MSM: Counterterrorism Boss: Irresponsible Not to Assassinate Suspected Terrorists Without Trial

(CNN) – The director of the National Counterterrorism Center says the U.S. government believes that U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki had “a direct operational role” in the attempt to bring down an airliner bound for Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day.

Al-Awlaki is thought to be in Yemen. U.S. officials have said he had contact with Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, who tried to ignite a bomb concealed in his underwear aboard the Northwest Airlines flight.

Speaking to the Aspen Security Forum on Wednesday, Michael Leiter did not confirm that al-Awlaki is on a CIA hit list, but told the seminar, “If someone like Anwar al-Awlaki is responsible for part of an operation to try to kill more than 300 people over the city of Detroit, I think it would be wholly irresponsible for individuals like me, or (CIA Director) Leon Panetta, for Secretary (of Defense Robert) Gates and ultimately the president, not to at least think about and potentially direct all elements of national power to try to defend the American people. I think that is what the American people expect.” Read entire article

Video: Operation Blackjack – Retrospective

(PrisonPlanet) – Remember Operation Blackjack? In early 2009 The London Telegraph mysteriously ran a series of pieces in it’s “culture” section depicting a co-ordinated round of nuclear attacks on major cities, begining in London and moving to New York City, Washington DC, Toronto, Mexico City, Portland, and Los Angeles.

The series began as a crude slideshow of photoshopped mushroom clouds and ended abruptly in a comic strip style several weeks later. This change was perhaps in response to a bombardment of complaints from readers who saw no artistic merit in the depiction of mass slaughter.

As the plot of the piece unfolded it became clear that the attacks were carried out not by extemist terrorists, but by a cabal of elite wannabe rulers intent on instituting a global police state and usurping control of the planet under the auspices of protecting its population from more destruction. Continue reading

Kagan: Pro-State Shill

(LRCBlog) – As noted in the N.Y. Times piece Court Affirms Ban on Aiding Groups Tied to Terror, the Supreme Court’s “conservatives,”

In a case pitting free speech against national security, … on Monday upheld a federal law that makes it a crime to provide “material support” to foreign terrorist organizations, even if the help takes the form of training for peacefully resolving conflicts.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., writing for the majority in the 6-to-3 decision, said the law’s prohibition of providing some types of intangible assistance to groups the State Department says engage in terrorism did not violate the First Amendment.

Continue reading

Is Homeland Security Expecting a Major Terror Attack?

(ActivistPost) – There are so many terrorist drills lately with many more planned over the coming months, you’d think the Department of Homeland Security was preparing for something BIG.  If this were the Bush years we would be on Red Alert and the fear volume would be cranked up to 11. To their credit, the Mainstream Media is still trying to sell fear bundled as white-racist-homegrown-Tea Party-terrorists, but no one’s buying it anymore. Continue reading

Video: Chris Matthews Defends Domestic Terrorists While Smearing Americans As Dangerous Radicals

(PaulWatson) – Chris Matthews will this week smear millions of politically active Americans as dangerous and violent radicals when he hosts the MSNBC special, “The Rise of the New Right.” However, when terrorist bomber, leader of an organization that wanted to kill 25 million Americans, and the man who helped launch Barack Obama’s political career, Bill Ayers appeared on Matthews’ show, all he got was softball questions and platitudes.

As we reported last week, after obtaining a leaked transcript of the program which will air this Wednesday at 7pm ET from a concerned MSNBC staffer, it became clear that the show’s producers had gone back on their word to make a fair and balanced biography of the growing influence of the anti-big government movement, and in fact had resorted to exercising the same tired old cliches about how anyone who criticizes the federal government is a dangerous radical neo-nazi racist who probably wants to kill people. Continue reading

Video: Al Qaeda Number 3 Killed… Again

(SteveWatson) – The next time you consider voicing opposition to the illegal bombardment of Pakistan with drone delivered U.S. missiles, consider this – the drones are effective. So effective, in fact, that they can kill terrorists who have already previously been killed.

