Video: 9/11 Truthers Find Home in New Hampshire

(RussiaToday) – 9/11 is on the ballot this spring in 12 towns in New Hampshire. People throughout the region are encouraging their neighbors to “vote for answers.” They want the federal government to launch a new inquiry into what happened on that day now nearly 9 years ago. Continue reading

Video: 9/11 Truthers Locked Up For Life Under New US Law

(RussiaToday) – A new bill QUIETLY INTRODUCED by congress last week is causing quite a stir among civil liberties groups. The brainchild of senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman, the bill would give the United States government the power to indefinitely detain terror suspects without charge or trial. It would also allow the government to interrogate them for the intelligence value and it doesnt make a distinction between US citizens and non-citizens. Continue reading

Video: Webster & Alex Discuss Future Staged Events to Blame 9/11 Truthers

Alex & Webster talk about future staged events to be blamed on 9/11 truthers, because the establishment is running scared that most americans now question the official story of 9/11. Continue reading

Video: Dissenters To Be Detained As “Enemy Belligerents”?

(PaulWatson) – Since the establishment media is convinced that tea party members, 9/11 truthers, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, and basically anyone with a dissenting political opinion is a likely domestic terrorist, they should be celebrating the fact that a new bill would allow the government to detain such people as “enemy belligerents” indefinitely and without trial based on their “suspected activity”. Continue reading

Proof that 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous

(WashingtonsBlog) – Most Americans don’t know what kind of people 9/11 truthers really are. So they can’t figure out whether or not they are dangerous.

Below is a list of people who question what our Government has said about 9/11. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones on Geraldo – Media sought to demonize 9/11 truth with Pentagon incident link

(Fox) – Alex Jones exposes key information about the Pentagon shooting and the Christmas Day Bombing during a live segment with Geraldo Rivera on FOX News this Saturday. Geraldo asks if the Pentagon shooting incident “will stick to the 9/11 Truther people”, almost as if someone had intended a smear. Alex responds in anger about why the media moved so quickly in attempt to demonize 9/11 Truthers– who broadly include, polls show, a majority of Americans and 6 out of 10 9/11 Commissioners who question the official story. Continue reading

Video: Smear campaign against 9/11 truthers?

(RussiaToday) – Last night a California man opened fire outside the Pentagon in Washington DC. Today he has been linked to the 9/11 truth group that rejects the official explanation of 9/11. Continue reading

The smearing of dissent as “violence”

Have Glenn Beck and Chris Matthews linked peaceful activists with violent acts to spring the trap for an era of thought crime laws and politically-correct repression? Continue reading

Glenn Beck Supporters, Not 9/11 Truthers, Are Advocating Violence

(PaulWatson) – While Fox News host Glenn Beck propagandizes almost on a daily basis about how 9/11 truthers represent a dangerous extremist fringe who are planning on killing the President, it turns out that the only violence being espoused is coming from Beck’s own viewers. Continue reading

Who are the dangerous conspiracy theorists?

(TenthAmendmentCenter) – The recent Medina debacle on Glenn Beck’s overrated show highlights the obvious hypocrisy of the Beltway Right-wing when it comes to conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories that question government action are shunned while ones that endorse all-out war are to be embraced and repeated. Continue reading

Video: @GlennBeck What Are the Dangers of 9/11 Truthers?

Your Debra Medina attack really got me asking why it was a top priority for you to “expose” her “9/11 truther” connections.
You even asked:

“Do you have advisors that advise you or people that are around you that are 9/11 Truthers? … Would you, if you found out that there were, would you disavow them like the president should have but I mean, he escorted them out in the middle of the night.” Benedict Arnold Glenn Beck
Continue reading

Video: Debra Medina – Another Vicitim of Glenn McCarthyist Beck – Brian Romanoff

(NorCalTruth) – Debra Medina, a candidate for Governor of Texas, is about to be slammed by all corporate, and many “independent” news organizations.
She recently went on air to be interviewed by entertainer and saboteur Glenn Beck. The topic of 9/11 came up as Glenn is the new McCarthy of 9/11 truthers. Without taking  a position on Glenn Beck’s question she said, “there are some very good questions that have been raised.” Continue reading

Video: Glenn Beck For Dummies

(PaulWatson) – Glenn Beck is being characterized by the establishment as the leader of the freedom movement and yet a closer analysis of his ideology reveals that Beck is nothing more than a fake revolutionary who has supported and is pushing policies that are diametrically opposed to those embraced by true constitutionalists. Continue reading

Video: New Proof 9/11 Was an Inside Job!! Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

(FLASHBACK) – May 2009 – Richard Gage, member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, is interviewed on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, California, about the events of September 11, 2001. He has been an architect for over twenty years, and is experienced in steel structures. He, as well as 700 other architects and engineers, calls for a more thorough investigation into the collapses of the World Trade Center Buildings.  – 1000+ Architects and Engineers Signed up As of this Month January 2010 Continue reading

