extreme Frustration Of Unemployed Americans

When Barack Obama visited Buffalo recently, he was greeted by a billboard advertisement with a very pointed message about unemployment. In just a few words it summarized the frustrations of an entire region. The billboard along I-190 had this very simple message for Obama: ”Dear Mr. President, I need a freakin job. Period. Sincerely,” As word about this billboard got out, it quickly made headlines all over the United States. Why? Well, the truth is that millions of hard working Americans are extremely frustrated about their lack of work right now. When you don’t have a job and you can’t provide for your family, very little else seems to matter. In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll, unemployment is now the second most important issue to American voters. The number one issue is the economy. Read More Here

(AFP) – Euro rescue package ‘just buys time’: Merkel

A trillion-dollar package to shore up ailing eurozone economies merely buys time until the deficits of certain members of the 16-member zone are cleaned up, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday. Read More Here

(SilverBearCafe) – Rigging the Markets – How They Do It

While the rest of the financial world struggles, it might seem strange that four of the largest US banks have made record profits this past quarter – and not just on average, but every single trading day. Too good to be true? Indeed. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Detroit’s Unemployment Rate Is Nearly 50%, According to the Detroit News

As many have noted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which culls federal unemployment data, does not account for all of the jobless in its widely-quoted national unemployment figures. Among those omitted: part-time workers who are looking for full-time jobs and frustrated job seekers who abandon their job search altogether. Read More Here

(BeverlyHillsCourier) – Flood Of Calif. Businesses Abandon State

Numerous California businesses are packing up their bags and trading in the blue skies and hot weather to head east.

The Courier obtained a copy of the businesses leaving California this year. They are: Read More Here

(SKOptionsTrading) – Where next for Gold?

So far in 2010, all eyes in the gold market have been looking up at $1225 wondering whether gold get back to that all time high? Now that question has been answered yet another arises, where next for gold? Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Video: Ron Paul – Those Who Voted Against Audit The Fed Will Pay The Price

Texas Congressman Ron Paul appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box earlier today to discuss the financial crisis and his ongoing effort to audit the Federal Reserve.

Paul, speaking publicly for the first time since the Senate passed a watered down version of his HR1207 amendment to fully audit the Fed, said that those who had essentially voted for more Fed power would see repercussions. Continue reading

A national disgrace: Neglect of Ground Zero workers is a scandal and a shame

(NYDailyNews) – The latest scientifically established facts about the harms suffered by 9/11 rescue and recovery workers scream out for action.

A study of 13,000 firefighters and Emergency Medical Service workers revealed in 2006 that about one-fifth had lost the equivalent of 12 years worth of lung functioning. Continue reading

Turkey’s PM calls on world to rescue Palestinians from Israeli siege

(WorldBulletin) – Erdogan called on the developed world to rescue 1.5 mln-Gazans from Israeli aggressions and siege, ending human tragedy in the land. Continue reading

MSM: 9/11’s delayed legacy – cancer for many of the rescue workers

(Guardian) – A spate of recent deaths of New York police and fire officers who took part in the emergency operation at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks has heightened fears that it could be the start of a delayed epidemic of cancer-related illness. Continue reading

MSM: Bailout May Cost $23.7 Trillion – Barofsky

(HuffingtonPost) – The federal government has devoted $4.7 trillion to help the financial sector through its crisis, a level of assistance equal to about one-third of the overall U.S. economy, a watchdog report said Monday. Continue reading

Doctors Confirm Flu Shot Disabled Woman As Carrey & McCarthy Lend Support

Doctors have confirmed that a seasonal flu vaccine led to a Virginia woman becoming severely disabled as actors Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy offered their support through their Generation Rescue charity, an organization attempting to raise awareness about the link between vaccines and autism. Continue reading

Video: Russia Today – Daniel Sunjata Wants a New 9/11 Investigation

In an exclusive interview with RT, “Rescue Me” Actor Daniel Sunjata explains his demand for a new 9/11 independent investigation. He says truth will reveal September 11th was an inside job. Continue reading

Audio: Dr. Laurie Nadel interviewed Rescue Me’s Daniel Sunjata about 9/11 Truth Movement

Daniel Sunjata is using his celebrity to push for a new investigation into the discrepancies surrounding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
A respected actor who stars as FDNY firefighter Franco Rivera on the television program Rescue Me (FX Networks), he has become an independent spokesman for the 9/11 Truth Movement. Daniel joins Dr. Laurie Nadel on Saturday, September 19th for a no-holds-barred interview. Continue reading

MSM: Ireland pays £48bn to rescue five banks from toxic debts

(Independent) – Five High street banks in Ireland are to be paid £48bn by a state agency to cover their toxic debts in the biggest financial rescue in the country’s history. Bonds issued by the National Assets Management Agency (Nama) will provide the struggling banks with £7bn more than the current £41bn value of their toxic debts. Continue reading

Treasury: US economy needs indefinite life support

(RawStory) – The US economy is recovering from the shock of last year’s banking collapse, but could continue to need financial assistance for an indefinite period into the future, the Treasury Department stated in a report released Monday. Continue reading

MSM: Surprising cancers seen in young 9/11 officers

(MSNBC) – Researchers say a small number of young law enforcement officers who participated in the World Trade Center rescue and cleanup operation have developed an immune system cancer. Continue reading

Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and Swedish toymaker BRIO have teamed up to get kids ready for their coming soft kill vaccinations. Continue reading