Once again this week we have been reliably informed by U.S. officials via the ever present SITE intelligence group via the terrorists themselves, that a drone delivered missile has successfully taken out Al Qaeda’s number three man: – Continue reading

Video: CBS Propaganda Placement – Conspiracy Theorists Are Anti-American, Domestic Terrorists

(SteveWatson) – A primetime CBS show that aired last week featured a notable example of so called “propaganda placement”, where a talking point is inserted into the plot in order to shape public perception, often at the behest of the government. Video Link Here

The Constitution Applies to Terrorists

(LewRockwell) – Yes, you read that right. The Constitution applies to terrorists. It also applies to stay-at-home moms, illegal immigrants, truck drivers, anti-government radicals, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Put differently, the Constitution does not apply only to citizens of the United States. It seems that protectionist collectivists treat this document like a two-year-old treats his favorite toy – unwilling to share, and incorrectly believing that it is his and his alone. This fallacy has become so propagated throughout the country’s general political mindset that a barbaric jingoism has resulted, leading people to automatically support the denial of constitutional protections of freedom for anybody who is a “terrorist.”

But who is a terrorist? Continue reading

MSM: $200m ‘behaviour detection’ officers fail to spot a single terrorist at airports

(Telegraph) – A team of more than 3,000 “behaviour detection” officers hired to spot terrorists at US airports have failed to catch a single person despite costing the taxpayer $200 million (£140 million) last year. Continue reading

Pentagon, Police Stage Terror Attack Exercise in Long Beach

(KurtNimmo) – If you live in Long Beach, California, you may think the city is under attack by terrorists today.

The Adler Realty Investment company in Long Beach has sent a notice to residents (see below) informing them that “response agencies,” including the U.S. Coast Guard, the local police and fire department along with the military will be conducting a training exercise in the city. “Port Protector 2010,” an attachment to the notice states, will consist of a training exercise in response to a “terrorist threat” including a “hostage scenario” and Hazmat training. Continue reading

Video: Arizona Getting A Bad Rap…If this video does not connect the dots on illegal immigration and terrorism, nothing will

(ActionNews2) – “We found illegals from Afghanistan, Egypt, iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen in custody.” Continue reading

US bill to link ‘terror’ to citizenship

(PressTV) – New bipartisan legislation introduced in US Congress says Americans involved in terrorist activities should be denied their right of citizenship.

If passed, the Terrorist Expatriation Act would strip any American that provides material support or resources to foreign terrorists from their citizenship. Continue reading

Video: Rep. Carson – Tea Party Protesters Are ‘One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security’

(BigGovernment) – Editor’s note: The video claims the biggest threat to the national security of the United States comes from Muslim terrorists. The Muslim terrorists mentioned include the Times Square and Christmas Day non-bombers who are obvious false flag patsies designed to scare little children, headline readers, and Fox News soundbite junkies. Continue reading

Video: U.S. Army Trains To Confront Tea Party ‘Terrorists’

(KurtNimmo&PaulWatson) – In a shocking development that outstrips even the infamous MIAC report, it has emerged via whistleblowers that the U.S. Military in Kentucky is training to confront Tea Party protesters and anti-government demonstrators, who in official intelligence advisories are described as bomb-making terrorists. Read More Here

MSM: Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller

(TimesOnline) – Time Fifteen years after the Oklahoma City bombing, the spectre of domestic terrorism has returned to haunt the Obama Administration, with a warning from the FBI that “home-grown and lone-wolf extremists” now represent as serious a threat as al-Qaeda and its affiliates. Continue reading

CNN Article Equates Confederate Soldiers to Terrorists

(KurtNimmo) – In a remarkably addlepated story about the Confederacy, Roland Martin of CNN tells us Confederate soldiers defending their homes against invasion by the North were no different than Osama bin Laden and the supposed 9/11 hijackers. Continue reading

One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terrorists”

(NeithercorpPress) – The word “terrorist” has assumed numerous presumptive connotations over the decades, and this trend of “redefining” the vicious label to suit certain governmental needs has only intensified in recent years, especially since 9/11. Its graduation as widely used political terminology gives it an almost archetypal quality, because it has the ability to trigger abundant and subconscious emotional reactions in the populace. However, these reactions are usually based on mass delusions: false ideas of what terrorism is, what it is not, and who is actually guilty of these loosely classified crimes. It is a weighted word, filled with projections, biases, and faulty perceptions. Continue reading

How Americans Are Propagandized About Afghanistan

(CommonDreams) – On February 12 of this year, U.S. forces entered a village in the Paktia Province in Afghanistan and, after surrounding a home where a celebration of a new birth was taking place, shot dead two male civilians (government officials) who exited the house in order to inquire why they had been surrounded. The Pentagon then issued a statement claiming that (a) the dead were all “insurgents” or terrorists, (b) the bodies of three women had been found bound and gagged inside the home (including two pregnant women, one a mother of 10 children and the other a mother of six children, and a teenage girl), and (c) suggested that the women had already been killed by the time the U.S. had arrived, likely the victim of “honor killings” by the Taliban militants killed in the attack. Continue reading