Audio: Beck Parrots White House Information Czar Talking Point

(KurtNimmo) – Glenn Beck is once again parroting White House talking points by invoking Information Czar Cass Sunstein’s rhetoric about 9/11 truthers being dangerous extremists, proving his anti-establishment image is a manufactured fraud. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones Tv – Glenn Beck Reiterates Cass Sunstein’s Nazi/Communistic Ideology About Truthers

Alex goes off on Glenn Beck for his comments tha he made on his radio program today about 9/11 Truthers wanting to take out Obama! Glenn Beck has really stepped over the line this time, and it’s time we all let him, and FOX News Corp know about it! Continue reading

Audio: Becks Says Truth Activists in the White House Threaten Obama’s Life

(KurtNimmo) – The grand master Mockingbird operative Glenn Beck said today on his nationally syndicated radio show that there are 9/11 truth activists in the White House and they threaten the life of Obama. “He has invited 9/11 truthers into the White House and into his administration… he is in danger.” Read More Here

Video: Alex Jones Tv – Obama’s Info Czar Sunstein, to Order Cointelpro, Military Provocateurs on Truthers

Alex talks about Obama’s Infomation Czar, Sunstein ordering cointelpro and miltary provocateurs to go and infiltrate conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings, according to a recently uncovered article Sunstein wrote for the Journal of Political Philosophy. Continue reading

Open Letter to the Denver Post

To Mr. Dan Haley October 8, 2009
Denver Post Editorial Page Editor
Since we have not heard back from you after sending this letter, and after several phone calls to which you have not responded, we have chosen to publish our letter as an open letter. Continue reading

Video: Russia Today – Daniel Sunjata Wants a New 9/11 Investigation

In an exclusive interview with RT, “Rescue Me” Actor Daniel Sunjata explains his demand for a new 9/11 independent investigation. He says truth will reveal September 11th was an inside job. Continue reading

Video: Russia Today – 9/11 Truth Revolution

(9-14-09) – 9/11 truth protests fill New York on the 8th anniversary of the worst tragedy in America’s modern history. RT’s Anastasia Churkina follows the hundreds of people who are still not getting the answers they want. Continue reading

Mr. Roff, 9/11 Truthers Are No “Fringe” Movement

An acerbic attack on Charlie Sheen for the crime of questioning the official story behind 9/11, a sentiment shared by the majority of Americans and indeed the majority of the 9/11 Commission itself, appearing in U.S. News and World Report this morning relies upon cliched and completely unfounded terms of reference in a poor effort to smear Sheen as part of a “conspiracy fringe”. Continue reading

Waking up the Huddled Masses (Some Humor) – Robert Singer

(Robert Singer) – 9/11 Truthers have you thought about what will happen when the US population “wakes up” from their delusion and demands the criminals be brought to justice? What exactly do you think will happen? Continue reading

9/11 Mind Swell

As we approach the eighth anniversary of 9/11 consider this paradox. In the post 9-11 years the scientific evidence for disbelieving the official government story has mounted incredibly. And the number of highly respected and credentialed professionals challenging the official story has similarly expanded. Yet, to the considerable disappointment of the international 9/11 truth movement, the objective fact is that there are no widespread, loud demands for a new government-backed 9/11 investigation. The 9/11 truth movement is the epitome of a marginalized movement, one that never goes away despite not achieving truly meaningful results, which in this case means replacing official lies with official truth. What has gone wrong? Continue reading

Video: Jack Blood and DJ Ball VS Glenn Beck

Radio host Jack Blood read a letter by We Are Change Vancouver’s DJ Ball to Glenn Beck. The letter is a response to Glenn Beck’s unsubstantiated lies he spread on Fox News. Continue reading

Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

There should be absolutely no doubt Glenn Beck is a government disinfo operative tasked with taking down the 9/11 truth and patriot movements. In fact, Fox News — as a primary fount of Operation Mockingbird — is tasked with attacking not only the 9/11 truth movement but the pro-liberty and Constitution movements as well. Continue reading

The New World Order Is Taking Over the Patriot and Truth Movements

We all know that there are infiltrators into the various patriot movements. Old news. But that is not what I discuss in this article. I may be wrong, but I think something far more serious is going on: I think that the biggest, strongest patriot movements (Alex Jones and the Truth Movement, Campaign for Liberty, etc.) are about to completely damaged or hijacked so that they no longer exist, and are completely destroyed. Continue reading

Toppling the New World Order: A Vision for How We Can Do It

Quite frankly, I’ve been racking my brain the past several months trying to foresee how on earth mankind can possibly take back the planet, given the stage of the Orwellian state we already find ourselves living in. I’m not the only one who has been stymied for practical ideas. Many Truthers feel it’s hopeless, while others feel there must be a way but don’t for the life of them know what it is. We all agree sharing information is important, getting it out to a much wider public. Beyond that, the plan pretty much fogs over. Continue reading