Ten Questions For Everyone Who Supported Obama

1. How much change has Obama brought to America? Continue reading

The Case of the Missing H-Bomb: The Pentagon Has Lost the Mother of All Weapons

60 years have passed since a damaged jet dropped a hydrogen bomb near Savanah, Ga. – and the Pentagon still can’t find it. Continue reading

The Bailout Bubble – the Bubble to End All Bubbles – Gerald Celente

The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight. This is the Mother of All Bubbles, and when it explodes, it will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic activity throughout the developed world. Continue reading

US ’sham’ bank bail-outs enrich speculators

The US Treasury’s effort to stabilise the banking system through the TARP programme is a hopelessly ill-conceived policy that enriches speculators at public expense, according to the buy-out firm supposed to be pioneering the joint public-private bank rescues. Continue reading

MSM: Regulators Shut Banks in Georgia, Michigan, California, Idaho

(Bloomberg) — Regulators seized banks in Georgia, Michigan, California and Idaho with total assets of $2.3 billion, bringing the tally of failures in the U.S. this year to 29, exceeding the total for all of 2008. Continue reading

MSM: Stiglitz Says White House Ties to Wall Street Doom Bank Rescue

(Bloomberg) – The Obama administration’s bank- rescue efforts will probably fail because the programs have been designed to help Wall Street rather than create a viable financial system, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said. Continue reading

IDF planning largest-ever drill to prepare Israel for war

The Home Front Command is preparing to hold the largest exercise ever in Israeli history, scheduled to take place in about two months, in hopes of priming the populace and raising awareness of the possibility of war breaking out. Continue reading

Bernanke’s Financial Rescue Plan: The glide-path to destitution

Fed chief Ben Bernanke has embarked on the most radical and ruinous financial rescue plan in history. According to Bloomberg News, the Fed has already lent or committed $12.8 trillion trying to stabilize the financial system after the the bursting of Wall Street’s speculative mega-bubble. Now Bernanke wants to dig an even bigger hole, by creating programs that will provide up to $2 trillion of credit to financial institutions that purchase toxic assets from banks or securities backed by consumer loans. Continue reading

MSM: Roubini Says Stocks Will Drop as Banks Go ‘Belly Up’ (Update2)

(Bloomberg) – U.S. stocks will fall and the government will nationalize more banks as the economy contracts through the end of 2009, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted last year’s economic crisis. Continue reading

Judgment Day for Geithner

Whether he deserves it or not, Timothy Geithner has become the poster boy for everything that’s wrong with the government’s scatterbrain financial rescue plan. Continue reading

Forget AIG Bonuses — The Next Bailout is Here

Democrats from Andrew Cuomo to Barney Frank to Barack Obama are demanding that the 418 AIG employees who received bonuses give them back. Sure, it’s outrageous that the very people who drove AIG off the cliff, along with a whole lot of other financial firms, walked away with million-dollar bonuses paid with taxpayer bailout money. But as the Wall Street Journal opinion page points out, “Taxpayers have already put up $173 billion, or more than a thousand times the amount of those bonuses, to fund the government’s AIG ‘rescue.’” Continue reading

MSM: AIG Told U.S. Failure May Cripple Banks, Money Funds

American International Group Inc. appealed for its fourth U.S. rescue by telling regulators the company’s collapse could cripple money-market funds, force European banks to raise capital, cause competing life insurers to fail and wipe out the taxpayers’ stake in the firm. Continue reading

The Bottomless Bailout – Ralph Nader

Does anybody in the federal government know or could know “who, what, where and when” of the massive, complex, vertical, horizontal, global collapse of Wall Street and its planetary tentacles in over 100 countries abroad? Step forward if you exist! Uncle Sam needs you! Continue reading

AIG: Billions Dished Out in the Dark

This is crazy! Forget the bleating of Rush Limbaugh; the problem is not with the quite reasonable and, if anything, underfunded stimulus package, which in any case will be debated long and hard in Congress. The problem is with what is not being debated: the far more expensive Wall Street bailout that is being pushed through–as in the case of the latest AIG rescue–in secret, hurried deal-making primarily by the unelected secretary of the treasury and the chairman of the Federal Reserve. Continue reading

Orwellian Doublethink: “Nationalize the banks.” “Free Markets.”

The language of deception Continue reading

Bailouts A Complete Fraud Against US Workers

A recent Associated Press news release exposed U.S. banks accepting billions in bailout money along with major corporations. Banks defraud American taxpayers by hiring thousands of foreign workers in place of our citizens. Continue reading

MSM: Germany facing worst slump since 1949

Euro-zone industrial orders plunged 3.9pc in September and Germany’s IFO index of business expectations has fallen to the lowest level since the survey began half a century ago, heightening fears of a severe slump across Europe next year.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy met Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel in Paris yesterday to plead for stronger German support for an EU-wide rescue package. The talks come as the European Commission adds the final touches to a €130bn (£110bn) fiscal stimulus plan. Continue reading

MSM: World is facing most challenging financial crisis since 1920s – Angela Merkel

German chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Wednesday that the world was facing its worst financial crisis since the 1920s, but nearly three-quarters of Germans remained unworried about the safety of their bank savings in a survey.

“We must prepare ourselves for a weakening of growth in Germany,” Merkel said in a speech in parliament as she hoped to shore up support for the government’s €480 billion rescue package announced Monday. Continue reading