Video: CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists

(PaulWatson) – During a report on the indictment against members of the Hutaree organization raided by federal authorities this past weekend, CNN displayed images from the Michigan Militia website, a completely unconnected group, and implied that they shared the cop-killing agenda of the Hutaree, in a clear attempt to smear the national Tea Party movement as a terrorist fringe. Read More Here

Video: CNN Attempt To Portray Patriots As Terrorists Backfires, Segment Fails To Air

(PaulWatson) – A CNN Anderson Cooper segment which was set to demonize critics of big government and Obamacare as violent extremists backfired after radio host Alex Jones pointed out that corporate media outlets like CNN were responsible for killing over a million Iraqis as a consequence of their repeated lies about weapons of mass destruction. Continue reading

Video: Bermas On Russia Today – Are Feds Planting Terrorists?

(RussiaToday) – Defense attorneys say an alleged plot to bomb New York synagogues was hatched and directed by a federal informant. They said the informant badgered the defendants until they got involved in the plot and the 4 men are also saying the FBI tried to bully them into targeting planes. Continue reading

The 911 Cat is out of the bag

(BigEyeBlog) – The lid is blowing off a story broadcast by American TV on September 11, 2001. The question now is whether or not owners and managers of America’s mainline media will be able to continue burying facts, questions, controversy, speculations, and conclusions contradicting that day’s professionally crafted narrative. When will the American people be given access to documented facts unearthed over the years since that tragic and exceptional day? Continue reading

Shameful Anti-Free Speech Lobby Labels Questioning Government “Hate”

(PaulWatson) – Shameful Zionist propaganda lobby group The Simon Wiesenthal Center has issued a report which smears people who question government as racists and terrorists, labeling conspiracy theories “hate” in the latest crusade against free speech on the Internet. Continue reading

Video: While Government Treats Citizens As Terrorists, Mexican Military Invades U.S.

(PaulWatson) – While the U.S. government and federal authorities busy themselves targeting American citizens as domestic terrorists, it seems they couldn’t care less about the fact that the military of a foreign power is flying around American airspace with wanton abandon. Continue reading

Internet helped Flight 253 suspect radicalize, attack plane ‘within weeks’

(TheHill) – The Internet allowed extremists to contact, recruit, train and equip the suspect responsible for the attempted Flight 253 bombing on Christmas Day “within weeks,” a top Pentagon official told lawmakers Wednesday. Continue reading

Video: Dissenters To Be Detained As “Enemy Belligerents”?

(PaulWatson) – Since the establishment media is convinced that tea party members, 9/11 truthers, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, and basically anyone with a dissenting political opinion is a likely domestic terrorist, they should be celebrating the fact that a new bill would allow the government to detain such people as “enemy belligerents” indefinitely and without trial based on their “suspected activity”. Continue reading

Video: War Powers Resolution of 1973: Derailing the Gravy Train for the Dogs of War

(AmericasJourney) – Perpetual war for perpetual peace for perpetual war. Who benefits from this cycle of violence? The video at the bottom of this post provides an artistic perspective – an opportunity for us to reflect upon what we’ve become here in Amerika. Continue reading

World War

(Examiner) – US sponsors terrorists to overthrow Iran’s government again? Evidence suggests it’s true

Abdolmalek Rigi, leader of the assassination/terrorist group, Jundallah, was announced as captured by Iran’s government on February 23, 2010. Iran televised Mr. Rigi making a statement that the US government funds Jundallah, provides weapons, and assists with logistical management. Read More Here

(Rense) – US Steps Deeper Into Afghan Quagmire – Joul Skousen

With the ongoing attack on Marjah, the US military began its first major assault on a Taliban controlled town in Afghanistan and simultaneously entered a new and expanded phase of the war. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Israeli DM: No Need to Coordinate With US on Attacking Iran

At his visit to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), an AIPAC founded think tank, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak reiterated his calls for Western nations to keep “all options” open in moving against Iran. But more importantly, he suggested Israel might attack Iran even beyond American objections. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Russia Angered By US Missile Defense Plan

