Loss of American Citizenship and Assassinations – David McKalip, M.D.

“I desire what is good. Therefore, everyone who does not agree with me is a traitor.” King George III .

“That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.” Benjamin Franklin, letter to Benjamin Vaughan, March 14, 1785

“As many of you know, it has been reported that President Obama has signed an order authorizing the assassination of [American Citizen] al-Awlaki… ..no one argues that a President doesn’t have the right to issue such an order. Senator Joe Lieberman, 5/6/10.

(CampaignForLiberty) – Imagine you are sitting home on a quiet Sunday afternoon in conversation with your beloved spouse. Suddenly your husband slumps over, blood draining from his head as a sniper’s bullet shatters your living room window. Your husband has just been assassinated by a government agent and it is later discovered — after ten years of painful inquiries carried out under the threat of your own assassination — that your husband was targeted as an enemy combatant and a terrorist. Continue reading

Joe Lieberman’s Fascist agenda to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights

(Examiner) – Senator Joe Lieberman is sponsoring a Bill with Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown called the “Terrorist Expatriation Act” that would strip terrorist suspects on their citizenship. The bill applies to any American that supports a foreign terrorist organization or any organization that is deemed a supporter of terrorism by an ally of the United States. The bill gives the State Department the power to determine who is a terrorist and strip away their citizenship.

Lieberman introduced the Bill stating “The State Department will make an administrative determination… the State Department will now have the authority to revoke their citizenship… they will not enjoy the rights and privileges of American citizenship in the legal proceedings against them…. he could then be tried by military commission as the Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent that he is.” Continue reading

MSM: Sec. State Clinton Supports Bill to Strip Americans of Citizenship

(Yahoo) – A new bill that would permit the State Department to strip Americans of their citizenship if they support terror networks has drawn a cool reaction from the White House, even as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared to embrace the measure.

“I have not heard anybody inside the administration that’s been supportive of that idea,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters Thursday.

But Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the administration would take “a hard look” at the measure, the New York Times reported. “United States citizenship is a privilege,” she told the Times. “It is not a right. People who are serving foreign powers — or in this case, foreign terrorists — are clearly in violation, in my personal opinion, of that oath which they swore when they became citizens.”

The proposed Terrorist Expatriation Act, introduced by Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), seeks to update a federal statue that outlines seven infractions that can result in Americans losing their citizenship. The measure would add to the list “actively engaging in hostilities against the United States or its allies” and “providing material support or resources” to a federally designated terrorist organization. Read entire article

US bill to link ‘terror’ to citizenship

(PressTV) – New bipartisan legislation introduced in US Congress says Americans involved in terrorist activities should be denied their right of citizenship.

If passed, the Terrorist Expatriation Act would strip any American that provides material support or resources to foreign terrorists from their citizenship. Continue reading