Russia has serious concerns about U.S. plans to deploy missile interceptors in Romania, the Foreign Ministry said Friday. Read More Here

Video: CIA helps terrorists in Iran? Jundullah leader claims agency arms support – Webster Tarpley

(RussiaToday) – The leader of a Sunni terrorist group fighting against Shiites in Iran says his organization has close links with the CIA. The head of the Jundullah group was captured earlier this week in the south of the country. Abol-malik Rigi says he met the U.S. agents in Pakistan, who promised support for carrying out terrorist attacks in Iran. Continue reading

Pentagon Quietly Explores De-Citizenship of US Citizen Terrorists

(TPM) – At the highest levels of the US military, a quiet discussion is going on about putting in place a legal framework that would permit the US government to strip American citizenship from terrorists. Continue reading

Americans Who Know Their Rights Are The Real Target Of Napolitano’s “Domestic Terror” Warning

(PaulWatson) – Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano cited examples of Muslim extremists in her warning Sunday that domestic terrorists were now as much a focus as international terrorism, but actual training manuals being used by state and federal authorities across America reveal that the primary target of the anti-terror apparatus hits a lot closer to home. Continue reading

No joke: South Carolina now requires ’subversives’ to register

(RawStory) – February 5, 2010 – Terrorists who want to overthrow the United States government must now register with South Carolina’s Secretary of State and declare their intentions — or face a $25,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. Continue reading

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Says 9/11 Staged

(AsiaOne) – There is strong evidence that the Sept 11 attacks on the United States that killed nearly 3,000 could have been ’staged’ as an excuse to mount attacks on the Muslim world, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Continue reading

See The Evidence

Now that eight years have passed since the events of 9/11 unfurled its devastating brow upon the world, it should be clear to any competent, intelligent, and sane person that the disastrous attacks were not carried out by 19 rag-tag, cave-dwelling, box cutter wielding, super-market caliber Muslim terrorists, but was in fact a false flag operation or intelligence black-op. It is not in the interest of the operator of this website to attempt to explain or argue exactly how 9/11 was accomplished. Of the many and widely varying theories suggesting how 9/11 was done, and what techniques were employed, the evidence for a “controlled demolition + remote control planes” scenario seems to be the most sound. For those who have not looked into the evidence indicating this I will provide a number of videos that will hopefully wake you from your stuppering slumber; that is if you still hold faith in the deluded fairy-tale that is the 9/11 official story. Read More Here

The World’s Worst Terrorists Based In Washington

(PakAlert) – Americans Must Ask; Who is Breeding Terrorism?
The above-captioned article was written by John Pilger in the daily The Yumiuri Shimbun, of Japan, dated 30th August, 1998. He says “In recent years Muslims have been the greatest sufferers from state terrorism.” The excerpts of his above-mentioned article are as below. Continue reading

Who Are The Real Terrorists?

No matter how many times you see it, the capacity for people to believe what they want to believe, rather than what is actually true, is astounding — and those who want to depict Islam as the ultimate evil seem to grant themselves special license to live that way:
From Jeffrey Weiss, Politics Daily, today: “And we’re still left with a terrible problem for a free and multicultural society: Even though 99.999 percent of Muslims abhor attacks on innocent civilians on moral and theological grounds, 100 percent of attempted terrorist attacks on the U.S. (and, with the exception of the Basques in Spain, terrorists attacks on all Western nations) since the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing have been committed by people claiming to act in the name of Islam.” Continue reading

Neocon Gingrich Demands Muslims Be Profiled as Terrorists

(KurtNimmo) – Newt Gingrich said in a twitter the other day that the government needs to begin profiling people in response to the staged Christmas day underwear non-bombing. “We need a new policy of systematically going after terrorists that involves explicit profiling and explicit discrimination for behavior,” said the prominent neocon. “It is time to go to profiling of dangerous people.” Continue reading

Poverty, Global Trade Justice, and the Roots of Terrorism – John Perkins

To combat terrorism, we should address the root causes of poverty, says former “economic hit man”
The following is adapted from Hoodwinked: An Economic Hitman Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded—and What We Need to Do to Remake Them. Random House, 2009. Continue reading

MSM: Iran vows revenge after claiming bomb attack was carried out by Britain

(Telegraph) – A bomb attack on Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard that killed over 40 people including top generals was carried out by terrorists trained by America and Britain in nearby Pakistan, a senior commander said on Monday. Continue reading